 Hans Droschel
Hans Troschel (or Droschel) was born in 1548 or 1549, probably in Bamberg. He settled in Nuremberg and became a citizen in 1579.

Surviving instruments by him include ivory diptych sundials, lunar volvelles and astronomical compendia. His instruments are usually marked with a thrush on a twig. Hans Troschel died in Nuremberg on 1 June 1612.


E. Zinner, Deutsche und Niederl?ndische astronomische Instrumente des 11. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (2nd ed., Munich, 1967), pp. 551-5, and p. 687; C. Vincent and B. Chandler, "Night-time and Easter Time: The Rotations of the Sun, the Moon, and the Little Bear in Renaissance Time Reckoning", Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 2 (1969), pp. 372-84; P. Gouk, The Ivory Sundials of Nuremberg 1500-1700 (Cambridge, 1988), pp. 59-60, 117; S. A. Lloyd, Ivory Diptych Sundials 1570-1750 (Cambridge, Mass., 1992), p. 57.

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