
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Question No. 10 Tacuinum Answer No. 10 Tacuinum, taqwÎm
—>  Questiones supra libros prime philosophie Aristotelis (Metaphysica I, II, V-X)
—>  Questiones supra libros quatuor physicorum Aristotelis
—>  Questions Dynamiques. Sur le Percussion des Corps
—>  "Questions et reponses - le lever heliaque de Sirius"
—>  "Questions et reponses sur une singuliere notation des marees"
—>  Quickfit Interchangeable Laboratory Glassware
—>  Quinze Ans d'Aeronautique Francaise 1932-1947
—>  "Qusayr 'Amra, Farnesina, Luther, Hesiod. Some Supplementary Notes to A. Beer's Contribution"
—>  R B Bate of the Poultry: 1782-1847: The Life and Times of a Scientific Instrument Maker
—>  r. Gregory's Elements Of Catoptrics And Dioptrics. Translated from the Latin Original, With a large Supplement, By William Browne, M. D. To which is added, An Appendix, By J. T. Desaguliers, LL.D. F.R.S. Containing, An Account of the Reflecting Telescopes
—>  R.S. Components Ltd: August 1978/ January 1979
—>  R34: Twice Across the Atlantic
—>  RA: The Royal Academy Magazine [& other variants of title!]
—>  Raccolta di scritti editi e inediti
—>  "Racconto istorico della vita di Galileo Galilei"
—>  Radar Development to 1945 : 2 entries
—>  "Radar for marine navigation"
—>  Radar: A Report on Science at War
—>  Radax Lamps, Lufax Lamps
—>  Radiesthesia and Some Associated Phenomena
—>  Radio astronomy : 2 entries
—>  Radio Centennial Story: From Marconi to Portable Telephone
—>  Radio communication : history and development
—>  Radio designer's handbook
—>  Radio engineering : a complete guide for all concerned with radio maintenance, production and development
—>  Radio reference handbook
—>  Radio Stars: study of their nature and identification
—>  Radio Time: The Radio-Controlled Clock and Watch Newsletter
—>  Radio: da Marconi alla Musica delle Stelle = Radio: from Marconi to the Music of the Universe
—>  "Radioactive Products of Short Life"
—>  "Radiocarbon Comes of Age at Oxford"
—>  Radiocarbon Dating
—>  Radio-Elements as Indicators and Other Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
—>  "Radioisotope in der Heilskunde"
—>  "Radiology Medieval and Modern. Presidential Address"
—>  "Radio's First Home: The Royal Needles Hotel Wireless Station"
—>  Radium, and all about it
—>  Raffaele Piria: Appunti sull' Industria Chimica: Dai viaggi in Inghilterra del 1851 e del 1862
—>  "Raffronto tra l'astrario e il planetario del Dondi"
—>  "Rahn's Algebraic Symbols"
—>  "Railway Bearing Metals: Their Control and Recovery"
—>  Railway Plans & Other Railway Items
—>  Raleigh & Roanoke: The First English Colony In America, 1584-1590
—>  "Ralph Alger Bagnold 3 April 1896-28 May 1990 ..."
—>  "Ralph Treswell's Surveys of London Houses c1612"
—>  Rambling Recollections [extract]
—>  Ramon Llull y el numero primitivo de las dignidades en el "Arte General"
—>  Ramon Llull y la "De Divisione Naturae"
—>  "Ramon Llull y las tres potencias del alma"
—>  Ramon Lull and John Scotus Erigena
—>  Range and Vision: The First Hundred Years of Barr and Stroud
—>  Rapid calculations
—>  Rapport
—>  "Rapport au XVIIe Congres International, Washington 1952"
—>  "Rapport Fait a la Classe des Sciences physiques et mathematiques de l'Institut, sur un Memoire de M. d'Artigues, relatif a la fabrication du Flint-Glass, et sur de grandes lunettes astronomiques presentees par M. Cauchois"
—>  Rapport fait a l'Academie des Sciences sur les Appareils Telegraphiques de M. Siemens (de Berlin)
—>  "Rapport sur les Observations des Marees faites en 1835, en Differens Points des Cotes de Belgique"
—>  Rapport sur les Travaux de la Commission Hydrometrique en 1844, presente a Monsieur le Maire de Lyon, par Monsieur Lortet, president
—>  Rapport Sur un Memoire de M. Payen, intitule: Complement d'un Memoire sur la compositions chimique du tissu propre des vegetaux, et sur les differents etas d'agregations de ce tissu
—>  "Rapports sur le Memoire de M. Mahmoud"
—>  Rapports sur les Instrumens inventes ou construits par Charles Chevalier
—>  Rara Astronomica in Estonia
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu Astronomical Observatory"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu University: Books Printed before 1600. Addenda & Corrigenda"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Preliminary Report"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Supplement"
—>  Rara Avis in Terris: or the Compleat Miner; in Two Books. The First containing, the Liberties, Laws and Customs of the Lead-Mines, within the Wapentake of Wirksworth in Derbyshire; in fifty-nine Articles, being all that ever was made. The Second teacheth
—>  Rara Cosmographica in Estonia
—>  Rara Mathematica; or, a Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and subjects connected with them, From ancient inedited Manuscripts
—>  Rara Scientifica et Medica. A selection of valuable scientific and medical books from the 15th to the 20th century.
