Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
54330 410 late 14th or early 15th century Planispheric Paris (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
54424 411 early 17th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
54545 1025 20th century Planispheric Persia (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
54607 48 17th century Planispheric Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
54843 316 1802 Planispheric London Stephen Godwin English Full Details
55331 118 1068 (A.H. 460) Planispheric Toledo Ibrahīm ibn Sa'īd as-Sahlī Arabic Full Details
58805 1000000 1925 Planispheric London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
75059 1000000 1925 Planispheric Oxford Charles Frewen Jenkin English Full Details
88453 1000000 18th century Plate Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
91897 403 1492 Planispheric Germany Hans Herghamer Latin Full Details
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