
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Swashbuckling Zoologist"
—>  "Swedish Vikings used Optical Lenses"
—>  Sweeping Ephemerides for the Comet of 1556
—>  Sweeping-Ephemerides for De Vico's Comet, 1860-1
—>  Syllabus of a course of Experimental Lectures
—>  Syllabus of A Course of Experimental Lectures. Mechanics; Hydrostatics and Pneumatics; Optics
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry
—>  Syllabus of a course of lectures on Experimental Philosophy : 4 entries
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, to be Delivered at the Philosophical Society's Rooms, in Bristol
—>  Syllabus Of a Course of Lectures On the most interesting Parts of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Electricity, and Astronomy
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Philosophy of Natural History
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Twelve Lectures on Chemistry, and Experimental Philosophy
—>  Syllabus of Lectures on Botany
—>  Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural History, in Ten Centuries whereunto is newly added the History Naturall and Experimentall of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life
—>  Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural History. In Ten Centuries. Whereunto is newly added the History Naturall and Experimentall of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life
—>  "Symbol and Image"
—>  Symbolica AEgyptiorum Sapientia
—>  "Symbols in Greek Alchemical Writings"
—>  Symmetry
—>  "Symplegades"
—>  Symposium on cytochemical progress on electron microscopy held at Oxford on July 2-4 1962
—>  Symposium. L'Antiquite classique et les debuts de la science moderne (Renaissance et 17e siecle). Brno, 12-16 avril, 1966
—>  "Symposium: The Work of Joseph Needham"
—>  Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal Kept at New York. 1838-39
—>  Synopsis of North American Diatomaceae
—>  "Synopsis of North American Diatomaceae. Part I. Coscinodiscatae, Rhizoselenatae, Biddulphiatae"
—>  Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms
—>  Synoptica horologii astronomici explicatis seu expositio
—>  Syntagma Arateorum: Opus poeticae et astronomiae studiosis utilissimum: quo quae contineantur versa pagella indicabit
—>  "Syntony and Credibility: John Ambrose Fleming, Guglielmo Marconi, and the Maskelyne Affair"
—>  Synverktyg fran aldre tider
—>  Syrian, Anatomy Pathology and Therapeutics or "The Book of Medicines"
—>  System of theoretical and practical chemistry
—>  Systema Algarum
—>  Systema Mycologicum, sistens Fungorum Ordines, Genera et Species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad Normam Methodi Naturalis, Determinavit, Disposuit atque Descripsit E.F.
—>  Systema Naturae, sive Regna Tria Naturae, Systematice Proposita per Classes, Ordines, Genera et Species
—>  Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale
—>  Systematic corrections and weights of catalogs. An extension of tables in Appendix III of the Preliminary General Catalog
—>  "Systematic Outdoor Photography"
—>  "Systematic Work in the Field"
—>  't Gebruik van het Rectangulum Catholicum ... tot het maken von allerlei Zonneuyzers en wat daar toebehoort, etc.
—>  T. Cox Savory & Co., Watch and Clock Makers and Goldsmiths, 47, Cornhill, (Seven Doors from Gracechurch Street,) London
—>  "T. E. Lawrence and his Camera"
—>  Ta Epistemonika Organa, 19os Aionas: Oi Ellenikes Sulloges
—>  Tabelle der reducirten positiven ternaren quadratischen Formen nebst den Resultaten neuer Forschungen uber diese Formen in besonderer Rucksicht auf ihre tabellarische Berechnung
—>  Table d'angle horaires contenant plus de quarante mille angles horaires, calcules pour toutes les latitudes, etc.
—>  Table d'Anti-Logarithmes a Huit Decimales suivie d'une Table Trigonometrique pour le Calcul des Logarithmes des Nombres et des Lignes Trigonometriques
—>  Table des Positions Geographiques Principales de la Russie
—>  Table of Contents of the Scoresby Archive held by the Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society and housed in their Museum in Whitby
—>  Table of Eclipses ...
—>  Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000
—>  Table Synoptique des Poids Atomiques des Corps Simples, et de quelques-unes de leurs Combinaisons les plus Importantes
—>  "Tableau Chronologique des Tremblements de Terre ressentis a l'Ile de Cuba de 1551 a 1855"
—>  Tables a 8 decimales des valeurs naturelles des sinus, cosinus et tangentes dans le systeme decimal, de centigrade en centigrade de 0 a 100 grades ... suivies de Tables a 20 decimales des valeurs naturelles des six lignes trigonometriques ... extraites de
—>  Tables and tracts : relative to several arts and sciences
—>  Tables astronomiques calculees pour le meridien de Paris, sur les observations les plus exactes, faites jusqu'a l'annee 1770
—>  Tables astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France: Tables de la Lune
—>  Tables de Fonctions Spheriques et de leurs integrales pour calculer les coefficients du developpement en series de polynomes de Laplace d'une fonction de deux variables independentes
—>  Tables de la Lune formees par la seule theorie de l'attraction et suivant la division de la circonference en 400 degres
—>  Tables de la Lune, calculees suivant la theorie de la Gravitation Universelle
—>  Tables de la Lune, construites d'apres le principe Newtonien de la gravitation universelle
—>  Tables du Mouvement Keplerien. Premiere partie
—>  Tables et Cartes d'Occultations. Theorie et applications
—>  Tables for Converting the Weights and Measures hitherto in use in Great Britain into those of the Imperial Standards; also, for converting the money rates of each weight and measure
—>  Tables for Facilitating Astronomical Reductions
—>  Tables for facilitating the computation of star-constants
—>  Tables for facilitating the use of Harmonic Analysis
—>  Tables for the Extemporaneous Application of Corrections for Temperature to Barometric Observations deduced from the Tables published in the Report of the Committee of Physics, Royal Society
—>  Tables of addition and subtraction logarithms with six decimals
—>  Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explain'd and exemplified in several dissertations : 2 entries
—>  Tables of correct and concise logarithms
—>  Tables of Logarithms
—>  Tables of logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 101000; and of the sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant
—>  Tables of Observations ... Greenwich ... 1832-1833 ... of a Clock Constructed by Messrs. Arnold and Dent.
—>  Tables of Qualitative Analysis
—>  Tables of Solid Measure, for finding, by Inspection, the quantity of timber in any tree, from Six Inches to Eighty Feet in Length, and from Six Inches to Three Feet in Diameter. ...
—>  Tables of the common logarithms of numbers and theoretical functions to six places of decimals
—>  Tables of the Observations made and registered at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, In the Years 1832 and 1833, under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, and Certified by him, during a Thirteen Months' Trial, of A Clock, Constructed by Messrs. Arnold a
—>  Tables of the Teeth of Wheels
—>  Tables pour le calcul de la precession en A. R. et D. equinoxe de 1900
—>  Tables Requisite to be Used with the Nautical Ephemeris, for Finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea
—>  Tables Requisite to be Used with the Nautical Ephemeris for Finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea Published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude
—>  Tables to four decimal places
—>  Tables trigonometriques decimales ou table des logarithmes des sinus, secantes et tangentes
—>  "Tablica doswiadczalna Mikolaja Kopernika w Olsztynie w swietle najnowszych odkryc 1956-57 roku"
—>  Tabula Gnomonicae. Nunc denus castigatae, & auctae, etc.
—>  Tabula Linuum ... Architectonicam militarem, & Horologiorum descriptionem accommodata
—>  Tabula Smaragdina: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Hermetischen Literatur
—>  Tabulae annuae de anticipatione stellarum fixarum ...
—>  Tabulae Astronomicae
—>  Tabulae Astronomicae novullae ad horologiorum constructionem maxime utiles. et Notae in Novam horologiorum descriptionem ...
—>  Tabulae eclypsium magistri Georgii Peurbachii [with] Tabula primi mobilis Joannis de Monteregio
—>  Tabulae Regiomontantae reductionum observationum astronomicarum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1850 computae : 2 entries
—>  Tabulae Sinuum, Tangentium, Et Secantium, Et Logarithmi Sinuum, Tangentium, & Numerorum ab unitate ad 10000. Cum Methodo facillima, illarum ope, resolvendi omnia Triangula Rectilinea & Sphaerica, & plurimas Quaestiones Astronomicas
—>  Tachtigjarige Vrede
—>  Tafel um Hygrometerstande, die bey verschiedenen Warme-Graden beobachtet worden sind, auf jede beliebige Normal-Temperatur zu reduziren
—>  Tafeln der Sonnenhohen fur Gane Deutschland, etc.
—>  "Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetern Abgelesenen Barometerstande auf die Normaltemperatur von 0o Celsius"
—>  Tafeln zur theoretischen Astronomie
—>  "Take time by the forelock" : the letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodforde 1789-1813
—>  Take-Over: the Facts and Myths of the GEC/AEI Battle
—>  Taking the stars : celestial navigation from argonauts to astronauts
—>  "Takiyuddin' in Sidret ul-Munteha'sina Aletler Bahsi"
—>  "Takiyuddin'de kiris 20 ve sin lo nin hesabi"
—>  "Talbot and the 'Great Britain'"
—>  "Talbot the Artist (summary)"
—>  "Talismans and Amulets"
—>  Talking Machines
—>  Talking Machines 1877-1914: Some Aspects of the Early History of the Gramophone
—>  Tanning in the United States to 1850
—>  "T'ao Hung-ching"
—>  Taqi-al-Din and Arabic Mechanical Engineering with The Sublime Methods of Spiritual Machines. An Arabic Manuscript of the Sixteenth Century
—>  Tariffa economica et agricola con li suoi trattati, etc.
—>  Tariffa Economica, Et Agricoltorica, etc.
