
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  "Raffronto tra l'astrario e il planetario del Dondi"
—>  "Rahn's Algebraic Symbols"
—>  "Railway Bearing Metals: Their Control and Recovery"
—>  Railway Plans & Other Railway Items
—>  Raleigh & Roanoke: The First English Colony In America, 1584-1590
—>  "Ralph Alger Bagnold 3 April 1896-28 May 1990 ..."
—>  "Ralph Treswell's Surveys of London Houses c1612"
—>  Rambling Recollections [extract]
—>  Ramon Llull y el numero primitivo de las dignidades en el "Arte General"
—>  Ramon Llull y la "De Divisione Naturae"
—>  "Ramon Llull y las tres potencias del alma"
—>  Ramon Lull and John Scotus Erigena
—>  Range and Vision: The First Hundred Years of Barr and Stroud
—>  Rapid calculations
—>  Rapport
—>  "Rapport au XVIIe Congres International, Washington 1952"
—>  "Rapport Fait a la Classe des Sciences physiques et mathematiques de l'Institut, sur un Memoire de M. d'Artigues, relatif a la fabrication du Flint-Glass, et sur de grandes lunettes astronomiques presentees par M. Cauchois"
—>  Rapport fait a l'Academie des Sciences sur les Appareils Telegraphiques de M. Siemens (de Berlin)
—>  "Rapport sur les Observations des Marees faites en 1835, en Differens Points des Cotes de Belgique"
—>  Rapport sur les Travaux de la Commission Hydrometrique en 1844, presente a Monsieur le Maire de Lyon, par Monsieur Lortet, president
—>  Rapport Sur un Memoire de M. Payen, intitule: Complement d'un Memoire sur la compositions chimique du tissu propre des vegetaux, et sur les differents etas d'agregations de ce tissu
—>  "Rapports sur le Memoire de M. Mahmoud"
—>  Rapports sur les Instrumens inventes ou construits par Charles Chevalier
—>  Rara Astronomica in Estonia
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu Astronomical Observatory"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu University: Books Printed before 1600. Addenda & Corrigenda"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Preliminary Report"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Supplement"
—>  Rara Avis in Terris: or the Compleat Miner; in Two Books. The First containing, the Liberties, Laws and Customs of the Lead-Mines, within the Wapentake of Wirksworth in Derbyshire; in fifty-nine Articles, being all that ever was made. The Second teacheth
—>  Rara Cosmographica in Estonia
—>  Rara Mathematica; or, a Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and subjects connected with them, From ancient inedited Manuscripts
—>  Rara Scientifica et Medica. A selection of valuable scientific and medical books from the 15th to the 20th century.
—>  Rare Books and Special Collections in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries
—>  Rare Books in the Medical Sciences
—>  Rariora: Being notes of some of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Historical Documents, Medals, Engravings, Pottery. etc. etc., collected (1858-1900)
—>  Rasa'il Abi Nasr Mansur b. Iraq ila al-Biruni
—>  Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine, and Alchemy
—>  "Rathborne's Surveyor (1616/1625): the first Russian Translation from English?"
—>  "Rational Fluid Mechanics 1687-1765"
—>  Rationality and Ritual: The Windscale Inquiry and Nuclear Decisions in Britain
—>  Rats, Lice, and History
—>  Ratujmy od zniszezenia dokumenty naukowe
—>  "Ray Lankester, 1847-1929: Zoologist and Biologist"
—>  "Ray's Journey through Lincolnshire, 1661"
—>  Razvitiye atomisticheskikh predstavlenii do nachala XIX veka
—>  Razzi Incidenti e Razzi Refressi. III.- Lettura Vinciana
—>  "Reactions of, and Absorption by, Lymphatics, with Special Reference to those of the Diaphragm"
—>  Reactions-Schema fur die qualitative Analyse zum Gebrauche im chemischen Laboratorium.zu Berlin
—>  Readers' Guide to the Oriental Institute Library | Eastern Art Library and Nissan Institute Library
—>  "Reading the Messages in the Genes"
—>  Readings in Glass History
—>  Readings in Science; being explanations of some of the most interesting Appearances and Principles in Natural Philosophy, expressed in simple language, and illustrated by familiar examples : 2 entries
—>  Reagent Labels (Contents 360)
—>  Real Colour Photography: A pamphlet giving full details of the new process of colour photography, which is now within the reach of all amateur photographers
—>  Real Orthochromatism
—>  "Reappearance of the first Leitz Polarized Light Microscope of 1885"
—>  Rearranging formulae : unwrapping books : O3 Gallery, 20 March-25 April 2010
—>  Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery
—>  "'Reason's Dim Telescope': A Poetic Tirade Against Joseph Priestley, F.R.S."
