A large number of instruments from the medieval and renaissance period are unsigned; the practice of adding a signature only became widespread towards the end of the period. In most cases, the exact reason why a maker chose not to sign the instrument is unknown, but several possibilities exist: the instrument may have been a collaborative piece produced in a workshop; the client may have requested that no signature be added; the instrument may be an inferior piece that the maker did not want to be directly identified with; the instrument may be an imitative piece in the style of a well-know maker but by another person; or a signature on the instrument may simply have been defaced or the part of the instrument on which it was engraved lost.

For instruments by Unsigned, see:
   Armillary Sphere, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1580 (Oxford, MHS)
   Armillary Sphere, Unsigned, Flemish, circa 1550 (Oxford, MHS)
   Armillary Sphere, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1500 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Hispano-Moorish, circa 1260 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1500 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, circa 1400 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1300 (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, 13th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Italian, Later 15th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, circa 1570 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, Dated 1595 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Hispano-Moorish, circa 1300 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Flemish, Late 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1350 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, Late 14th century ? (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Hispano-Moorish, circa 1260 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Spanish, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, Later 14th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1500 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, circa 1400 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, Dated 1326 (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Italian, Dated 1568 (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, origin unknown, circa 1400 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Hispano-Moorish, circa 1260 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1600 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Sicily, 14th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, origin unknown, Early 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1320 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Spanish, 14th century ? (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Spanish, Mid 14th century ? (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1370 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, origin unknown, Late 14th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, Late 15th century ? (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, German, Dated 1521 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, English, circa 1370 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, French, circa 1450 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Unsigned, Italian, Late 15th century ? (London, BM)
   Astronomical Clock, Unsigned, German, circa 1575 (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, French, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (London, BM)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, Florence, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Astronomical Compendium, Unsigned, English, circa 1600 ? (London, BM)
   Astronomical Ring Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Astronomical Ring Dial, Unsigned, Flemish, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Astronomical Ring Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Azimuth Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Azimuth Dial, Unsigned, English, circa 1600 (London, BM)
   Compass, Unsigned, Italian, Dated 1562 (Oxford, MHS)
   Compass, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Compass, Unsigned, English, 15th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Compasses, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Crucifix Dial, Unsigned, French, Dated 1592 (Oxford, MHS)
   Crucifix Dial, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Crucifix Dial, Unsigned, Rome, Dated 1575 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Spanish, circa 1600 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Spanish, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, French, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, Late 15th century (London, BM)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1480 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Italian, Dated 1589 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Flemish, Dated 1595 (London, BM)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, French, Dated 1573 (Firenze, IMSS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, Dated 1543 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Flemish, Dated 1586 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Italian, Dated 1596 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, English, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, Dated 1539 (Oxford, MHS)
   Diptych Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Drawing Instruments, Unsigned, Milan, Early 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Equatorium, Unsigned, French, Late 15th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, English, Late 15th century ? (London, BM)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, French, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, origin unknown, 15th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, French, circa 1500 (Oxford, MHS)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, Spanish, 15th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Equinoctial Dial, Unsigned, German, Dated 1584 (Oxford, MHS)
   Folding Rule, Unsigned, English, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Folding Rule, Unsigned, English, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Geometrical Square, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Globe Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Gunner's Caliper, Unsigned, Dutch, circa 1600 (Leiden, Boerhaave)
   Gunner's Compendium, Unsigned, German, Dated 1595 (Oxford, MHS)