—>  Tarih-Cografya Yazmalari Kataloglari
—>  Tartu Astronomical Observatory
—>  Taschenbuch der Mikroskopischen Technik : 2 entries
—>  "Tasters' Toast Tests Royal Ales"
—>  "Tautomerism"
—>  Tavole Anomoniche Per disegnare in diversi modi gli Orologi Solari sopra Piani Orizontali, e Verticali, ...
—>  Tavole di Gio: Lodovico Quadri Per regolare gli Orologi tanto all'uso d'Italia, che d'Oltramonti, Con la tavola perpetua …
—>  Tavole Gnomoniche, Per Delineare Orologi a Sole Che mostrino l'ore conforme a quelli degli Orologi, Che suonano Con ... Calcolate, etc.
—>  Tavole Gnomoniche, Per li ore Oltramontane, con altre tavole, Apportenenti alla construzione degli Orologi a Sole, e per altri usi, etc.
—>  Tavole per Confronare L'orivolo Oltramontano Coll' Italiano E L'Italiano Coll'Oltramonto
—>  Tavole Per regolare di giorno in giorno gli Orologi a zuote, Tanto per adopnarli secondo l'uso d'Italia, quanto per valersene secondo quelli degli Oltramontani, Con Una Tavola Perpetua, Del principio dell Aurora, leva del Sole, mezzo Giorno, e mezza Notte
—>  "Taylor, Richard"
—>  TDC: Textes et Documents pour la Classe
—>  Teacher's Background Booklet: Science and History
—>  Teaching in the History and Philosophy of Science
—>  "Tear Film Stability and Tear Surface Tension"
—>  Technica Curiosa, sive Mirabilia Artis ... : 2 entries
—>  "Technical Gains during the Nineteenth Century (1775-1905)"
—>  Technical History of the Beginnings of Radar
—>  Technical Instrument Bulletin
—>  Technical Manual: Aerial Photography
—>  "Technical Note: A Technique for Copying Engraved Inscriptions on Metal Objects"
—>  Technical Optics
—>  Technical Optics: A Revised and Enlarged Edition of "An Introduction to Applied Optics"
—>  'Technical Problems with Early Air-Pumps. Experiments and Apparatus in Pneumatics 1700-1750'
—>  Technicon
—>  "Technik im Erbauungsbuch: Wie Physik zweckentfremdet wird"
—>  "Technik in der Sicht der exakten Naturwissenschaften am Beispiel von Archimedes, Christiaan Huygens und Carl Friedrich Gauss"
—>  Technikatorteneti Szemle
—>  Technique and history of the Swiss watch
—>  Technique and History of The Swiss Watch from its Beginnings to the Present Day
—>  Technique Microscopique appliquee a l'Anatomie Pathologique et a la Bacteriologique: Manuel Pratique
—>  Technique Microscopique, Appliquee a l'etude des Vegetaux
—>  Techniques of the World's Great Photographers
—>  Technische Mikroskopie: Ein Lehrbuch der mikroskopischen Warenprufung Fur Studierende, Techniker, Kaufleute, Industrielle und Zollbeamte
—>  Technologia Bruxellensis: Histoire des Techniques Archeologie Industrielle
—>  Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology
—>  "Technological Developments in Europe: 1100 to 1400"
—>  "Technologist of Genius: Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826)"
—>  Technology and Art: The Birth and Early Years of Photography
—>  'Technology and Culture in Flux: The Case of the Transistor Radio'
—>  Technology and Culture: The International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology
—>  "Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages"
—>  Technology in Early America
—>  Technology in Miniature: American Textile Patent Models 1819-1840
—>  "Technology transfer and scientific specialization: Johann Wiesel, optician of Augsburg, and the Hartlib circle"
—>  Technology, Including Patents: A Bibliography of Bibliographies
—>  Tekhnika legkoi, pishchevoi, bumazhnoi i poligraficheskoi promyshlennosti
—>  Tekniska Museet Symposia: Technology and its Impact on Society
—>  Telcon Metals: Induction Melted Magnetic Alloys
—>  Telecommunications Gallery (Gallery 66 Third Floor)
—>  Telecommunications of Dawn: Dawn of Japanese Telecommunications Industry
—>  Telecommunications: Questions and Solutions: covering the syllabuses of the City and Guilds of London Institute examinations in transmission and lines, and telephony
—>  Telegraphy
—>  Telephone Erection and Maintenance: A Handbook for the Contractor and Wireman
—>  Telephones and Microphones, How to Make and Use Them
—>  Telephones: their Construction and Fitting; a Practical Treatise on the Fitting-up and Maintenance of Telephones and the Auxiliary Apparatus
—>  Telephony without Wires
—>  Telephony: A Detailed Exposition of the Telephone System of the British Post Office
—>  Telerama
—>  Telescope
—>  Telescope et Microscope
—>  "Telescopes for tomorrow"
—>  "Telescopes from the Optical Museum of the Carl Zeiss Foundation Jena"
—>  Telescopium: Sive Ars Perficiendi Novum illud Galilaei Visorium Instrumentum ad Sydera
—>  Television receiving equipment
—>  "Telling Only the Sunshine Time"
—>  "Telling the Days"
—>  Telluris Theoria Sacra: Orbis Nostri Originem & Mutationes Generales, quas Aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, Complectens : 2 entries
—>  "TEM in Materials Science - Past, Present and Future"
—>  Tematika meropriyatii po massovoi naucho-tekhnicheskoi propagande
—>  "Temples of the Muses: The Yorkshire Philosophical Museums, 1820-50"
—>  "Tempus Flying ..." [sic]
—>  Ten Bristol Artists
—>  Ten Founding Fathers of the Electrical Science
—>  "Ten Years Karl-Schwarzschild Observatory Tautenburg ..."
—>  "Ten Years Without Winding. Features of the Latest Electric Timepiece"
—>  Teneriffe, An Astronomer's Experiment: or, Specialities of a Residence Above the Clouds
—>  "Teniers' alchemists" : 2 entries
—>  Tentamen Hydrophytologiae Danicea. Continens: Omnia Hydrophyta Cryptogama - Daniae, Holsatiae, Faeroae, Islandiae, Groenlandiae. Hucusque cognita, Systematice Disposita, Descripta et Iconibus Illustrata, Adjectus Simul Speciebus Norvegicis
—>  Tentamen, de definiendis et corrigendis aberrationibus radiorum luminis in lentibus sphaericis refracti, et de perficiendo telescopio dioptrico. Dissertatio ab Imperiali Academia Scientiarum Petropolitana praemio affecta D XXIII. Septembris 1762.
—>  Tentoonstelling Geschiedenis, Kunst en Wetenschappen Catalogus
—>  Tentoonstelling: Van Antwerps Plateel tot Delftse Keramiek: Catalogus
—>  Ten-Year Triumph for Clock Expert
—>  Teoria e pratica della costrugione di un orologio solare in piano verticale
—>  Teoria General de la Formacion de la Imagen en el Microscopio
—>  Teoria generale ed analitica di Gnomonica e metodi per conoscere la Posizione dei Piani per gli orologi solari Memoria del Sig. Saverio Marchesano Architetto in Napoli estratta dagli annali di scienzi matematiche e fisiche publica in Roma Mazgio 1851
—>  Tercentenary Exhibition of the Pendulum Clock of Christiaan Huygens
—>  Tercentenary of Elias Ashmole
—>  Terjume-i Gedusi lil-Muqantarat ("Translation of Gedusi on the Almucantars")
—>  "Terminal Degeneration within the Central Nervous System as Studied by a new Silver Method"
—>  "Terminkalender Notizbucher. Schreibzeug"
—>  Terminologie Horlogere francaise et anglaise = A New Course of Modern Watchmaking
—>  Terrae-filius; or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford; in Several Essays. To which are added, Remarks upon a late Book, entitled, University Education, by R. Newton, D. D. Principal of Hart-Hall
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes - I
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes - II
—>  Terrestrial and celestial globes : their history and construction, including a consideration of their value as aids in the study of geography and astronomy
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes: Their History and Construction including a Consideration of their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and Astronomy
—>  Terrestrial Astrology: Divination by Geomancy : 2 entries
—>  Testacea Britannicae or Natural History of British Shells
—>  Testacea Microscopica aliaque minuta ex generibus Argonauta et Nautilus ad Naturam Delineata et Descripta
—>  Testacea Minuta Rariora, Nuperrime detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensis; a Gul. Boys, Arm. S. A. S. Multa addidit, et omnium Figuras ope Microscopii ampliatas accurate delineavit. Geo. Walker. | A Collection of the Minute and Rare Shells, lately discove
—>  Testimonials respecting ... Clocks
—>  "Testing a New Technology: Captain George Vancouver's Survey and Navigation in Alaskan Waters, 1794"
—>  Tetractus Anti-Astrologica, Or, The Four Chapters in the Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness, Which contain a brief but solid Confutation of Judiciary Astrology, With Annotations upon each Chapter: Wherein the wondrous Weaknesses of John Butler,
—>  "Tetrazoline" : 2 entries
—>  "Tetrazoline. Part II"
—>  Text Book of Mechanical Philosophy. I. Mechanics
—>  Text Book of Topographical and Geographical Surveying : 3 entries
—>  Text-Book on Spherical Astronomy : 2 entries
—>  'Textbooks in Transition: Disciplinary and Taxonomic Developments in Examples of Late 18th Century Natural Philosophy'
—>  Texte et Tables de la Collection des Diatomees du Monde Entier
—>  "Textile Chemistry and Industrial Culture in the Early Nineteenth Century. Some Historiographic Reflections"
—>  "Textil-Mikro-Lehrgang auf Schloss Hohenstein: Teilnehmerbericht"
—>  Textos y Estudios sobre Astronomia Espanola en el Siglo XIII
—>  Teylers Museum Magazijn : 3 entries
—>  That Noble Cabinet: A History of the British Museum
—>  Thaumalemnia Cherubicum Catholicum, Universalia, et particularia continens instrumenta, ad omnes arcus & horas Italicas, Bohemicas & Gallicas diurnas, atque nocturnas dignoscendas, etc.
