
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Physiology of the Retina and the Visual Pathway
—>  Physique - Sur la spectroscope des rayons secondaires omis hors des tubes a rayons de Rontgen, et les spectres d'absorption
—>  Physique, Cote Cours: Cabinets de physique dans l'enseignement secondaire au XIXe siecle
—>  Physique. Note sur le Phenomene d'Optique Meteorologique du 13 Mars 1838
—>  Physische Betrachtungen uber die Mangel und den wenigen Nutzen der gemeinen Auslosungen der Pflanzen und Thiere
—>  "Physische Zusammenkunste der Asteroiden im Jahre 1861"
—>  Phytognomonica Io. Baptistae Neopolitani, octo libris contenta; : in quibus noua, facillimaque affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorum; rerum denique omnium ex prima extimae faciei inspectione quiuis abditas vires assequatur. Accedunt ad h
—>  Phytognomonica Io. Baptistae Portae Neapol. octo libris contenta; : in quibus noua, facillimaque affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorum; rerum denique omnium ex prima extimae faciei inspectione quiuis abditas vires assequatur
—>  Phytologia; or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening
—>  Pia Desideria. Tribvs Libris Comprehensa
—>  "Piazzi Smyth at Teneriffe: Part 1 The Expedition and the Resulting Book"
—>  "Piazzi Smyth at Teneriffe: Part 2, Photography and the Disciples of Constable and Harding"
—>  Piccola Guida Storica del Museo di Fisica
—>  "Pictographs and Petroglyphs of the Southwest Indians"
—>  Pictorial History of European Medicine and Pharmaceutics
—>  Pictorial Key to the View from the Sheldonian Theatre Oxford, showing the main features of the Principal Buildings as they appear from the eight Windows of the Cupola above the Roof
—>  Pictorial Story of Brown Wireless Instruments
—>  Pictures from the Past of the Healing Arts: Semmelweis Medical Historical Museum, Library and Archives
—>  "Piecing Together an Ancient Puzzle: The Tower of the Winds"
—>  "Pierre de la Ramee et l'empirisme scientifique au XVIe siecle"

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