The outer side of the upper leaf of this oval dial has a wind rose with 32 directions, 16 of which are named, along with a brass index arm and compass viewing hole.The inner part of the upper leaf has a vertical pin gnomon dial marking the length of the day from 8 to 16 in red and the declination of the sun by means of the symbols of the zodiac signs. Below is a string gnomon dial with common hours marked from 7 to 12 to 5 and lines and dots for the half and quarter hours. At the centre of the dial is a sun effigy in eccentric circles and at the bottom of the leaf is the signature 'PAVLVS REINMAN' in red and black.
The inner part of the lower leaf has a string gnomon dial with common hours numbered from 4 to 12 to 8, and with dots and lines for the half and quarter hours. The compass is blank, and below it, is a scaphe dial with Italian hours numbered in black from 9 to 23 and Babylonian hours numbered in red from 1 to 16, with a six-leaf flower at the centre. A sun and moon effigy and stars complete the decoration.
The outer side of the lower leaf has a lunar volvelle (incomplete) and a table of Julian epacts starting for the year 1602 explained by the inscription 'EPACTA IVLIA ANNO 1602'. At the bottom is the maker's mark (a coronet) and four bun feet in the spandrel spaces. On the left edge is a compartment for the wind vane (missing).
See P. Gouk, The Ivory Sundials of Nuremberg 1500-1700 (Cambridge, 1988)
Ilaria Meliconi