—>  Thaumaturgus Mathematicus Gasparo Ens Lectore Collectore & Interprete, Nunc denuo Correctus, & Auctus, Ac Dictatus Viro Nobili Hieronymo Bragadaeno Aloysii Filio Patritio Veneto
—>  Thaumaturgus Mathematicus, Id est, Admirabilium Effectorum e mathematicarum disciplinarum Fontibus Profluentium Sylloge
—>  "The "application" of telescopes to astronomical instruments, 1667-1669 : a study in historical method"
—>  The "Brunsviga" Calculating Machine
—>  "The "Child of Hale" (John Middleton); some portraits"
—>  The "Critica Botanica" of Linnaeus
—>  The "Ensign" Handbook of Photography
—>  The "Green Ray" or "Green Flash" (rayon vert) at rising and setting of the Sun
—>  "The "Hatchet" Planimeter: Constructional Details and Method of Operation"
—>  The "Mechanical World" Electrical Pocket Book for 1916
—>  "The "Metonic Cycle" in Babylonian Astronomy. Studies in Ancient Astronomy IV"
—>  "The "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep-sea Expedition 1910"
—>  The "New Discoveries" of Stradanus
—>  "The "Pioneer": Light Passenger Locomotive of 1851 In the Museum of History and Technology
—>  "The "Social Chemists": English Chemical Societies in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century"
—>  The "Terrella"
—>  "The "Terrella""
—>  "The "van Leeuwenhoek Microscope" in possession of the University of Utrecht"
—>  "The "van Leeuwenhoek Microscope" in possession of the University of Utrecht. II"
—>  The [hexagram], [pentagram], and [octogram], and other Geometrical and Scientific Talismans and Symbolisms
—>  "The 150th Anniversary of Photography"
—>  "The 1628-1633 Editions of William Gilbert's 'De Magnete': A Tribute to the late Clifford Dobb"
—>  "The 16th century clock at Sydling St. Nicholas, Dorset"
—>  "The 17th century table clepsydra"
—>  "The 17th-Century Revolution in Mathematical Physics"
—>  "The 1893 Duryea Automobile"
—>  "The 1919 Solar Eclipse Expedition"
—>  "The 20th Century discovers an Elizabethan genius"
—>  "The 45o Prismatic Astrolabe" also "The Tavistock Theodolite"
—>  "The 600/900/1800/13500 Schmidt Reflecting Telescope in Torun, Poland"
—>  The 7-Day Week and Weekly Day of Rest - Their Natural Pre-Historic Origin
—>  "The A. Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus" : 2 entries
—>  The Abbey Scientists
—>  The Absorption and Excretion of 2-Sulphanily1-aminopyridine
—>  "The Academ Roial of King James I"
—>  "The Accademia del Cimento and Niels Stensen"
—>  The Access Guide for people with disabilities 1997-8
—>  "'The Accomplishment of Many Years': Three Notes towards a History of the Sand-glass"
—>  "The Accompt of William Balle from 28 November, 1660 to 11 September, 1663."
—>  'The Accuracy of Angular Measuring Instruments Used in Astronomy Between 1500 and 1850'
—>  The accuracy of astronomical observations at sea: An appeal for observations
—>  "The Accuracy of the Toledan Tables"
—>  "The Accuracy of Tycho Brahe's Instruments"
—>  The Achievement Project Newsletter
—>  The Achromatic Telescope, and its Various Mountings, Especially The Equatorial. To which are added Some Hints on Private Observatories
—>  The Adaption of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man
—>  "The Adjustment of Equatoreal Telescopes"
—>  The Adler Planetarium 1989
—>  The Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum of Chicago
—>  "The admiral and the magistrate"
—>  "The Admiralty Telegraphs and Semaphores"
—>  The Advance of Photography: Its History and Modern Applications
—>  The Advancement of Science, 1926 : 2 entries
—>  The Advancement of Science: Occasional Essays & Addresses
—>  "The Advent of Colour-Printed Geological Maps in Britain"
—>  The Advent of Microscopes in America with Notes on their Earlier History
—>  "The Adventures of a Man of Science
—>  "The Adventures of an Hypothesis" : 2 entries
—>  The Aegean Sea-Chart of Mehmed Reis Ibn Menemenli, A.D. 1590/1
—>  "The aerial telescope"
—>  The Aerovox Condenser and Resistor Manual and Catalogue 1929-1930
—>  The Age of Charles II : 2 entries
—>  The Age of Heacham's Older Buildings (North West Norfolk) 1726-1890: Factual and Surmised : 2 entries
—>  The Age of Reconnaissance : 2 entries
—>  "The Age of the Air-pump"
—>  "The Agnostic Philosophy of India"
—>  "The agrarian contribution to surveying in England "
—>  The Air and its Mysteries
—>  "The Airthrey Gold Cup: Discovery of an Unique Renaissance Treasure"
—>  "The Airy Era"
—>  "The Akkadian Dialects of the Old-Babylonian Mathematical Texts"
—>  The Albion Dog-Cart
—>  "The Alchemical Works of Stephanos of Alexandria. (Part 1)"
—>  "The Alchemical Works of Stephanos of Alexandria. (Part 2)"
—>  The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly
—>  The Alchemist
—>  The Alchemist in Life, Literature and Art
—>  The Alchemistic Symbols. A Brief Account of their Origin and their Meaning
—>  The Alchemists - founders of Modern Chemistry
—>  The Aldersonian-Mosaic system of creation
—>  'The Alembic Club. The First Fifty Years'
—>  The Alfa Catalog of: materials, supplies, tools for: conservators, craftsmen, laboratories, artists
—>  "The Alfonsine Tables in England" : 2 entries
—>  "The Algebra of 'Umar Khayyam"
—>  The Almanus Manuscript: Staats-und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, Codex in 2º no. 209 Rome circa 1475-circa 1485
—>  The Amateur Astronomer's Glossary
—>  The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop: a treatise containing plain and concise directions for the manipulation of wood and metals, including casting, forging, brazing, soldering, and carpentry
—>  The Amateur Photographer's Annual, 1892: Containing a Summary of photographic science, practical articles, a comprehensive and illustrated holiday guide to the leading photographic haunts in the Empire, and a notice of Novelties in apparatus. Illustrated
—>  The Amateur's Microscope
—>  The Ambassadors' Secret: Holbein and the World of the Renaissance
—>  "The Ambassadors" by Holbein
—>  "The Ambiguous Artifact: Surgical Instruments and the Surgical Past"
—>  The Ambiguous Frog: The Galvani-Volta Controversy on Animal Electricity
—>  The American Clock: A Comprehensive Pictorial Survey 1723-1900 With a Listing of 6153 Clockmakers
—>  The American Historical Review
—>  The American Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science
—>  The American Monthly Microscopical Journal
—>  The American Neptune: Pictorial Supplement XVII: Instruments of Navigation
—>  The American Oxonian : 2 entries
—>  "The American Photographical Society and the Early History of Astronomical Photography in America"
—>  "The Amici-microscopes about 1850 in possession of the University of Utrecht"
—>  The Analemmatic Sundial SourceBook, Including Recent Work and English Translations of Early Source Texts on the Analemmatic Sundial and the Variable-Center Dials that Derive from it. A Festschrift on the Tenth Anniversary of the North American Sundial Soc
—>  "The Analogical Structure of the Lullian Art"
—>  The analysis and adulteration of foods
—>  The Analysis of Steel-Works Materials
—>  The Anaphoric Clock in the Light of Recent Research
—>  The Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as connected with the fine arts
—>  The Anatomy of Humane Bodies, with figures drawn after the life by some of the Best Masters in Europe, and Curiously Engraven in One Hundred and Fourteen Copper Plates, illustrated with Large Explanations, containing many new Anatomical Discoveries, and C
—>  The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostics, and several cures of it. In three partitions. With their several sections, members, & subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up. By
—>  The Anatomy of Plants. With an Idea of a Philosophical History of Plants, and several other Lectures, read before the Royal Society
—>  The Anatomy of the Brain. Containing its Mechanism and Physiology; together with some New Discoveries and Corrections of Ancient and Modern Authors upon that Subject. To which is annex'd a particular Account of Animal Functions and Muscular Motion. The Wh
—>  The Anatomy of the Human Body
—>  The Anatomy of the Human Skeleton
—>  The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun. With a General Account of Vegetation founded thereon : 2 entries
—>  The Anatriptic Art: A History of the Art termed Anatripsis by Hippocrates, Tripsis by Galen, Frictio by Celsus, Manipulation by Reveridge, and Medical Rubbing in ordinary language, from the earliest times to the present day. Followed by an account of its
—>  "The Anchor Escapement - William Clement or Robert Hooke?"
