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163 to 170 of 227 glossary terms
quadragesima: the 40 days of Lent or the first Sunday in Lent.
quadrans vetus: type of horary quadrant, see article on the quadrant.
quadrant: instrument based on a quarter of a circle, see article on the quadrant.
quadratum nauticum: diagram for finding course directions from latitudes and longitudes, see article on the astrolabe.
quatrefoil: decorative form with four leaves or petals.
radio latino: instrument for measuring angles in surveying and gunnery, see article on the radio latino.
ramming rods: long rods, often in wood, intended for use in gunnery and used to push the projectile inside a cannon, or to compress the powder in an arquebus.
reduction compass: a drafting instrument with two pivoting arms which sits parallel to a drawing surface, held up by its fixed points. The arms have no scales but can be divided at any given position by moveable points.
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