—>  Reaumur
—>  "Reaumur und die Erfindung des Tempergusses"
—>  Recalculated Elements of Delambres New Tables for Calculating the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites
—>  Recensionen
—>  Recent Advances in Conservation
—>  Recent Advances in Microscopy: Biological Applications
—>  Recent Advances in Pharmacology
—>  Recent British Books on the History of Science and Technology: An exhibition selected in association with the Royal Society on the occasion of the XI International Congress on the History of Science, Warsaw, August 1965
—>  "Recent Discoveries in Early Scottish Photography"
—>  Recent Experimental Researches in Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism
—>  "Recent progress in biology"
—>  "Recent Research Work in the Davy Faraday Laboratory"
—>  "Recent Symbolisms for Decimal Fractions"
—>  "Recent Trends in the Study of Medieval and Renaissance Science"
—>  "Recent work on corrosion and oxidation"
—>  "Recent Work on the Graveney Boat"
—>  "Recent Work upon Visceral and Allied Nerves"
—>  Reception 25 January 1973 to Celebrate the Quincentenary of the Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus
—>  Reception to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of the 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', Hooke's 'Micrographia' and Evelyn's 'Sylva', honoured by the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 16 November 1965
—>  Rechenbuch, Erstlich, von etc. V Unnd wie man die funff Horologia, ... {?}
—>  Rechengerate aus der Sammlung des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons: Bestandskatalog
—>  Rechenkunst und Rechentechnik: Von den mechanischen Anfangen zur elektronischen Gegenwart
—>  Rechenpfennige. Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftsgechichte
—>  Rechenschieber - eine Dokumentation: Geschichte Hersteller Modelle
—>  Rechentafel nebst Sammlung haufig gebrauchter Zahlenwerte
—>  Rechentafeln welche Alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend Ganz Ersparen, bei Grosseren Zahlen Aber die Rechnung Erleichtern und Sicherer Machen
—>  "Recherche des traces du systeme de l'Abacus, apres que cette methode a pris le nom d' Algorisme - Preuves qu'a toutes les eopoques, jusqu'au XVIe siecle, on a su que l'Arithmetique vulgaire avait pour origine cette methode ancienne"
—>  Recherches Chimiques et Microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tremelles, etc.
—>  Recherches Experimentales sur la Resistance de l'Air Executees a la Tour Eiffel
—>  "Recherches Experimentales sur l'Action de l'Electricite sur les Gaz"
—>  "Recherches faites dans la grande collection des Historiens de la Chine, sur les anciennes apparitions de la Comete de Halley"
—>  Recherches into some Parts of the Theory of the Planets, in which is Solved the Problem, to determine the Circular Orbit of a Planet by Two Observations; exemplified in the New Planet
—>  Recherches Micrometriques: Sur le Development des Tissus et des Organes du Corps Humain, precedees d'un Examen Critique des Differentes Methodes Micrometriques
—>  Recherches scientifiques sur la declination magnetique en Pologne au XVII siecle
—>  Recherches sur la Cause et sur la veritable Teorie de l'Electricite
—>  Recherches sur la gnomonique, ...
—>  Recherches sur la Gnomonique, les Retrogradations des Planetes, et les Eclipses de Soleil
—>  "Recherches sur la Loi des Oscillations du Pendule a Suspension a Lames des Chronometres Fixes"
—>  "Recherches sur la Question des Inegalites du Mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter, Sujet propose pour le Prix de l'annee 1748 par l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris"
—>  Recherches sur la Structure des Organes de l'Homme et des Animaux les Plus Connus
—>  Recherches sur la Thermometrie et en particulier sur la Comparaison du Thermometre a Air avec un grand Nombre de Thermometres a Liquides

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