 Cornelius Vinch
Cornelius Vinch (or Vinckx, fl. 1599-1623) was an Antwerp-born instrument maker who worked in Naples. He made astrolabes, sundials, cross staffs and astronomical compendia. In 1601 he made an armillary sphere for Camillo Gonzaga, Count of Novellara.

For instruments by Cornelius Vinch, see:
   Armillary Sphere, Signed by Cornelius Vinch, Naples, Dated 1601 (Oxford, MHS)
   Astrolabe, Signed by Cornelius Vinch, Naples, Dated 1599 (London, BM)
   Astrolabe, Signed by Cornelius Vinch, Italian, Dated 1600 (London, BM)


E. Zinner, Deutsche und Niederl?ndische astronomische Instrumente des 11. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (2nd ed., Munich, 1967), pp. 570-1; V. A. Rasquin, Dictionnaire des Constructeurs Belges d'Instruments Scientifiques (les origines ? 1914) (Brussels, 1996), pp. 96-7; K. van Cleempoel, in K. van Cleempoel et al, Instrumentos Cientificos del Siglo XVI: la Corte Espa?ola y la Escuela de Lovaina (Madrid, 1997), pp. 162-3, and 212-3 [pp. 109, and 131-2 in the English summary].

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