—>  The Ancient Engineers
—>  The Ancient Greek Computer from Rhodes known as the Antikythera Mechanism
—>  The Ancient Sundials of Scotland
—>  "The ancient sundials of Scotland"
—>  "The Ancient Town Hall Clock of Prague in Changing Times"
—>  "The Ancients and the Machine"
—>  'The Andrews' Professors of Astronomy and Dunsink Observatory, 1785-1985'
—>  "The Anemograph of Ons-en-Bray: An Early Self-Registering Predecessor of the Kymograph. With Translations of Original Description - and a Biography of the Inventor"
—>  The Aneroid Barometer With Observations on the Mercurial Barometer
—>  The Animal called "Man"
—>  The animal-lore of Shakespeare's time : including quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish and insects
—>  The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London
—>  "The Annotation of Leeuwenhoek's Packets of Specimens: A Preliminary Account"
—>  The Annular Eclipse of May 26, 1854
—>  "The Annus Mirabilis of Sir Isaac Newton: Tricentennial Celebration"
—>  The Anschutz gyro-compass: History and description: theory; practical use
—>  The Antecedental Calculus, or a Geometrical Method of Reasoning, without any Consideration of Motion or Velocity, Applicaple to every Purpose, to which Fluxions have been or can be applied; with the Geometrical Principles of Increments, etc. and the Const
—>  The Antikythera Mechanism : decoding an Ancient Greek mystery : a brief research history
—>  The Antikythera Shipwreck Reconsidered
—>  The Antiquarian Horological Society Tenth Anniversary Exhibition Collectors' Pieces Clocks and Watches at The Science Museum 29th May - 9th August
—>  The Antique Instruments of the Museum of History of Science in Florence
—>  "The Antiquity of Alchemy" : 2 entries
—>  The Antiquity of Disease
—>  The Apostadometer. A New Surveying Instrument for Measuring the Distances of Inaccessible Objects by a Direct Reading Without Calculation, Giving also their Right Angled Direction | Applicable for Various Purposes, but Especially for Taking Offsets
—>  "The Apothecary's Mortar from Maison Dieu, Arundel"
—>  "The apotheosis of Newton in Art"
—>  The apparatus of science at Harvard, 1765-1800
—>  "The apparatus of science" : 2 entries
—>  "The Apparatus Used by Sherrington and his Pupils"
—>  The Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science during the Renaissance (1450-1600)
—>  "The Apprentice years of Mason and Dixon"
—>  The Approach to the Absolute Zero of Temperature
—>  "The approach to the absolute zero of temperature"
—>  The Arab Navigation
—>  "The Arabic Literature on Alchemy According to An-Nadim (A.D. 987). A Translation of the Tenth Discourse of The Book of the Catalogue (Al-Fihrist) with Introduction and Commentary"
—>  The Arabic Names of the Stars
—>  "The Arabic Optical MSS in the British Isles"
—>  "The Arabic Transmission of Archimedes' Sphere and Cylinder and Eutocius' Commentary"
—>  The Arabic Version of Ptolemy's Planetary Hypotheses
—>  The Arabic Works of Jabir b. Hayyan
—>  The Arabs in History.
—>  The Arboretums and Botanical Gardens of North America
—>  The Archaeological Journal
—>  The archaic and the exotic : studies in the history of Indian astronomical instruments
—>  "The Architecture of Christopher Wren"
—>  The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
—>  The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in ten books
—>  The Architecture of Sir Roger Pratt, Charles II's Commissioner for the Rebuilding of London after the Great Fire: now printed for the first time from his Note-books
—>  The Arenarius of Archimedes, Translated from the Greek, with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added the Dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject from the Latin
—>  The Argand Burner: Its Origin and Development in France and England 1780-1800: An Epoch in the History of Science Illustrated by the Life and Work of the Physicist Ami Argand (1750-1803)
—>  "The Argument of Morien and Merlin: An English Alchemical Poem" : 2 entries
—>  "The Arithmeticall Jewell or Jewell of Arithmetick"
—>  "The Armillary Sphere in the Library of the Escorial in Madrid"
—>  "The Armillary Sphere of Antonio Santucci delle Pomarance"
—>  "The armillary sphere, cipher of the world"
—>  "The Armorial London Delft of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries"
—>  "The Arrest and Imprisonment of Henry Oldenburg"
—>  The Arrival of the Daguerreotype in New York
—>  The Art and Antique Restorers' Handbook: A Dictionary of Materials and Processes used in the Restoration & Preservation of all Kinds of Works of Art
—>  The Art and Craft of Coinmaking: A History of Minting Technology
—>  The art and practice of photographing paintings
—>  The Art Crusade - an analysis of American drawing manuals, 1820-1860
—>  The Art of Breguet
—>  The Art of Breguet: An Important Collection of 204 Watches, Clocks and Wristwatches ... to be offered for Sale by Auction at the Hotel des Bergues, Geneva ... on Sunday 14 April 1991 ...
—>  The Art of Curing Diseases by Expectation: with Remarks on a supposed great Case of Apoplectick Fits. Also most useful Observations on Coughs, Consumptions, Stone, Dropsies, Fevers, and Small Pox; with a Confutation of Dispensatories, and other various Di
—>  The Art of Dialling performed Geometrically by Sacle & Compasses: Arithmetically by the Canons of Lines & Tangents: Instrumentally, etc.
—>  The art of dialling performed geometrically by Scale & Compass
—>  The Art of Dialling, By a New, Easie, and most Speedy Way. shewing, How to describe the Hour Lines upon all sorts of Plains; Howsoever, or in what Latitude soever, situated. Also ...
—>  The art of distillation: or, A treatise of the choicest spagyrical preparations, experiments, and curiosities, performed by way of distillation. : Together with the description of the choicest furnaces and vessels used by ancient and modern chymists and t
—>  The art of drawing in perspective made easy to those who have no previous knowledge of the mathematics
—>  The art of drawing in perspective, made easy to those who have no previous knowledge of the mathematics
—>  The Art of Dyalling in Two Parts : 2 entries
—>  The Art of Dyalling in two parts, the first shewing plainly, and in a maner mechanichally to make dyals to all plaines, either Horizontall, Murall, declining, reclining or inclining, with the theoricke of the Arte. The second how to performe ...
—>  The art of glass, wherein are shown the wayes to make and colour glass, pastes, enamels, lakes, and other curiosities
—>  The art of glass-blowing : or, Plain instructions for making the chemical and philosophical instruments which are formed of glass, such as barometers, thermometers, hydrometers, hour- glasses, funnels, syphons, tube vessels for chemical experiments, toys
—>  The Art of Invention: Patent Models and Their Makers
—>  The art of metals, : in which is declared the manner of their generation, and the concomitants of them. : In two books
—>  The Art of Navigation in England in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times
—>  The Art of Numbring by Speaking-Rods: Vulgarly termed Nepeir's Bones. By which the most difficult parts of Arithmetick, As Multiplication, Division, & Extracting of Roots both square and cube are performed with incredible Celerity and Exactness (without a
—>  The Art of Patek Philippe: Calibre 89 to be offered for sale by Auction at the Hotel des Bergues, Geneva on Sunday, April 9th, 1989 at 17.30 - Lot 301
—>  The Art of Photogenic Drawing
—>  The Art of Photography 1839-1989
—>  The Art of Practical Measuring Easily Perform'd By a Two Foot Rule, Which slides to a Foot. ... and lastly Some Useful Directions in Dialling, not hitherto Published
—>  The Art of Practical Measuring, by the Sliding Rule: Shewing how to measure Round, Square, or other Timber, Stone, Board, Glass, Paving, Painting, and Wainscot. Also Gauging; with Instructions in Decimals, Mr Townley's Method of the Logarithms, and the Us
—>  The Art of Shadows, or Universal Dialling with ...
—>  The Art of Shadows: or, Universal Dialling; with Tables exactly calculated for the lat. Of 51 deg. 30 min. viz London
—>  The Art of Sundial Construction : 4 entries
—>  "The Art of Sundials in Poland from the Thirteenth to the Nineteenth Century"
—>  The art of surveying : a selection of books from the Deutches Museum Library Exhibition during F.I.G. Congress, Munich, October-November 2006
—>  The Art of Teaching Physics: The Eighteenth-Century Demonstration Apparatus of Jean Antoine Nollet.
—>  The Art of the Daguerreotype
—>  The Art of the Gold Chaser in Eighteenth-Century London
—>  The Art of the Medal
—>  The Art of Time: The Theodore R. Crom Collection
—>  The Arthur Frank Loan Collection: Early Scientific Instruments
—>  The Artifacts and Technology of the Health Sciences: A Bibliographic Guide to Historical Sources
—>  The Artificial Clock-Maker
—>  "The Artificial Horizon"
—>  The Artisan or Mechanics Instructor: containing a popular comprehensive and systematic view of the sciences
—>  The Artistry of the English Watch
—>  The Aryan Path : 2 entries
—>  The Ashmolean
—>  The Ashmolean Copy of Plot's 'Natural History'
—>  "The Ashmolean copy of Plot's 'Natural History'"
—>  "The Ashmolean Museum - Beaumont Street"
—>  The Ashmolean Museum 1683-1894
—>  The Ashmolean Museum and Oxford Science 1683-1983 : 2 entries
—>  The Ashmolean Museum and the Ashmole Collection of Antiquities
—>  "The Ashmolean Museum" : 2 entries
—>  The Ashmolean Museum: A brief history of the Institution and its collections
—>  The Ashmolean Museum: Its History, Present State, and Prospects
—>  The Ashmolean Society
—>  The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and his Alchemical Quest: Including Boyle's "Lost" Dialogue on the Transmutation of Metals
—>  The Asteroids or Minor Planets between Mars and Jupiter
—>  The Astrolabe : 3 entries
—>  The Astrolabe - its Construction and Use
—>  The Astrolabe - Some notes on its history, construction and use
—>  The astrolabe : its uses and derivatives
—>  "The Astrolabe of Queen Elizabeth"
—>  "The Astrolabe Stars of al-Sufi"
—>  "The Astrolabe" : 2 entries
—>  The astrolabe, its construction and use
—>  The Astrolabe: A Brief Account of its History and Construction Together with Practical Instructions Showing How it was Used and can Still be Used for Solving Many Astronomical Problems
—>  "The Astrolabe: Its Uses and Derivatives"
—>  "The Astrolabe: What and Why"
—>  The Astrolabes of The World: based upon the series of instruments in the Lewis Evans Collection in the old Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, with notes on astrolabes in the collections of the British Museum, Science Museum, Sir. J. Findlay, Mr. S.V. Hoffman, th : 2 entries
—>  The Astrologer
—>  "The Astrological Astrolabe of Queen Elizabeth I"
—>  The astronomer of Rousdon : Charles Grover 1842-1921
—>  "The Astronomer's Tale"
—>  "The Astronomer's Workshop: The Instruments Which Man Has Invented to Span the Distance between the Earth and the Stars"
—>  The Astronomia Europaea of Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (Dillingen, 1687): Text, Tranlation, Notes and Commentaries
—>  The Astronomical Aspect of the Theory of Relativity
—>  The Astronomical Chapters of the Chin Shu, with amendments full translation and annotations
—>  The astronomical clock
—>  The astronomical clock : Hampton Court Palace
—>  The Astronomical Clock: Hampton Court Palace
—>  "The Astronomical Instruments of Jabir ibn Aflah and the Torquetum"
—>  "The Astronomical Instruments of John Rowley in Eighteenth-Century Russia"
—>  "The Astronomical Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centureis in the Museums of the U.S.S.R."