—>  Rare Books and Special Collections in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries
—>  Rare Books in the Medical Sciences
—>  Rariora: Being notes of some of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Historical Documents, Medals, Engravings, Pottery. etc. etc., collected (1858-1900)
—>  Rasa'il Abi Nasr Mansur b. Iraq ila al-Biruni
—>  Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine, and Alchemy
—>  "Rathborne's Surveyor (1616/1625): the first Russian Translation from English?"
—>  "Rational Fluid Mechanics 1687-1765"
—>  Rationality and Ritual: The Windscale Inquiry and Nuclear Decisions in Britain
—>  Rats, Lice, and History
—>  Ratujmy od zniszezenia dokumenty naukowe
—>  "Ray Lankester, 1847-1929: Zoologist and Biologist"
—>  "Ray's Journey through Lincolnshire, 1661"
—>  Razvitiye atomisticheskikh predstavlenii do nachala XIX veka
—>  Razzi Incidenti e Razzi Refressi. III.- Lettura Vinciana
—>  "Reactions of, and Absorption by, Lymphatics, with Special Reference to those of the Diaphragm"
—>  Reactions-Schema fur die qualitative Analyse zum Gebrauche im chemischen Laboratorium.zu Berlin
—>  Readers' Guide to the Oriental Institute Library | Eastern Art Library and Nissan Institute Library
—>  "Reading the Messages in the Genes"
—>  Readings in Glass History
—>  Readings in Science; being explanations of some of the most interesting Appearances and Principles in Natural Philosophy, expressed in simple language, and illustrated by familiar examples : 2 entries
—>  Reagent Labels (Contents 360)
—>  Real Colour Photography: A pamphlet giving full details of the new process of colour photography, which is now within the reach of all amateur photographers
—>  Real Orthochromatism
—>  "Reappearance of the first Leitz Polarized Light Microscope of 1885"
—>  Rearranging formulae : unwrapping books : O3 Gallery, 20 March-25 April 2010
—>  Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery
—>  "'Reason's Dim Telescope': A Poetic Tirade Against Joseph Priestley, F.R.S."
—>  Reaumur
—>  "Reaumur und die Erfindung des Tempergusses"
—>  Recalculated Elements of Delambres New Tables for Calculating the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites
—>  Recensionen
—>  Recent Advances in Conservation
—>  Recent Advances in Microscopy: Biological Applications
—>  Recent Advances in Pharmacology
—>  Recent British Books on the History of Science and Technology: An exhibition selected in association with the Royal Society on the occasion of the XI International Congress on the History of Science, Warsaw, August 1965
—>  "Recent Discoveries in Early Scottish Photography"
—>  Recent Experimental Researches in Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism
—>  "Recent progress in biology"
—>  "Recent Research Work in the Davy Faraday Laboratory"
—>  "Recent Symbolisms for Decimal Fractions"
—>  "Recent Trends in the Study of Medieval and Renaissance Science"
—>  "Recent work on corrosion and oxidation"
—>  "Recent Work on the Graveney Boat"
—>  "Recent Work upon Visceral and Allied Nerves"
—>  Reception 25 January 1973 to Celebrate the Quincentenary of the Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus
—>  Reception to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of the 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', Hooke's 'Micrographia' and Evelyn's 'Sylva', honoured by the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 16 November 1965
—>  Rechenbuch, Erstlich, von etc. V Unnd wie man die funff Horologia, ... {?}
—>  Rechengerate aus der Sammlung des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons: Bestandskatalog
—>  Rechenkunst und Rechentechnik: Von den mechanischen Anfangen zur elektronischen Gegenwart
—>  Rechenpfennige. Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftsgechichte
—>  Rechenschieber - eine Dokumentation: Geschichte Hersteller Modelle
—>  Rechentafel nebst Sammlung haufig gebrauchter Zahlenwerte
—>  Rechentafeln welche Alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend Ganz Ersparen, bei Grosseren Zahlen Aber die Rechnung Erleichtern und Sicherer Machen
—>  "Recherche des traces du systeme de l'Abacus, apres que cette methode a pris le nom d' Algorisme - Preuves qu'a toutes les eopoques, jusqu'au XVIe siecle, on a su que l'Arithmetique vulgaire avait pour origine cette methode ancienne"
—>  Recherches Chimiques et Microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tremelles, etc.
—>  Recherches Experimentales sur la Resistance de l'Air Executees a la Tour Eiffel
—>  "Recherches Experimentales sur l'Action de l'Electricite sur les Gaz"
—>  "Recherches faites dans la grande collection des Historiens de la Chine, sur les anciennes apparitions de la Comete de Halley"
—>  Recherches into some Parts of the Theory of the Planets, in which is Solved the Problem, to determine the Circular Orbit of a Planet by Two Observations; exemplified in the New Planet
—>  Recherches Micrometriques: Sur le Development des Tissus et des Organes du Corps Humain, precedees d'un Examen Critique des Differentes Methodes Micrometriques
—>  Recherches scientifiques sur la declination magnetique en Pologne au XVII siecle
—>  Recherches sur la Cause et sur la veritable Teorie de l'Electricite
—>  Recherches sur la gnomonique, ...
