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Surveying Instrument
Signed by Hieronimo de Antonio Buzzofo
Dated 1562; Italian
Wood; 180 mm in height

The instrument consists of a hollow cylindrical piece of wood, which can be fitted on a pole, with a larger cylindrical top part. The smaller base is turned and the upper part has a double brass band, inscribed 'HIERONIMO DE ANTONIO BUZZOFO FATTO DE LANNO 1562' on the top and 'SI DEVS EST PRO NOBIS QVIS CONTRA NOS [foliage] P<ER> ARTE RISMETTICA'. Next to the corner where the sights were cut the wood has cracked.

The instrument was presented by C. M. Read in 1901 and is described in F. A. B. Ward, A Catalogue of European Scientific Instruments in the Department of Medieval and Later Antiquities of the British Museum (London, 1981), p. 98, no. 287.

Ilaria Meliconi

British Museum, London
Registration no. MLA 1901, 7-20.1

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