       Wood Bark Gum

“Marrysh mallowe, soden in wyne or mede, or brused and laid on by it selfe, is good for woundes, for hard kynelles, swellynges, and wennes, for the burnyng and swelling behynd the eares ... & it will ease the payne of ye tethe.”
Source: Turner (1568)

“The roote of Marsh Mallow boyled in wine and dronken, is good against the paine and griefe of the grauel and stone ... It is good also against the toothache ... the leaves, being layde to with oyle, do heale the burninges and scaldinges with fire and water, and are good against the bytinges of men and Dogges, and against the stinginges of Bees and Waspes.”
Source: Dodoens / Lyte (1578)

Scurvy grass

“Cochlearia or Spoonewort ... Which excellent plant Caesars soldiers ... found to preuaile ... against that plague and hurtfull disease of the teeth, gums, and sinewes, called the Scuruie ... a disease happening at the sea among Fishermen ... In English it is called, Spoonewort, Scruby grasse and Scuruie grasse.”

Source: Gerard / Johnson (1633)


“The ryght Mercury groweth comen in the feldes and wynyardes of Germany without any settyng or sowyng. And it beginneth now to be knowen in London, and in Gentlemennis places not far from London. I neuer saw it grow more plentuously in all my lyfe then about Wormes in Germany.”

Source: Turner (1568)

“Hippocrates commendeth it wonderfully for womens diseases, which none of the Physitians of our dayes, I thinke ever put in practice, for he applied it to the secret parts to ease the paines of the mother, and used both the decoction of it to procure womens courses, and to expell the afterbirth ... ”
Source: Parkinson (1640)