—>  "The Astronomical Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Museums of the U.S.S.R."
—>  The Astronomical Journal
—>  "The Astronomical Observations of Jai Singh"
—>  "The Astronomical Program of Raja Sawai Jai Singh II and its Historical Context"
—>  The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge
—>  "The Astronomical System of Herakleides"
—>  The Astronomical Tables of al-Khwarizmi
—>  "The Astronomical Tables of Mahadeva"
—>  The Astronomical Works of Thabit b. Qurra
—>  The Astronomical Year: Or, An Account Of the many remarkable Celestial Phenomena of the Great Year MDCCXXXVI. Particularly of the Late Comet, Which was foretold by Sir Isaac Newton, and appeared at its Conclusion
—>  The Astronomy and Astrology of Geoffrey Chaucer (With special reference to The Frankleyns Tale)
—>  The Astronomy and Geography of Transits, and the Principles of Calculation, illustrated and applied to the ensuing Transit of Venus in 1769; with the Construction and Use of a Transit Globe for that purpose. Embellished with Three large Copper Plates, and
—>  The Astronomy of Birr Castle
—>  The Astronomy of the Bible: an Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture
—>  "The Astrophysics of Berossos the Chaldean"
—>  The Athenian Ballot and Secret Suffrage
—>  The Atlantic Cable
—>  The Atlantic telegraph
—>  The Atlas Catalogue of Replica Rara Ltd. Antique Microscopes
—>  The Atlas of Atlases: The Map Maker's Vision of the World: Atlases from The Cadbury Collection, Birmingham Central Library
—>  The Atmospheric Railways
—>  The Atom
—>  "The Atom: A Layman's Primer on what the World is Made of"
—>  The Atomic Bomb
—>  "The Atomic Clock: A New Instrument for the Accurate Measurement of Time"
—>  The Atomic Debates: Brodie and the Rejection of the Atomic Theory: Three Studies
—>  "The Attainment of High Potentials by the Use of Radium"
—>  The attitude of Saint Thomas to Natural Science
—>  "The Auction Sale of Larcum Kendall's Workshop, 1790"
—>  "The Auction Sales of the Earl of Bute's Instruments, 1793"
—>  "The Australian Question: Or, Saved from the white ants and the happy cockroaches"
—>  The Authorship of the Equatorie of the Planets
—>  The Autobiography and Services of Sir James McGrigor, Bart
—>  The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin : now first printed in England from the full and authentic text
—>  The autobiography of Dr. William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, and martyr : collected from his remains
—>  "The Autonomy of Science"
—>  The Autumn Antique Sale
—>  The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450-1550: An annotated Checklist of First Editions viewed from the Angle of their Subject Content: Astronomy. Mathematics. Medicine Natural Science. Physics. Technology
—>  "The Aylesbury-Bedford Axis in Early Victorian Astronomy"
—>  The B.D.H. Book of A.R. Standards
—>  The B.D.H. Book of Reagents for Delicate Analysis and "Spot" Tests
—>  The B.H.P. Review
—>  The Babbage Papers in the Science Museum Library: A Cross-Referenced List
—>  "The Babylonian "Pythagorean Triangle" Tablet"
—>  "The Babylonian background of the Kay Kaus Legend"
—>  The Babylonian Legends of the Creation and the Fight between Bel and the Dragon as told by Assyrian Tablets from Nineveh
—>  "The Babylonian Method for the Computation of the last Visibilities of Mercury"
—>  "The 'Babylonians' and the 'Persians'"
—>  The Background of Astronomy
—>  "The background of Rontgen's discovery"
—>  "The Background to the discovery of Dulong and Petit's Law"
—>  "The Bakerian Lecture: On the manufacture of Glass for Optical purposes"
—>  The Bakken Museum of Electricity in Life : 2 entries
—>  The Bakken: A Library and Museum of Electricity in Life
—>  "The Ballad of the Veliger, or How the Gastropod got its Twist"
—>  The Balliol College Register 1832-1914
—>  'The Balliol-Trinity College Laboratories'
—>  "The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories"
—>  "The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1853-1940" : 2 entries
—>  "The Barber's Astrolabe"
—>  "The Bardin Family, Globe-Makers in London, and their Associate, Gabriel Wright"
—>  The Barnet Book of Photography
—>  "The Baron Fleck of Saltcoats : Honorary Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society" [obituary]
—>  "The Basic Astronomy of Stonehenge"
—>  "The Baton of Montgaudier"
—>  The Beauty of Clocks
—>  'The Beeson Room in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford'
—>  "The Beeson Room in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford"
—>  The Beginner's Guide to the Microscope. With a Section on Mounting Slides
—>  The Beginning and End of the World
—>  "The Beginning of Portuguese Carcinology"
—>  The Beginning of the Royal Society
—>  "The Beginnings of Alchemy"
—>  "The Beginnings of American Science. The Third Century. An Address delivered at the Eigth Anniversary Meeting of the Biological Society of Washington"
—>  "The Beginnings of Chinese Astronomy"
—>  "The Beginnings of Irish Medicine -- Part I" [and] "... Part II"
—>  The Beginnings of Lichfield
—>  "The Beginnings of Photography in Oxford"
—>  "The Behaviour In Vivo of Particulate Micrococcin"
—>  "The Behaviour of Intravenously Injected Particles Observed in Chambers in Rabbits' Ears"
—>  "The Behaviour of Intravenously Injected Particles of Carbon and Micrococcin in Normal and Tuberculous Tissue"
—>  "The Belated Construction of Water-Immersion Objectives In Britain"
—>  The Betchworth Portraits: Members of the Family of William Harvey
—>  "The Betchworth Portraits: Members of the Family of William Harvey"
—>  "The Bhugola of Ksama Karna: A Dated Sixteenth Century Piece of Indian Metalware"
—>  "The bhugola of Ksema Karna : a dated sixteenth century piece of Indian metalware"
—>  "The Bibliography of Dialling"
—>  The Bibliography of Some Recreational Mathematics Books
—>  "The Bicentenary Exhibition of Joseph Priestley"
—>  "The Bi-Centenary of James Watt: The Inventor who Transformed the Steam Engine from a "Whimsey" into the Cheap and Powerful Motor which Revolutionised Industry"
—>  "The Bicentenary of Joseph Black"
—>  The Bicentenary of the Discovery of Oxygen by Joseph Priestley
—>  "The Bifilar Magnetometer, its Errors and Corrections, including the Determination of the Temperature Coefficient for the Bifilar employed in the Colonial Observatories"
—>  The Billings microscope collection
—>  "The Billmeir Collection of scientific instruments" : 2 entries
—>  The Biochemical Society: its history and activities, 1911-69
—>  The Biological Control of Insects
—>  The Biologist's World
—>  "The birth and descent of John Mayow - a Tercentenary Note"
—>  "The Birth and Early Days of the Philosophical Transactions"
—>  The birth of chemistry
—>  "The Birth of Molecular Biology"
—>  The birth of navigational science : the solving in the 18th century of the problem of finding longitude at sea
—>  "The Birth of Nuclear Physics"
—>  The Birth of Photography. The story of the formative years 1800-1900
—>  "The Birth of the Modern Scientific Instrument, 1550-1700"
—>  "The Blood-Corpuscle Considered in its Different Phases of Development in the Animal Series. Memoir I. - Vertebrata. Memoir II. - Invertebrata. Memoir III. - Comparison between the Blood-Corpuscle of the Vertebrata and that of the Invertebrata"
—>  "The Blood-Pressure Reflexes of the Rabbit under Urethane Anaesthesia"
—>  The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology Containing All Known Methods of Anhydrous Analysis, Many Working Examples, and Instructions for Making Apparatus
—>  The Blueprint Handbook of Print & Production
—>  "The BOA Foundation Museum"
—>  "The Board of Longitude 1714-1828"
—>  The Boat and the Dial; or the Boat-Dialling of the Ancient Greeks as connected with their traditions of the Argonauts; from those of the Jews respecting Noah; exemplified by the Hollow Dialling of the Ancient Egyptians, etc.