—>  Recherches sur la Gnomonique, les Retrogradations des Planetes, et les Eclipses de Soleil
—>  "Recherches sur la Loi des Oscillations du Pendule a Suspension a Lames des Chronometres Fixes"
—>  "Recherches sur la Question des Inegalites du Mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter, Sujet propose pour le Prix de l'annee 1748 par l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris"
—>  Recherches sur la Structure des Organes de l'Homme et des Animaux les Plus Connus
—>  Recherches sur la Thermometrie et en particulier sur la Comparaison du Thermometre a Air avec un grand Nombre de Thermometres a Liquides
—>  Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Heron D'Alexandrie
—>  "Recherches sur l'Astronomie Indienne"
—>  Recherches sur le mouvement des petites planetes
—>  Recherches sur le Spectre Solaire. - Spectre Normal du Soleil. Atlas de six planches
—>  Recherches sur les Causes Particulieres des Phenomenes Electriques, Et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendre
—>  Recherches sur les differences qui existent entre les thermometres de mercure et ceux d'esprit-de-vin, et sur les moyens d'y remedier; avec les proprietes de ces deux fluides, relativement a la construction des thermometres
—>  "Recherches sur les horloges des anciens"
—>  Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere. Contenant; l'Histoire Critique du Barometre et du Thermometre, un traite sur la Construction de ces Instrumens, des experiences relatives a leurs usages, et principalement a la Mesure des Hauteurs & a la c
—>  "Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus"
—>  "Recherches sur les plus grandes chaleurs qui ont eu lieu a Paris depuis 1682 jusqu'en 1794 (1)"
—>  Recherches sur les rapports reciproques des poids atomiques
—>  Recherches sur les sources de la Legende de Pythagore
—>  Recherches sur les Traites Medievaux d'Instruments Astronomiques d'Observation
—>  "Recherches Zoologiques Faites Pendant un Voyage sur la Cote de la Sicile; par M. Milne Edwards. III. Observations sur la Circulation. Article Premier. Du mode de distribution des fluides nourriciers dans l'economie animale"
—>  "Reciprocal Lattice"
—>  "Recognition of Photographic Processes"
—>  Recollections
—>  Recollections and Reflections
—>  "Recollections in the History of Electron Microscopy"
—>  "Recollections of Harvey Cushing and His Book-Collecting"
—>  "Recommendations of the International X-ray Unit Committee"
—>  Reconditioned and Guaranteed Microscopes / X-Ray Machines
—>  "Reconstructing the Angle-Measuring Instruments of Pierre Gassendi"
—>  Reconstructions of Early Pharmacies
—>  "Record : Joseph Needham, CH, FRS, FBA., b. 9 December 1900 ; d. 24 April 1995 : a sailor's tribute and a memoir"
—>  Records in Stone: Papers in Memory of Alexander Thom
—>  Records of Service and Campaigning in Many Lands
—>  Records of the Board of Ordnance
—>  Recreation mathematicque composee de plusieurs problemes plaisants et facetieux
—>  Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
—>  Recreations mathematiques et physiques, etc.
—>  Recreationum Mathematicarum Apiaria novissima duodecim
—>  Recueil d'Horlogiographie, contenant la description, fabrication et usage des horloges solaires.
—>  "Red Cross Ambulance of 1898"
—>  Rede uber den so genannten Hehrrauch welcher im Jahre 1783 nicht nur im Baiern sondern ganz Europa erschienen: als die baierische Akademie das Andenken ihres glorwurdigsten Stifters Maximillian des Dritten und den Tag ihrer Stiftung feyerte in einer offen
—>  Reden von Emil du Bois-Reymond
—>  "Rediscovering Delhi - 19: Jaisinghpura"
—>  'Re-discovery and description of original material on the photographic researches of Sir John F. W. Herschel'
—>  "Re-discovery and Description of Original Material on the Photographic Researches of Sir John F. W. Herschel, 1839-1844"
—>  "Reduction of 295 Photographs of Eros Made at Nine Observatories During the Period 1900 November 7-15, with a Determination of the Solar Parallax"
—>  "Reduction of the Observations of the Deep-Sunk Thermometers at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1846 to 1859"
—>  "Reductions of the Observations of Halley's Comet made at the Cambridge Observatory in the years 1835 and 1836"
—>  Re-enactment 1998 of the First Use of Wireless by the Royal Family 1898
—>  Rees' Encyclopaedia
—>  Rees's Clocks, Watches and Chronometers (1819-20): A selection from the Cyclopedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
—>  Rees's Manufacturing Industry (1819-20) ... : A Selection from The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
—>  Reference Books for the Historian of Science: A Handlist
—>  Reflecting Microscope Equipment for Photomicrography and Microspectrography in the Infra-Red, Visual and Ultra-Violet.
