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34 to 43 of 227 glossary terms
chalice dial: sundial where the hour lines are inscribed on the inside surface of a goblet. A second set of lines can be included to allow for refraction, when the goblet is full. See also scaphe dial.
circumferentor: form of surveying compass with fixed sights, where bearings are read from the position of a magnetic compass, see also article on the theodolite.
climates: division into latitude zones of the part of the earth known to ancient geographers, used by Ptolemy.
clinometer: an instrument for measuring inclination.
common hours: system of hour reckoning, see article on time and date.
compass: instrument indicating directions by a magnetic needle, see article on compass.
compass card: card or paper with a printed, drawn or painted compass rose, usually carried above the magnetic needle of a compass.
compass dial: form of azimuth dial.
compass rose: diagram of the points of the compass, often decorated and coloured. North is usually indicated by a fleur-de-lys.
compasses: instrument for drawing circles. see article on drawing instruments.
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