—>  "The Boats of North Ferriby"
—>  The Boat-Swain's Art: Or, the Compleat Boat-Swain
—>  The Bodleian Quarterly Record
—>  The Body of the Artisan: Art and Experience in the Scientific Revolution
—>  The Boke of Surveyeng and Improvmentes
—>  The Bolton Hearse
—>  "The Book as a Scientific Instrument"
—>  The Book of American Clocks
—>  The Book of Cirurgia
—>  The Book of Husbandry by Master Fitzherbert. Reprinted from the Edition of 1534, and edited with an introduction, notes and glossarial index by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat
—>  The book of imaginary science : based upon an intervention at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford 2007
—>  The Book of Ingenious Devices Kitab al-Hiyal
—>  The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology
—>  The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices
—>  The Book of Modern Engines: A Practical Work on Prime Movers and the Transmission of Power Steam, Electric, Water, Gas, and Hot Air
—>  The Book of Old Sundials & their Mottoes with eight illustrations in colour by Alfred Rawlings and thirty-six drawings of some famous sundials by Warrington Hogg
—>  The Book of Oxford
—>  The Book of Sun-dials : 3 entries
—>  The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
—>  The Book of the Hayden Planetarium
—>  The Book of the Sextant with Ancient and Modern Instruments of Navigation
—>  The Book of Time
—>  "The Borghesi Astronomical Clock" : 2 entries
—>  The Bot or Ox Warble Fly. Description and habits, with proof of the immense damage to cattle, their produce and hides. With practical suggestions for prevention and cure
—>  The Botanic Garden; A Poem, in Two Parts
—>  "The Botanical Results of the Endeavour Voyage"
—>  "The Botanist in the Garden"
—>  "The Bowl That Sinks And Tells Time"
—>  The Boy's Book of Science. or The Playbook of Science
—>  The Bracket Clock
—>  The Breath of Life
—>  The Brightest Stars for the Construction of Mechanical Clocks
—>  The Brilliant Ray
—>  The British almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge for the year of our Lord 1849
—>  The British Almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge for the Year 1829
—>  The British Almanac, for the Year MDCCCXXVIII
—>  The British Association for the Advancement of Science: A Retrospect 1831-1931
—>  The British Astronomical Association: Its Nature, Aims and Methods
—>  The British Journal for the History of Science
—>  The British Journal of Surgery
—>  The British Journal Photographic Almanac : 2 entries
—>  The British Medical Students' Journal
—>  The British Museum
—>  The British Museum (Natural History)
—>  "The British Museum (Natural History): Celebrating one hundred years at South Kensington 1881-1981"
—>  The British Optical Association Year Book 1930
—>  "The Brownie Camera"
—>  "The Brunell Camera"
—>  The Bryant and May Museum of Fire-Making Appliances : 3 entries
—>  The Buhr-Ool Juwahir: A Medical Dictionary by Mohammed bin Yoosoof
—>  The Bulletin of the Cleveland Medical Library : 2 entries
—>  "The Burndy Library; window on the history of science"
—>  "The Burns of Sea Battles"
—>  "The Bush Barrow Gold Lozenge: Is it a Solar and Lunar Calendar for Stonehenge?"
—>  "The Byzantine Astrolabe at Brescia"
—>  "The Cabinet of Bonnier de la Mosson (1702-1744)"
—>  "The cabinet of King Serfoji of Tanjore : a European collection in early nineteenth-century India"
—>  The Calculating Hand: Finger Reckoning and Computus Texts
—>  The Calculating Machines (Die Rechenmaschinen): Their History and Development
—>  The Calculation of Solar Eclipses without Parallaxes. With A Specimen of the same in the Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 11. 1724. Now first made Publick. To which is added, A Proposal how, with the Latitude given, the Geographical Longitude of all the Part
—>  "The Calculation of the Equivalent Conductivity of Strong Electrolytes at Infinite Dilution"
—>  "The Calculation of the Equivalent Conductivity of Strong Electrolytes. - Part I. Aqueous Solutions. (ii.) Application to Data at 0, 18, and 25 C"
—>  "The Calculation of the Equivalent Conductivity of Strong Electrolytes at Infinite Dilution. - Part I. Aqueous Solutions. (iii.) The Mobilities of the Hydrogen and the Hydroxyl Ions"
—>  "The Calculation of the Equivalent Conductivity of Strong Electrolytes at Infinite Dilution. A Reply to Some Recent Criticism"
—>  The Calculator: being Correct and Necessary Tables for Computation adapted to Science, Business, and Pleasure
—>  "The Calculus of Chemical Operations; being a Method for the Investigations, by means of symbols, of the Laws of the Distribution of Weight in Chemical Change. Part I. On the Construction of Chemical Symbols"
—>  "The Calculus of Chemical Operations; being a Method for the Investigations, by means of symbols, of the Laws of the Distribution of Weight in Chemical Change. Part II. On the Analysis of Chemical Events"
—>  The calendar : the 5000-year struggle to align the clock and the heavens - and what happened to the missing ten days
—>  "The Calendar"
—>  The Calotype Patent Lawsuit of Talbot v. Laroche. 1854
—>  The Calotype Process : 2 entries
—>  The Cambridge Guide to the Constellations
—>  The Cambridge Guide to the Museums of Britain and Ireland
—>  The Cambridge Medical School: A Biographical History
—>  The Cambridge Philosophical Society: A History 1819-1969
—>  The Camera and Its Images
—>  "The Camera and Other Drawing Machines"
—>  The Camera Lucida in Art and Science
—>  The Camera Obscura [&] The Camera Obscura and What You See
—>  The Camera Obscura: A Chronicle
—>  The Camerer Cuss Book of Antique Watches
—>  The Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery
—>  "The Canon the Chemist and the Dinosaurs"
—>  The Carbro Process
—>  The Care and Conservation of Photographic Material
—>  The career of a wireless operator
—>  The Carpenters Rule, Or, A Booke shewing many plaine waies, truly to measure ordinarie Timber, and other extraordinarie sollids, or Timber: With a Detection of Sundrie great errors, generally committed by Carpenters and others in measuring the Timber; ten
—>  "The Carpenter's Rule: Instruments, Practitioners, and Artisans in 16th-century England"
—>  "The Case of M. Libri"
—>  The Case of Mr. John Harrison
—>  "The Case of the 'Worthless' Instruments. Part 1"
—>  "The Case of the 'Worthless' Instruments. Part 2"
—>  The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland form the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century
—>  The Casting-Counter and the Counting-Board: A Chapter in the History of Numismatics and Early Arithmetic
—>  "The Catalogues of Ptolemy, Ulugh Beigh, Tycho Brahe, Halley, Hevelius, Deduced from the best Authorities. With various notes and corrections and a Preface to each Catalogue. To which is added The Synonym of each Star, in the Catalogues of Flamsteed or La
—>  "The Cataloguing of Ashmolean Collections of Books and Manuscripts"
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—>  The Catholique Planisphaer. Which Mr. Blagrave calleth The Mathematical Jewel; Briefly and Plainly discribed in Five Books ...
—>  "The Causation of Vital Movement"
—>  The Cave Fauna of North America, with Remarks on the Anatomy of the Brain and Origin of the Blind Species
—>  The Cavendish Laboratory
—>  "The Cavendish Laboratory Archives"
—>  "The Cavendish Laboratory"
—>  The Cavendish Laboratory: An Outline Guide to the Museum
—>  The Celebrated Phaenomena of Colours: The Early History of the Spectroscope
—>  The celebrated phenomena of colours : the early history of the spectroscope
—>  "The Celestial Balance - A Practical Reconstruction"
—>  "The Celestial Globes of Georg Roll and Johannes Reinhold"
—>  "The Celestial Planisphere of King Yi Tai-jo"
—>  The celestial worlds discover'd
—>  The Celestial Worlds Discover'd: or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets. Written in Latin by Christianus Huygens, and inscrib'd to his Brother Constantine Huygens Late Secretary to his Majesty King
—>  The Celestial Worlds Discover'd: Or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions Of The Worlds in the Planets. Written in Latin by Christianus Huygens, And inscrib'd to his Brother Constantine Huygens, Late Secretary to his Majesty K. W
—>  "The Centenary of Huxley"
—>  "The Centenary of Section E (Geography)"
—>  "The Centenary of the "Lancet""
—>  "The Centenary of the Discovery of Benzene"
—>  The Centenary of the Friction Match
—>  The Centenary Volume of Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd., Publishers 1820 1920
—>  "The Centrality of Oxford"
—>  The Century of Inventions of the Marquis of Worcester
—>  The Century of Science
—>  "The Chaetognatha, or Primitive Mollusca, with a Bibliography"
—>  "The Chaetognatha, or Primitive Mollusca. With a Bibliography"
—>  The Chain Makers: A history of the watch fusee chain industry
—>  The Chair of Chemistry in the United College of St. Salvator ans St. Leonard
—>  "The Challenge of Practical Mathematics"
—>  The Chamber of Physics: Instruments in the History of Sciences Collection of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Stockholm
—>  "The Chandelier Clock of Ibn Yunis"
—>  The Change in the Climate and its Cause Giving the date of the last Ice Age based on a recent Astronomical Discovery and Geological Research.