—>  "Reflections of Wartime"
—>  Reflections upon some navigational and hydrographic problems of the XVth century related to the voyage of Bartolomeu Dias, 1487-88
—>  "Reflexions sur la Theorie des Phenomenes Cometaires a propos de la Comete de Donati"
—>  Reflexions sur les Cometes qui peuvent approcher de la Terre
—>  Reflexos do Tratado de Tordesilhas na cartografia nautica do seculo XVI
—>  "Reforma Kalendare u Nas"
—>  "Refracting Quadrant"
—>  "Refraction, Twilight, and the Height of the Atmosphere"
—>  "Refractions of Stars near the Horizon, observed at the Cape of Good Hope"
—>  Refutation de la Base etablie par Newton a la Force de l'Attraction Universelle, et a la Vitesse des Corps Celestes dans leur Mouvement de Translation
—>  Refutation of the numerous Mistatements and Fallacies contained in a Paper presented to the Admiralty by Dr Thomas Young, and printed by Order of the House of Commons: Dated 17th March 1829
—>  Regelmaat en Wisseling bij Zonsverduisteringen
—>  Regency Exhibition 1954: Catalogue
—>  Regi[m]en sanitatis Salerni. The Schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious Directorie, or Methodicall Instructions, for the guide an gouerning the health of Man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the High and Mighty King of England, and published (by c
—>  "Regiomontanus and the Sphere of Destiny"
—>  Regiomontanus on Triangles
—>  "Regiomontanus: Commensurator"
—>  Register of Apprentices of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London ... 1631 to ... 1931
—>  Register of ephemera collections in the United Kingdom : excluding those in the major national institutions and others not normally available to the public
—>  Register of the Western Union Telegraph Company Collection, 1848-1963
—>  "Registration of Star-Transits by Photography"
—>  Regle Horaere Universelle pour tracer des cadrans volaires sur toutes sortes de Plans Reguliers, Declinans & Inclinez etc.
—>  Regle Horaire Universelle pour Tracer des Cadrans Solaires sur toutes sortes de Plans Reguliers, Declinans & Inclinez
—>  Reglement du Bureau des Longitudes. Extrait du Registre des Deliberations du Comite d'Instruction publique, ce 4e jour complementaire, an troisieme de la Republique Francaise, une et indivisible (20 Septembre 1795, ancien style)
—>  Regola Generale di Solevare Ognifondata Nave & navilii con Ragione
—>  "Regular Polygons in Babylonian and Greek Mathematics"
—>  Regulations and Examination Papers
—>  Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: established February 8, 1820. To which is prefixed an Address explanatory of their Views and Objects
—>  Reid's Heirs: A Biography of James Simm Wilson
—>  "Re-inventing the Ashmolean. Natural history and natural theology at Oxford in the 1820s to 1850s"
—>  Reise nach Palastina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. Auf Befehl Ihro Majestat der Koniginn von Schweden herausgegeben von Carl Linnaus. Aus dem Schwedischen.
—>  Relation of the Cerebrum to the Cerebellum
—>  Relationes Curiosae
—>  "Relations Between China and the West in the History of Science and Technology"
—>  "Relations between the temperatures, pressures, and densities of gases"
—>  "Relations Between Thermo-Physical Properties"
—>  Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons
—>  "Relativity Today"
—>  Relazione della Gnomonica colla Geographia per mezzo del Meridiano Geographico-Gnomonico universale, etc.
—>  Relazione delle Osservazioni fatte in Spagna durante l'Ecclisse Totale del 18 Luglio 1860
—>  Relazione storico-artistica della torre dell' orologio di S. Marco in Venezia colla descrizione del meccanismo dell' orologio e relativi documenti autentici
—>  "Relic ruined by experts is unique Druid calendar"
—>  Religio chemici : essays
—>  "Religio Medici: An address Delivered at Guy's Hospital October, 1905"
—>  Reliquiae Diluvianae or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an Universal Deluge
—>  Reliquiae Diluvianae; or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an Universal Deluge
—>  Reliquiae Hearnianae : the remains of Thomas Hearne, M.A., of Edmund Hall. : being extracts from his ms. diaries
—>  Reliquiae Romanae; or, Specimens of the Arts of the Romans found in England and Wales
—>  Rellotges de Sol: historia i l'art de construir-los
—>  Relojeros de Espana: Diccionario Bio-Bibliografico
—>  Relojes Antiguos (1500-1850)
—>  Remarkable Comets: A brief survey of the most interesting facts in the history of cometary astronomy
—>  "Remarkable Rainfall in Oxford"
—>  Remarks and Experiments on Different Parts of the Process of Brewing, particularly on the Continued Application of a Boiling Heat, during the Operation of Mashing
—>  Remarks on a Critique in the 'Monthly Review' for April 1803, in a Letter to a Friend, by the Rev. John Hellins, B. D., F.R.S., and Vicar of Potter's-Pury in Northamptonshire
—>  Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by the Rev Mr Maskelyne, under the Authority of the Board of Longitude
—>  Remarks on a Supposed Error in the Elements of Euclid
—>  "Remarks on an Astrolabe Belonging to F. A. Hyett, Esq. of Painswick House, co. Gloucester"
—>  "Remarks on an Astrolabe Belonging to F. A. Hyett, Esq., of Painswick House, co. Gloucester"
—>  Remarks on Browning's Stereograms of Mars
—>  Remarks on Mr Euler's Treatise of Motion, Dr Smith's compleat System of Opticks, and Dr Jurin's Essay upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision
—>  "Remarks on Ptolemy's Equant Model in Islamic Astronomy"
—>  Remarks on Some Late Papers Relating to the Universal Deluge: And to the Natural History of the Earth
—>  Remarks On some Late Papers, Relating to the Universal Deluge: And to the Natural History of the Earth
—>  Remarks on the Account of the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay, published by Captain J. Ross, R.N.
