 Antonio Santucci
Antonio Santucci (Pomarance, Pisa 16th century - mid-17th century), reader in mathematics at the University of Pisa from 1599, was astronomer to the Medici court for a long time, in the service first of Ferdinand I and then of Cosimo II. He observed comets, especially that of 1582, and composed a treatise in which he held that they were not atmospheric phenomena, as was generally thought at the time. Some astronomical manuscripts of Santucci have survived. A treatise on mathematical and topographical instruments conserved in the Medici Guardaroba at the end of the 16th century is also attributed to him.

For instruments by Antonio Santucci, see:
   Armillary Sphere, Signed by Antonio Santucci, Florence, Constructed 1588 to 1593 (Firenze, IMSS)

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