Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
51786 313 1659 Planispheric London Henry Sutton Latin Full Details
51934 1000000 1943 Linear Brussels Henri Michel French Full Details
52066 73 1647/8 (A.H. 1057) Planispheric India (?) Ibn Muḥibb Ḥaqiqa Persian Full Details
52209 180 ca. 1570 Planispheric Florence Egnazio Danti Latin Full Details
52332 1000000 18th century (?) Planispheric,  Blank in template Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
52399 1012 1587/8 (A.H. 996) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Amīn ibn Amīrzā Khān Arabic Full Details
52473 2527 1081/2 Planispheric Guadalajara Muḥammad ibn Sa‘īd as-Ṣabbān Arabic Full Details
52478 2540 18th century Planispheric India Unknown Sanskrit Full Details
52528 2046 early 16th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
52713 147 1728/9 (A.H. 1141) Planispheric North Africa Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Baṭṭuṭī Arabic Full Details
52869 2044 ca. 1400 Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
53211 224 1560 Geographic Antwerp Gillis Coignet Latin Full Details
53307 2537 17th century (?) Planispheric Turkey Unknown Arabic Full Details
53556 143 14th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
53558 229 1565 Planispheric Louvain Regnerus Arsenius Latin Full Details
53637 77 1658/9 Planispheric Lahore Ḍiyā’ ad-Dīn Muḥammad Arabic Full Details
53801 196 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
53966 528 1600 Geographic Narbonne François Morillard Latin Full Details
54063 1014 ca. 1650 Planispheric India Unknown Arabic Full Details
54193 36 1703/4 (A.H. 1115) Planispheric Iṣfahān ‘Abd al-A’imma Arabic Full Details
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