       Wood Bark Gum

“If it be boiled in wine, and drunke, it prouoketh vrine, driueth forth the stone, and bringeth down the naturall sicknesse of women. The same taken as aforesaid, is a remedie against the stinging and poyson of Serpents.”
Source: Gerard / Johnson (1633)


"Scilla is named in Greke Skilla of ye Apothecaries Squilla ... it may be called in English, sea unyon or Squilla or Squill unyon. ... It groweth much in Spayn and Apulia by ye sea syde ... them that are vexed wyth a longe cough, them that ar short winded, and that spit blood: one scruple and an halfe is inough to be taken at one tyme wyth honye. ...
Som authours write that if the squilla be hanged vp hole aboue the dore, that no wychecrafte nor sorcerye shall take any place there."
Source: Turner (1568)

Comfrey root

“Dioscorides maketh two kindes of symphytum ... in English comfrey ... The rootes are good if they be broken and dronken for them that spitte bloode ... The same layd to, are good to glewe together freshe woundes.”
Source: Turner (1568)

“The rootes of Comfrey ... being brused and layde to in the manner of a playster, do heale all greene and freshe woundes ...”
Source: Dodoens / Lyte (1578)

“The root stamped and applied, taketh away the inflammation of the fundament, and ouermuch flowing of the hemorrhoids.”
Source: Gerard / Johnson (1633)