   Gunner's Compendium, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Gunner's Gauge Scales, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Gunner's Level, Unsigned, German, Dated 1573 (London, BM)
   Gunner's Sight And Level, Unsigned, origin unknown, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Gunner's Sight And Level, Unsigned, Augsburg, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Gunner's Sight And Level, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Gunner's Sight And Level, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Gunnery Instrument, Unsigned, German, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, Nuremberg, circa 1600 ? (London, BM)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, origin unknown, circa 1500 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, German, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, Austrian, Dated 1453 (London, BM)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, English, circa 1500 (Oxford, MHS)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, Dutch, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Horizontal Dial, Unsigned, Italian, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Level, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Mariner's Astrolabe, Unsigned, Spanish, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Measuring Rod, Unsigned, origin unknown, 15th century (London, BM)
   Measuring Rod, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Measuring Rod, Unsigned, German, circa 1600 (London, BM)
   Mining Instruments, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Mining Instruments, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Mining Instruments, Unsigned, German, Later 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Mining Instruments, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Navicula Dial, Unsigned, origin unknown, 15th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Navicula Dial, Unsigned, English, 15th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Nocturnal, Unsigned, French, Late 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Nocturnal, Unsigned, English, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Nocturnal, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1560 (Oxford, MHS)
   Nocturnal, Unsigned, French, Dated 1588 (London, BM)
   Nocturnal, Unsigned, German, 16th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Nocturnal And Quadrant, Unsigned, French, Dated 1543 (Oxford, MHS)
   Nocturnal And Sundial, Unsigned, French, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Nocturnal And Sundial, Unsigned, French, Dated 1554 (Firenze, IMSS)
   Nocturnal And Sundial, Unsigned, Rome, Dated 1578 (Oxford, MHS)
   Nocturnal And Sundial, Unsigned, French, Dated 1560 (Firenze, IMSS)
   Nocturnal And Sundial, Unsigned, French, circa 1600 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Pendant Sundial, Unsigned, English, Medieval (Oxford, MHS)
   Polyhedral Dial, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Polyhedral Dial, Unsigned, German, Late 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Polyhedral Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Polyhedral Dial, Unsigned, origin unknown, Date unknown (Oxford, MHS)
   Polyhedral Dial, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Protractor, Unsigned, English, Late 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Protractor, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, German, 14th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 ? (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, origin unknown, Date; place Undated (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, Italian, 15th century ? (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, English, Dated to 1400 (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, origin unknown, Late 15th century ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, English, 14th century (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, French, Dated 1567 (Oxford, MHS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, French, circa 1300 (Oxford, MHS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, English, Dated 1399 (London, BM)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, English, circa 1400 (Oxford, MHS)
   Quadrant, Unsigned, German, Mid 16th century ? (London, BM)
   Radio Latino, Unsigned, Italian, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Ramming Rods, Unsigned, English, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Reduction Compass, Unsigned, Italian, circa 1600 (Oxford, MHS)
   Ring Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (London, BM)
   Ring Dial, Unsigned, German, circa 1480 ? (Oxford, MHS)
   Scaphe Dial, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Sun And Moon Dial, Unsigned, German, circa 1580 (London, BM)
   Sundial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Oxford, MHS)
   Surveying Instrument, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Surveying Instrument, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Surveying Rod, Unsigned, English, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Surveying Staff, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Surveying Staff, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Surveyor's Line, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Theodolite, Unsigned, English, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Theodolite, Unsigned, Italian, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Theodolite, Unsigned, Dutch, Dated 1565 (Oxford, MHS)
   Theodolite, Unsigned, Italian, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Tripod Base, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Tripod Legs, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Tripod Legs, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Vertical Dial, Unsigned, German, Dated 1593 (London, BM)
   Vertical Dial, Unsigned, Florence, Later 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Vertical Dial, Unsigned, German, 16th century (Firenze, IMSS)
   Vertical Disc Dial, Unsigned, Spanish, Late 16th century (London, BM)
   Vertical Disc Dial, Unsigned, German, 1550 or 1574 (Oxford, MHS)
   Vertical Disc Dial, Unsigned, German, Date; place Undated (Oxford, MHS)
   Vertical Disc Dial, Unsigned, German, Dated 1564 (Oxford, MHS)
   Vertical Disc Dial, Unsigned, German, circa 1570 (Oxford, MHS)
   Wind Vane, Unsigned, German, circa 1590 (London, BM)

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