—>  Remarks on the Classification of the Different Branches of Human Knowledge
—>  Remarks on the Final Causes of the Sexuality of Plants, with particular reference to Mr. Darwin's work on the Origin of Species
—>  "Remarks on the History of Iron and Steel Technology in China"
—>  Remarks on the Observations made in the late Voyage towards the North Pole, for Determining the Acceleration of the Pendulum, in Latitude 79o 50', in a Letter to the Hon. Constantine John Phipps
—>  Remarks on the Present State of the Nautical Almanac
—>  "Remarks on the Theoretical Treatment of Eclipses in Antiquity"
—>  Remarks on the Use of Fleischl's Spectropolariscope
—>  Remarks upon the Solar and the Lunar Years, the Cycle of 19 Years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epact, and a Method of finding the Time of Easter, as it is now observed in most Parts of Europe. Being Part of a Letter from the Right Honourable Ge
—>  "Remarques sur Deux Astrolabes du Moyen Age"
—>  "Remembered by a Clock - and a Ghost!"
—>  Reminiscences and Letters of Sir Robert Ball
—>  "Reminiscences of Fifty Years' Research"
—>  Renaissance Astrolabes and their Makers
—>  "Renaissance Chemistry and the Work of Robert Fludd" : 2 entries
—>  Renaissance Engineers: from Brunelleschi to Leonardo da Vinci
—>  "Renaissance Timepieces"
—>  "Renaissance waterworks and hydromechanics"
—>  Renal Pathology in the Light of Recent Neurovascular Studies
—>  "Rene Descartes (1596-1650)"
—>  "Rene Just Hauy und die Entwicklung der Kristallographie zu einem konstitutiven Teilgebiet der Mineralogie"
—>  Repartition Geographique de l'Universalite des Meteores en Zones Terrestres, Atmospheriques, Solaires ou Lunaires; et de leurs Rapports entre elles
—>  Repertoire des Musees des Sciences et Techniques; Guide-Book of Museums of Science and Technology
—>  Repertorium der Cometen-Astronomie
—>  Repertorium der Galvanoplastik und Galvanostegie oder der Metallreduction auf naffem Wege in dicken und dunnen Schichten, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Galvanographie Glyphographie, Chemi typie und der speciellen Anwendung auf das Vergolden, Versilb
—>  "Repetition of the Michelson-Morley Experiment
—>  Reply to a Letter in the Morning Chronicle relative to the interest which the British Government evinces in the Promotion of Astronomical Science
—>  Reponse de Madame la Marquise du Castelet, a la Lettre que M. de Mairan, Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, lui a ecrite le 18. Fevrier 1741. Sur la question des forces vives
—>  Report by the Director to the Trustees of the Museum of Applied Science of Victoria, on his Overseas Study Tour, 1953, together with recommendations for the future development of the Museum
—>  Report concerning the Observatory of the British Association at Kew, from August 1, 1850 to July 1, 1851
—>  Report for 1972
—>  Report for the Year 1901
—>  Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, to whom it was referred to consider of the Report which was made from the Committee to whom the Petition of Thomas Mudge, Watch-maker, was referred; and who were directed to examine into the Matter
—>  Report made at the Annual Visitation of the Armagh Observatory, Printed by Order of the Governors
—>  Report made to J. H. Markland, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., & S.A. the President, and to the Governors of the General Hospital at Bath, on the best means of conveyance of the Bath mineral water for a distance of 1200 yards
—>  Report of a committee of the Linnaean Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal, supposed to be a Serpent, seen near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in August 1817
—>  Report of a Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology
—>  Report of a Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology referred to, by the Council of the Royal Society, for an opinion on the propriety of recommending the establishment of fixed magnetic observatories, and the equipment of a naval expedition for magneti
—>  Report of a Symposium on Microbalances: 22 September, 1949
—>  "Report of an Excursion of the Geologists' Association to Reading. Saturday, June 16th, 1888"
—>  "Report of Experiments on the Development of the Liver-fluke (Faciola hepatica)"
—>  Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford: together with the Evidence, and an Appendix
—>  Report of the Advisory Council of the Science Museum for the year 1934
—>  Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
—>  Report of the Astronomer to the Marine Committee, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
—>  Report of the British Meteorological Society, read at the Sixth Annual General Meeting, May 27, 1856
—>  Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Ground from which the Remains of the Cetiosaurus in the Oxford Museum were obtained, with a View to determining whether other parts of the same animal remain in the Rock
—>  Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, &c. together with the Approved Communications and Evidence upon the Same, relative to the mode of Preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes
—>  Report of the Committee on Photometric Standards
—>  "Report of the Committee on the Lewis Evans Collection"
—>  Report of the Council of the Astronomical Society of London to the First Annual General Meeting, on February 9, 1821
—>  Report of the Council of the British Meteorological Society, read at the Second Annual General Meeting, May 25, 1852
—>  Report of the Council of the British Meteorological Society, read at the Seventh Annual General Meeting, May 27, 1857
—>  Report of the Danish Biological Station to the Board of Agriculture
—>  "Report of the Expedition for the Observation of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 9, 1896"
—>  Report of the Joint Committee of the Royal Society and the British Association, for procuring a continuance of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatories
—>  Report of the Kew Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1851-52
—>  Report of the Meteorological Committee. 17 July 1837
—>  Report of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate For 1868
—>  Report of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate For 1871
—>  "Report of the Proceedings and Speech of the Right Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, M.P., at the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the New Debating Hall on May 8, 1878. Together with the Speeches at the Luncheon in the Corn Exchange after the Ceremony"
—>  "Report of the proceedings at a meeting for placing a memorial in Westminster Abbey of John Couch Adams"
—>  Report of the Teaching of the History of Science, Medicine and Technology in Universities and Technical Colleges in the United Kingdom 1971
—>  Report on a Tour of Indian Museums of Science Sponsored by The British Council 16 February to 10 March 1986
—>  Report on Agricultural Damage by Vermin and Birds in the Counties of Norfolk and Oxfordshire in 1916
—>  Report on Canada (1987-1988)
—>  Report on Modern Microscopes and recent improvements in microscopical apparatus: with a special view to the requirements of medical students and practitioners
—>  Report on Mustard gas experiments (Glasgow and London)
—>  "Report on Observations of Luminous Meteors 1853-54"
—>  Report on Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus for Teaching Science. - (Class 12)
—>  Report on Radiation and the Quantum-Theory : 2 entries
—>  Report on Series in Line Spectra
—>  "Report on the Coelenterata from the intermediate waters of the N. Atlantic, obtained by Mr. George Murray during the Cruise of the 'Oceana' in 1898"
—>  Report on the Flora of Canso, Nova Scotia
—>  "Report on the Fourteenth Colloquim on the History of Mathematics at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (Black Forest), Germany, 23 to 28 November 1969"
—>  Report on the Liverpool Observatory addressed by the Astronomer to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council ...
