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133 to 152 of 227 glossary terms
octant: the eighth part of a circle or an instrument measuring up to 45 degrees.
old quadrant: type of horary quadrant, see article on the quadrant.
opposition: two planets 180? from each other in the ecliptic are said to be in opposition. This relative position had important astrological significance.
ordinary hours: system of hour reckoning, see article on time and date.
orthographic planisphere: flat map produced by orthographic projection.
pedometer: device worn by a walker to measure distance by counting paces.
pendant sundial: a form of sundial suspended by a cord and possibly hung around the neck.
perpetual calendar: calendar covering a number of years, see article on time and date.
phase of the moon: the changing appearance of the moon throughout its approximately monthly cycle, from the thin crescent of new moon to the complete circle of full moon and back again.
pillar dial: type of altitude dial, see article on the sundial.
pin gnomon: the part of a sundial which casts the shadow, where this part is in the form of a pin.
plane table: type of surveying instrument, see article on the plane table.
plane table alidade: an alidade specially adapted for use with a plane table.
planetary hours: system of hour reckoning, see article on time and date.
planetary temperaments: astrological character of the fixed stars; as assigned in classical astrology, each star had a nature and effect similar to one or more of the planets.
planisphere: a representation of a spherical body on a flat surface, commonly a map of the earth or of the heavens.
planispheric astrolabe: astronomical instrument based on a planispheric projection of the heavens, see article on the astrolabe.
plate: part of an astrolabe with a projection of altitude and azimuth lines on to the equatorial plane, see article on the astrolabe.
plumb level: device for determining a horizontal level or an angle of elevation by a plumb line or plummet.
plumb line: a suspended thread with a weight at its end, indicating the vertical.
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