geographical planisphere: map of the earth, produced by geometrical projection of a sphere on to a flat surface. Included as the more prominent part of the geographical astrolabe.
geometrical square: form of quadrant, with sides divided equally and having an alidade at one corner, used for measuring angles in terms of ratios in the manner of a shadow square on the back of an astrolabe.
globe dial: form of sundial, where the hour lines are on the outer surface of a sphere.
gnomon: the part of a sundial that casts the shadow for indicating the time.
golden numbers: numbers denoting the positions of years in the lunar cycle, see article on time and date.
graphometer: type of surveying instrument, see article on the graphometer.
gunner's caliper: a instrument used to take dimensions in gunnery, such as the diameter of cannons and projectiles.
gunner's compendium: an instrument combining several functions required by the gunner, often incorporating the gunner's sight and gunner's level, along with additional elements.
gunner's folding rule: a folding rule carrying tables or scales specially adapted for the use of gunners.
gunner's gauge scales: scales which provide the weight of a sphere (the shot) from a measurement of its diameter; in gunnery these scales were traditionally provided for iron, lead and stone.