—>  Report on the Liverpool Observatory, addressed by the Astronomer, to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council, March, 1856
—>  Report on the Liverpool Observatory, addressed by the Astronomer to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council. June 1857
—>  "Report on the Marine Polyzoa of Canso, N.S."
—>  "Report on the Ophthalmoscope"
—>  Report on the Papers of Professor Frederick Soddy, F.R.S. (1877-1956) Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
—>  "Report on the Present State of Celestial Photography in England"
—>  "Report on the Progress of Astronomy during the Present Century"
—>  "Report on the thirteenth colloquium on the history of mathematics (Oberwolfach, 1968)"
—>  Report on the Trial of Steam-Engines at Bath: Containing an Account of the Mode in which the Trials are conducted; with a Diagram of the Action of the Brake, and other Diagrams illustrative of some points connected with the internal working of Steam Engin
—>  Report on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity observed at different points of the Earth's Surface
—>  Report on University Museums
—>  Report to the Delegates Attending the Second Congress of the Universities of the Empire to be Held at Oxford in July, 1921
—>  Report to the Radcliffe Trustees for 1876, with a note on some points in the recent administration of science apparatus in the University of Oxford
—>  Report to the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey on the expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of July 18, 1860, organized under act of Congress approved June 15, 1860
—>  Report upon a Letter addressed by M. le Baron de Humboldt to H. R. H. the President of the Royal Society, and communicated by H. R. H. to the Council
—>  Reports of the Committee of the Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford
—>  Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London, read at the Annual General Meeting, April 29, 1835
—>  Reports on Mars, nos. 1-40
—>  Reports on the Extent and Nature of the Materials available for the preparation of a Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion
—>  Reports on the progress of zoology and botany, 1841, 1842
—>  Representation of unknown lands in XIV-, XV-, and XVI-century cartography
—>  Reproduction work with dry plates
—>  Rerum Medicarum novae Hispaniae Thesaurus sev Plantarum Animalium Mineralium Mexicanorum Historia ex Francisci ... Novi Orbis Medici Primarii relationibus in ipsa Mexicana Urbe conscriptis a Nardo Antonio Reccho Monte Coruinate Cath. Majest. Medico et Nea
—>  "Research and Curatorship in the National Science Museums: A Reflexion on Threats and Opportunities"
—>  Research at Oxford: The Sciences
—>  Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art
—>  "Research Laboratory"
—>  Research perspectives on John Montresor and The British Engineers in America: 1755-1783
—>  Research Report 2002-2003
—>  Researches in Stellar Parallax by the aid of photography from observations made at the Oxford University Observatory
—>  Researches in Stellar Parallex by the aid of photography from observations made at the Oxford University Observatory
—>  "Researches on Satellites"
—>  Researches on solar heat and its absorption by the Earth's atmosphere: A report of the Mount Witney Expedition
—>  Researches on the Arseniates, Phosphates, and Modifications of Phosphoric Acid by Thomas Graham, F.R.S. (1833) : 2 entries
—>  "Researches on the Atomic Weight of Thallium"
—>  "Researches on the Chemistry of the Camphoric Acids"
—>  Researches on the Molecular Asymmetry of Natural Organic Products (1860)
—>  Researches on the Motion of the Moon
—>  "Researches on the Spectra of Meteorites. A Report to the Solar Physics Committee"
—>  "Researches on the Turpenes. II - On Turpentine"
—>  "Researches on the Turpenes. II. - On Turpentine"
—>  "Researches Respecting the New Planet Neptune"
—>  Resena sobre la Biblioteca y Archivo Universitarios de Salamanca durante los anos 1974-1985
—>  Resignation from the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. by Sir Henry H. Dale, O. M.