—>  "The Changing Character of the Sailor's Diet and its Influence on Disease"
—>  "The Changing Face of Oxford"
—>  "The Changing Realms of Animal Life"
—>  "The Chapel Dial"
—>  "The Character of the Summers at Oxford Since 1815"
—>  "The Charges on Ions"
—>  "The Chart of Magellan"
—>  "The Charting of the South Shetlands, 1819-28"
—>  The Chelsea Physic Garden
—>  The Chemical Analysis of Ferrous Alloys and Foundry Materials: Modern Practice and Theory
—>  The Chemical Arts of Old China
—>  The Chemical Aspects of Light
—>  "The Chemical Calculus of Sir Benjamin Brodie"
—>  The chemical catechism, : with notes, illustrations, and experiments : 2 entries
—>  The Chemical Dream of the Renaissance
—>  The Chemical Effect of the Spectrum
—>  The Chemical Essays of Charles-William Scheele translated from the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm with additions
—>  The chemical essays of Charles-William Scheele. : Translated from the transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. With additions
—>  The Chemical Essays of Charles-William Scheele. Translated from the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. With additions
—>  "The Chemical Lectures at Oxford (1822-1854) of Charles Daubeny, M.D., F.R.S."
—>  The Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science, with which is incorporated the "Chemical Gazette". A Journal of Physical Science - Practical Chemistry in all its applications to Pharmacy, Arts, and Manufactures
—>  The chemical pocket-book; or, memoranda chemica: : arranged in a compendium of chemistry, with tables of attractions &c. calculated as well for the occasional reference of the professional student, as to supply others with a general knowledge of chemistry
—>  "The Chemical Revolution Revisited"
—>  "The Chemical Society - a Mid-Century Review"
—>  "The Chemical Society of London" : 2 entries
—>  The Chemical Society. 1841-1941: A Historical Review
—>  "The Chemical Studies of John Evelyn"
—>  The Chemical Works of ... , M.D. Professor of Chemistry at Berlin, F.R.S. etc.. Abridged and Methodized
—>  The Chemist-Optician: A Survey of the Theory and Practice of Visual Optics Especially with Reference to Sight-Testing and Spectacle Fitting
—>  "The Chemistry Department of the University of Leeds"
—>  The chemistry of common life
—>  "The Chemistry of Coumarins"
—>  The Chemistry of Creation: being a Sketch of the Chief Chemical and Physical Phenomena of the Earth, the Air, the Ocean
—>  The Chemistry of Light and Photography in its Application to Art, Science, and Industry
—>  "The Chemistry of Respiration"
—>  The Chemistry of the Radio-Elements : 2 entries
—>  The Chemists' and Druggists' Diary for 1913
—>  "The Childe of Hale"
—>  "The Chinese Contribution to the Development of the Mariner's Compass"
—>  "The Chinese origin of the words, kimia, sufi, dervish and qalandar, in the light of Mysticism"
—>  The Chirurgical Works of Percivall Pott, F.R.S. Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital
—>  "The Christian Island "Astrolabe""
—>  The Christian Tradition in International Relations
—>  The Chronological Historian: containing a Regular Account of all Material Transactions and Occurrences, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military, relating to the English Affairs, from the Invasion of the Romans, to the Fourteenth Year of King George II. ...
—>  The Chronology of Ancient Nations: an English version of the Arabic text of the Athar-ul-Bakiya of Albiruni, or "Vestiges of the Past," collected and reduced to writing by the author in A. H. 390-1, A. D. 1000
—>  The Chronology of History, containing Tables, Calculations & Statements, Indispensable for ascertaining the dates of Historical Events, and of Public and Private Documents from the earliest periods to the present time
—>  The Chronology of Star Catalogues
—>  'The Chrysotype - An Investigation into a Nineteenth Century Photographic Technique'
—>  'The Chrysotype - An investigation into a nineteenth century photographic process'
—>  The Church and the Telescope
—>  The Chyrurgeons Store-House: furnished with Forty three Tables Cut in Brass, in which are all sorts of Instruments, both Antient and Modern; useful to the performance of all Manual Opperations, with an exact Description of every Instrument. Together with
—>  "The Ciceronian Art of Memory"
—>  The Cimaruta: Its Structure and Development
—>  "The Cimaruta: Its Structure and Development"
—>  The Ciphers of the Monks: A Forgotten Number-notation of the Middle Ages
—>  The Circle of Willis
—>  The Circles of Proportion and the Horizontall Instrument
—>  The Circles of Proportion and The Horizontall Instrument etc.
—>  'The City Artisans on the High Seas: The Nau and Nautica'
—>  The Clarendon guide to Oxford
—>  The Clark Newsletter
—>  "The Classic Electricians" : 2 entries
—>  "The Classification of Islamic Celestial Globes in the Light of Recent Evidence"
—>  "The Classification of Sundials"
—>  "The Clayton (Byron) Family in England"
—>  The Cleaning and Restoration of Museum Exhibits: Third Report upon Investigations Conducted at the British Museum
—>  The Cleere Observer: A Biography of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
—>  The Climate of Torquay
—>  The clock & watchmakers of Buckinghamshire
—>  The Clock Book: A description of foreign and American antique clocks, and a list of their makers
—>  "The Clock of Death"
—>  The Clock of Philip the Good of Burgundy
—>  The Clockmakers' Library: The Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
—>  The Clockmakers of Cumberland
—>  The clockmakers of London: an account of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers and its collections at Guildhall Library, Aldermanbury, London
—>  The Clockmakers of Northumberland and Durham
—>  The clocks and watches of the Victoria and Albert Museum
—>  "The Clocks at the Royal College of Physicians"
—>  "The clocks of Christiaan Huygens"
—>  The Clocks of Japan
—>  "The Clocks of Peterborough Cathedral"
—>  "The Clocks of Sir Isaac Newton" [and] "The Clocks of John Flamsteed (The First Astronomer Royal)"
—>  The Clockwork of the Heavens
—>  "The Clockwork of The Heavens"
—>  The Clockwork of the Heavens: An exhibition of astronomical clocks, watches and allied scientific instruments presented by Asprey and Company with the special help of Harriet Wynter and the collaboration of various museums and private collections.
—>  The Clough Typewriter Collection
—>  "The Club of the Royal College of Physicians, the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers and their Relationship to the Royal Society Club"
—>  The Cogwheel Brain: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build the First Computer
—>  "The Cold Winters of 1767-68, 1776 and 1814, as Observed at Oxford"
—>  The Cole Library of Early Medicine and Zoology Catalogue of books and pamphlets, Part I. 1472 to 1800
—>  "The Collected Letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - An appeal to the Scientific World"
—>  The Collected Mathematical Papers of Henry John Stephen Smith M.A., F.R.S. Late Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford
—>  "The Collecting Maniac"
—>  'The Collection and Exhibition of Post-World War Two Science and Technology: the Festival of Britain, 1951'
—>  "The collection of Apparatus used by Dalton, now in the possession of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society"
—>  "The Collection of Mr. Edward Hornby"
—>  "The Collection of Photographs at Tartu University Library"
—>  The Collector's Dictionary of Clocks
—>  "The College Library. The Cirurgia of Pietro d'Argellata"
—>  "The College Library. The Cyrurgia of Guy de Chauliac"
—>  The College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street ...
—>  The Collodion Process on Glass
—>  "The Cologne Diorama"
—>  The Colonial Physician & Other Essays
—>  "The colour and ionisation of Cupric Salts" : 2 entries
—>  The colours of animals : their meaning and use especially considered in the case of insects
—>  The common objects of the country
—>  The Common Scientist in the Seventeenth Century: A Study of the Dublin Philosophical Society 1683-1708
—>  The communications miracle : the telecommunication pioneers from Morse to the information superhighway
—>  The Companion to the Compound, Achromatic, and Oxy-Hydrogen Microscopes with a Catalogue and Description of all the new and most Interesting Objects; The best Method of procuring and mounting them in Canada Balsam, for the Microscope; and of preparing veg : 2 entries
—>  The Companion to the Microscope
—>  The Companion to the Microscope, ...
—>  The Companion to the Microscope, ... with Plates, and a Description of C. Gould's Improved Compound Microscope, ...
—>  The Companion to the Microscope, with Full Directions for Preparing the Vegetable Infusions to Produce Animalcules; with The Best Method of Procuring, and a Catalogue of, All the Principal Objects; with Plates, and a Description of C. Gould's Improved Poc
—>  [The Companion to the Microscope, with Full Directions for Preparing the Vegetable Infusions to Produce Animalcules; with The Best Method of Procuring, and a Catalogue of, All the Principal Objects; with Plates, and a Description of C. Gould's Improved Po
—>  "The Comparative Physiology of Respiration"
—>  "The Compartmented Cylindrical Clepsydra"
—>  The Compleat Herbal: or, the Botanical Institutions of Mr. Tournefort, Chief Botanist to the late French King. Carefully translated [by John Martyn] from the Original Latin. With large Additions from Ray, Gerarde, Parkinson, and others, the most celebrate
—>  The Compleat Plattmaker: Essays on Chart, Map, and Globe Making in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
—>  The Compleat Seadsman's Monthly Calendar, Showing the Best and Most Easy Method for Raising and Cultivating Every Sort of Seed Belonging to a Kitchen and Flower Garden, With Necessary Instructions for Sowing of Berries, Mast, and Seeds, of Ever-Greens, Fo
—>  The Compleat Surveyor : 2 entries
—>  The Compleat Surveyor: Containing the Whole Art of Surveying of Land, etc.
—>  The Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. In which the whole circle of Human Learning is Explained, and the Difficulties attending the Acquisition of Every Art, whether Liberal or Mechanical, are Removed, in the most easy and familiar manner ...
