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184 to 188 of 227 glossary terms
solar time: time measured directly from the position of the sun, see article on the sundial.
solstice: either of two points on the ecliptic where the sun achieves its maximum declination. The term also refers to the two dates when the sun reaches this position in its annual cycle. The winter solstice corresponds to the shortest day, the summer solstice to the longest. Near these points the sun's declination changes only slowly, hence the etymological meaning of solstice as 'standing sun'.
star pointer: point marking the position of a star, see article on the astrolabe.
string gnomon: the part of a sundial which casts the shadow, where this part is in the form of a taut string.
sun and moon dial: sundial that can also tell the time from the shadow cast by the moon, see article on the sundial.
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