—>  Resinographic Methods. A Symposium presented at the Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., 27 June 1963
—>  "Resonant Electro Magnetic Motor"
—>  Respiration
—>  Responsa Medica, et Diaeteticon opus Posthumum
—>  Responsibility in Mental Disease
—>  Responsio ad Quaestionem Physicam in Academia Rheno-Trajectina, a Nobilissima Facultate Math. et Phil. Nat. Propositam: 'Aquae, quae vaporis forma in Atmosphaera continentur, exponatur et constitutio et probabilis theoria'. Quae Praemium Reportavit
—>  Restaging Coulomb: Usages, Controverses et Replications autour de la Balance de Torsion
—>  Restauration de Cadrans Solaires
—>  Restoration of Stone Carving and Sculpture
—>  "Resultate aus Beobachtungen des Polarsterns am Ertelschen Vertikalreise der Pulkowaer Sternwarte"
—>  Resultate aus elfjahrigen Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken
—>  Resultate aus zehnjahrigen Beobachtungen uber Sternschuppen. Ein Sendschreiben an Alexander von Humboldt
—>  Resultats des Observations magnetiques faites a Geneve dans les Annees 1842 et 1843
—>  "Results deduced from observations taken with the Self-Registering Anenometer and Rain-Gauge, at the Liverpool Observatory, during the Four Years ending December 31, 1855"
—>  Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1888-89
—>  Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1863
—>  Results of astronomical observations made during the years 1834-8 at the Cape of Good Hope, being the completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations for Twenty Years, for Hobart Town; made at the Royal Observatory, Ross Bank, from January, 1841, to December, 1854, and at the Private Observatory, from January, 1855, to December, 1860, inclusive
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the Five Years 1906-1910
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the Six Years 1900-1905
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the five years 1921-1925
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Meteorological Station, Oxford, in the Five years 1931-1935
—>  Results of Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the five years 1926-1930
—>  "Results of Micrometrical Measures of Double Stars, made at Tarn Bank, Cumberland, from 1850.2 to 1853.4"
—>  Resume de divers Travaux recents relatifs aux Cometes
—>  Resume de la Physique de la Creation
—>  Resume d'Erpetologie, ou d'Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles, Contenant des Notion generales et particulieres sur l'antiquite, l'Organisation, les Moeurs de ces animaux, l'Art de les conserver, avec la Description et l'Histoire de leurs familles et de leurs
—>  Resume des observations meteorologiques
—>  Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Strasbourg pendant l'An 1828
—>  "Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Strasbourg depuis le commencement de l'an 1811 jusqu'a la fin de 1820, et Resultats principaux relatifs a l'etat de l'atmosphere et a l'annee moyenne du climat de la meme ville, tires de 15 annees d'observ
—>  Resume des observations meteorologiques. 1835-40
—>  Resume des travaux de physique de M. C. Despretz
—>  Resume du Programme de l'Universite de Christiania pour le 1er Semestre 1861
—>  Resuscitation for the Citizen
—>  "Ret Kurs"
—>  Retail Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Books, etc., sold by T. P. Barkas, 49, Grainger Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, agent to the Instrument Makers to the Board of Trade, and Government Schools of Design
—>  Retailer of the Sciences: Benjamin Martin's Scientific Instrument Catalogues, 1756-1782
—>  Retta Linea Gnomonica di Giuseppe Maria Figatelli Centese, Overo brevissima estensione instruttiva fra due punti di chiarezza, e facilita per delineare Horologi Horizontali, Verticali, e Riflessi, con alcuni pochi de' piu usati fra portatili : 2 entries
—>  Return to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 24 May, 1901
—>  "Rev. John Brinkley; a New Start"
—>  Revector Dyes and Chemicals : 3 entries
—>  Revelation and Science: The Substance of a Discourse delivered before the University of Oxford, at St Mary's, March VIII, MDCCCXXIX. With some Additional Remarks occasioned by the Publication of the Bampton Lectures for 1833, and other Recent Works
—>  Revenue Meteorological Statements of the North Western Provinces, for the Several Years from 1844-45 to 1849-50
—>  Reverendiss. Joannis Balaei Ossoriensis in Hibernia A.D. MDLII. Episcopi; Lelandi ex intimis et in Patriae Antiquitatibus investigatoris Diligentissimi, Summarium. Praelo datum A.D. MDCCLXXII
—>  Review : 84 entries
—>  Review Article of Alan Q. Morton and Jane A. Wess, Public and Private Science: The King George III Collection.
—>  Review of "The History and Work of Harvard Observatory",1839-1927, by Solon I. Bailey
—>  Review of the History of Medicine
—>  [Review of] "Early Science in Oxford vol. XV. Robert Gunther, by A. E. Gunther"
—>  [review] : 3 entries
—>  Revised catalogue of high-class microscopical slides
—>  Revised Instructions for the use of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatories and for the Magnetic Surveys. Prepared by the Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society. Approved by the President and Council
—>  Revised Medieval Latin Word-list
—>  Revision der Lehre vom Galvano-Voltaismus mit besonderer Ruchsicht auf Faraday's, de la Hive's, Becquerel's, Karstens u.a. neueste Arbeiten uber diesen Gegenstand
—>  Revision und Berichtigung der streitigen Lehrfasse aus der niederen und hoheren Mathematik
—>  "Revolution in the world of time"
—>  Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World
—>  Revolving Diagrams illustrating Christianity in its relation to Judaism and Heathenism : 2 entries
—>  "Revolving Machinery for the Domes of Astronomical Observatories"
—>  Revue D'histoire des Sciences et de leurs Applications.