—>  The Complete Photographer
—>  The Composition of Greek Silver Coins: analysis by neutron activation
—>  The Composition of Water
—>  "The Concept of Nature and the History of Science"
—>  The concise history of freemasonry
—>  The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English : 2 entries
—>  "The Conditions of Tissue Respiration"
—>  The Conduction of Electricity through Gases
—>  "The conductivity and viscosity of Aqueous solutions of Aniline Hydrochloride at 25o" : 2 entries
—>  "The Conductivity produced in Gases by the aid of Ultra-Violet Light"
—>  "The Conductivity produced in Gases by the Motion of Negatively charged Ions"
—>  The Conference at Karlsruhe, 1860 and the Development of Chemical Theory
—>  "The Confessions of Saint Augustine"
—>  "The Conflict of Medicine with the Small-Pox"
—>  The Conquest of Bacteria From Salvarsan to Sulphapyridine
—>  The Conquest of Bacteria: From 606 to 693
—>  The Conquest of Disease
—>  The Conroy Papers
—>  The conservation and restoration of metals: proceedings of the symposium held in Edinburgh, 30-31 March, 1979
—>  The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art: Treatment, Repair, and Restoration
—>  The Conservation of Industrial Collections: A Survey
—>  "The Conservation of Magic Lantern Material"
—>  "The Constant Quantity of the Moon's Equatorial Horizontal Parallax, deduced from Observations made at Greenwich, Cambridge, and the Cape of Good Hope, in 1832 and 1833"
—>  "The Constitution and Aims of the Wellcome Foundation"
—>  The constitution and evolution of the stars
—>  The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments : 4 entries
—>  The construction and principal uses of mathematical instruments ...
—>  The Construction and Use of a New Universal Dial
—>  The Construction and Use of a Thermometer, for shewing the extremes of Temperature in the Atmosphere, During the Observer's Absence. (1794)
—>  The Construction and Use of a Thermometer, for shewing the extremes of Temperature in the Atmosphere, during the Observer's Absence. Together with Experiments on the Variations of Local Heat; and other Meteorological Observations.
—>  The Construction and Use of the Sea Quadrant, commonly called Hadley's Quadrant
—>  The Construction and Use of the Sea Quadrant, Commonly called Hadley's Quadrant ...
—>  The construction and use of wheel dials : 2 entries
—>  "The Construction of an Astrolabe"
—>  "The Construction of Certain Seals and Characters in the Work of Agrippa of Nettesheim"
—>  The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms
—>  The construction of timber, from its early growth : explained by the microscope, and proved from experiments, in a great variety of kinds
—>  The Contents of Lady Place, Sutton Courtenay, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire
—>  The Contents of Westbrook House Elstead, Surrey
—>  "The Context of Production, Identification and Dating of Clocks by A. and J. Thwaites"
—>  "The Contribution of Chemistry to Cancer Research"
—>  The Contribution of Engineering to the British Economy
—>  "The Contribution of the College Laboratories to the Oxford School of Chemistry"
—>  "The Contribution of the College Laboratories" : 2 entries
—>  The Contributions of Joseph Ives to Connecticut Clock Technology. 1810-1862
—>  "The contributions to science of Friedrich Adolph Nobert"
—>  "The Convict System in the Colonies"
—>  "The Cooke Heliochronometer and Perpetual Calendar" [and] "Chalice Dials"
—>  The Cope-Chat Paramount Sorting System
—>  "The Copernican globe : a delayed conception"
—>  "The Copernican Revolution from an Eighteenth-Century Perspective: with notes on Jean-Sylvain Bailly's views on revolutions in science"
—>  The Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos)
—>  "The Corneo-retinal Potential Difference as the Basis of the Galvanometric Method of Recording Eye Movements"
—>  The Correlation of Physical Forces
—>  The Correspondence of Isaac Newton
—>  The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal Volume III, 1703-1719
—>  The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal
—>  The Correspondence of John Ray; consisting of selections from the Philosophical Letters published by Dr Derham, and Original Letters of John Ray, in the collection of the British Museum : 2 entries
—>  The Cosmographical Glass: Renaissance Diagrams of the Universe
—>  The Cosmographical Glasse (London 1559)
—>  The Cosslett Festschrift
—>  "The Cost of Old Silver"
—>  "The counters of wise men"
—>  The Counties of Britain: A Tudor Atlas by John Speed
—>  The Country Animal Doctor
—>  The Country Calendar, or The Shepherd of Banbury's Observations. (mainly meteorological)
—>  The Country Life Book of Watches
—>  The Country Life International Dictionary of Clocks
—>  The Country Showman, or, Newsletter of the Benjamin Martin Appreciation Society
—>  The court and city register, or, Gentleman's complete annual kalendar, for the year 1771
—>  The Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and History
—>  The Craft of the Clockmaker
—>  The Crafts of Craftsbury, Part 1.
—>  "The Crafts of Craftsbury, Part 2"
—>  The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology
—>  "The creation of the micron as unit for microscopic measurement"
—>  The Crime of Galileo
—>  The Crippen File
—>  The Crisis in Naval Ordnance
—>  'The Croonian Lecture on Sexual Periodicity and the Causes which Determine it'
—>  The Cross Staff
—>  The cross staff : historical development and modern use : 2 entries
—>  "The Cross-Staff as a Surveying Instrument in England 1500-1640"
—>  The Cross-Staff: History and Development of a Navigational Instrument
—>  "The Cruciform Watch"
—>  "The Crux of a Murder"
—>  The Crystal Clock
—>  The Crystallization of Iron and Steel: An Introduction to the Study of Metallography
—>  The cubic equation with three real roots : its geometrical diagram and a machine that solves it
—>  The Cubic Equation with Three Real Roots: Its Geometrical Diagram and a machine that solves it
—>  The Cult of the Circle-Builders
—>  "The Cultural Background of Copernicus"
—>  The Cultures of Collecting
—>  "The Cupola Clock of Samuel Knibb"
—>  The curious life of Robert Hooke : the man who measured London
—>  The Curious World of Frank Buckland
—>  "The Curve of Cultural Interchange Between China and the West"
—>  "The Cyanotype"
—>  The Cycle of Celestial Objects continued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859. With a notice of recent discoveries, including details from the AE des Hartwellianae
—>  "The Cyclograph"
—>  The Cyclopaedia of Photography
—>  The Cyclopedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature
—>  The Cyclotron
—>  "The Cylinders Keep on Turning"
—>  The Daguerreian Annual 1990
—>  The Daguerreian Annual 1991
—>  The Daguerreotype in America
—>  "The Daguerreotype in England; Some Primary Material Relating to Beard's Lawsuits"
—>  "The Daguerreotype Patent, The British Government, and The Royal Society"
—>  The Daguerreotype: A Sesquicentennial Celebration
—>  The Daguerreotypes of Southworth & Hawes
—>  The Da'ire-yi Mu'addel of Seydi 'Ali Re'is
—>  The Danger of Travelling in Stage-Coaches; and a Remedy Proposed to the Public
—>  "The Darkroom Abolished"
—>  "The Darkroom Studio"
—>  "The Darwin Letters at Shrewsbury School"
—>  "The Darwinian Revolution in the Concept of Time"
—>  The Daubeny Laboratory Register 1904-1915 : 2 entries
—>  "The Davis Back-staff or English Quadrant"
—>  "The Dawn of Medication"
—>  The Dawn of Microscopical Discovery
—>  "The Dawn of Microscopical Discovery"
—>  The Day Faraday Reseearch Laboratory of the Royal Institution: Register of Workers in the Laboratory 1896-1932
—>  The Day-Book of John Walker: Inventor of Friction Matches
—>  The De Magnete of William Gilbert
—>  "The Death of Queen Mary II: A Mistaken Diagnosis by Dr Radcliffe?"
—>  "The Death Temperature of Certain Marine Organisms"
—>  "The Debt of Medicine to Microscopy"
—>  The Debt of Science to Medicine : 2 entries
—>  "The Debt of the World to Pure Science"
—>  The decomposition of the fixed alkalies and alkaline earths
—>  "The Dee Relique"
—>  The Defeat of all Scientific Babblers Without Genius over all the World, by the Christian Philosopher, Through the Will of an offended God
—>  The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus
—>  "The Densities and Refractive Indices of the Leamington Spa Water"
—>  "The Dentzel Brothers of Ulm"
—>  The Department of Natural History
—>  "The Dependence of the Resolving Power of a Photographic Material upon the Contrast in the Object" [incomplete]
—>  The Description & Use of a Portable Instrument, Gunter's Quadrant, etc. To which is added The Use of Nepiar's Bones in Multiplication, Division, & Extraction of Roots; also the Nocturnal, the Ring-Dyal, and Gunter's Line, etc.
—>  The Description and Use of a Case of Mathematical Instruments
—>  The Description and Use of a Case of Mathematical Instruments; particularly Of all the Lines contained on the Plain Scale, the Sector, the Gunter, and Proportional Compasses. With A Practical Application exemplified in many useful Cases of Geometry, and P
—>  The Description and Use of a Case of Mathematical Instruments; particularly of all the Lines contained on the Plain Scale, the Sector, the Gunter, and the Proportional Compasses. With a Practical Application, exemplified in many useful Cases of Geometry,
—>  The Description and Use Of a Complete Sett or Case of Pocket-Instruments: containing the Construction of the several Lines laid down on the Plain-Scale, and Sector; with their Applicatio Application, in variety of Mathematical Problems
—>  The Description and Use of a Complete Sett or Case of Pocket-Instruments: Containing the Construction of the Several Lines Laid Down on the Plain-Scale, and Sector; with their Application, in variety of Mathematical Problems
—>  The Description and Use of a Complete Sett or Case of Pocket-Instruments: containing the Construction of the several Lines laid down on the Plain-Scale, and Sector; with their Application, in a variety of Mathematical Problems
—>  The Description And Use Of A Globe Sundial, With Furniture, by which many curious problems may be solved
—>  The Description and Use of a Joynt-Rule: ...

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