—>  Revue Napoleonienne
—>  "Reworking the mechanical value of heat : instruments of precision and gestures of accuracy in early Victorian England"
—>  Rhetorical and Religious Aspects of Greek Alchemy
—>  "Richard Beard: an Ingenious and Enterprising Patentee"
—>  Richard Corbould 1757-1831 Illustrator: A Glimpse of the Common Life of Georgian Society
—>  Richard Lower's Vindicatio: A Defence of the Experimental Method : 2 entries
—>  "Richard of Wallingford and his Rectangulus, 1326"
—>  "Richard of Wallingford, Abbot of St. Albans, 1326-1335"
—>  Richard of Wallingford: An edition of his writings with introductions, English translation and commentary
—>  Richard Owen Commemoration
—>  "Richard Taylor, 1781-1858"
—>  "Richard Watson (1737-1816)"
—>  "Richard Zsigmondy as Man and Teacher"
—>  Richardi Watson, A.M. Coll. Sacro-Sanctae Trin. Soc. et chemiae professoris in academia Cantabrigiensi, : institutionum chemicarum in praelectionibus academicis explicatarum, pars metallurgica
—>  Richtiger und vermehrter Feld-Messer wie auch Sonnen-Uhren-Macher, ohne Lehrmeister und ohne Instrument; etc. ... von einem dieser Kunsten Curieusen Liebhaber
—>  Rider's British Merlin : for the year of our Lord God 1783. Being the third after bissextile, or leap year
—>  "Rigas kalendarnuja"
—>  Rijks Universiteit Utrecht: 350 Jaar Verzamelaar
—>  "Rings and Menhirs: Geometry and Astronomy in the Neolithic Age"
—>  Rio d Brasil
—>  Rio de Janeiro : historia de sus denominaciones
—>  Risposta Di D. Giambattista de Girolami Parroco Di Faeo All' autore dell'articolo inserito nella Gazzetta Urbana 10 Luglio 1793 pag 435, sul proposito della suo scoperta ec. indicata nel libretto Modo ec.
—>  Rittenhouse: Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise
—>  Riyad al-Mukhtar. Mirat al-miqat wa-l-adwar ma'a majmu'at al-ashkal
—>  Robert Boyle and Seventeenth-Century Chemistry
—>  Robert Boyle e la Scienza Virtuosa
—>  Robert Boyle: Pioneer of Experimental Chemistry
—>  "Robert Child"
—>  Robert Dick
—>  Robert Dick: Baker, of Thurso Geologist and Botanist
—>  Robert Edmond Grant (1793-1874) and his Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy
—>  "Robert Erskine (1735-1780) of the Continental Army: Geographer and Surveyor-General"
—>  "Robert Fludd and the Circulation of the Blood"
—>  "Robert Fludd e la polemica con Gassendi"
—>  Robert Fludd: Hermetic Philosopher and Surveyor of Two Worlds
—>  "Robert Fludd: Le Rosicrucien"
—>  "Robert Fludd's Theory of Geomancy and his Experiences at Avignon in the Winter of 1601 to 1602"
—>  Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700
—>  Robert Hooke
—>  "Robert Hooke (1635-1703)" [Part I only]
—>  Robert Hooke : tercentennnial studies
—>  Robert Hooke and the English Renaissance
—>  "Robert Hooke and Thomas Tompion the Founders of English Horology"
—>  "Robert Hooke as Geologist and Evolutionist"
—>  "Robert Hooke Born July 18, 1635"
—>  "Robert Hooke, 1635-1703"
—>  Robert Hooke: Creative Genius, Scientist, Inventor
—>  Robert Hooke: New Studies
—>  Robert Hooke's Contributions to Mechanics. A Study in Seventeenth-Century Natural Philosophy
—>  "Robert Hooke's Letter of December 9, 1679, to Isaac Newton"
—>  "Robert Jameson and the Royal Scottish Museum"
—>  Robert Koch, der Schopfer der modernen Bakteriologie
—>  "Robert Plot"
—>  Robert Ranulph Marett
—>  Robert Record, the First Mathematical Educator
—>  "Robert Recorde's Mathematical Teaching and the anti-Aristotelian Movement"
—>  "Robert Seeley… the Restless Frontiersman"
—>  Robert T. Gunther and the Old Ashmolean
—>  Robert T. Gunther: A Pioneer in the History of Science 1869-1940
—>  Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
—>  Rocenka Technickeho Muzea v Kosiciach, 1968
—>  Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode
—>  "Roger Bacon and the Voynich Manuscript"
—>  "Roger Bacon"
—>  Roger Bacon: Essays Contributed by Various Writers on the Occasion of the Commemoration of the Seventh Centenary of his Birth
—>  "Roger Bacon's Gunpowder and His Secret Wisdom"
—>  'Roger Barlow: A New Chapter in Early Tudor Geography'
—>  Roger Fenton: The First Secretary of The Royal Photographic Society
—>  Roger Joseph Boscovich S. J., F.R.S., 1711-1787: Studies of his Life and Work on the 250th Anniversary of his Birth

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