
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  O Atlantico dos portugueses no seculo XVII : curioso testemunho de um capuchinho de Piacenza que atingiu o Congo passando pelo Brasil
—>  O Bagrationit' {Cyrillic script}
—>  "O Caique do Algarve e a caravela portuguesa"
—>  O caracter experimental da carreira da Índia : um plano de Joao Pereira Dantas, com fortificacao da Africa do Sul (1556)
—>  O comandante Abel Fontoura da Costa, historiador da marinharia dos descobrimentos
—>  O cosmografo Bartolomeu Velho em Espanha
—>  O estudo da hidrografia numa regiao de civilizacoes de terra, a Africa austral
—>  "O mais antigo astrolabio conhecido de Gualterus Arsenius"
—>  O navio "Sao Gabriel" e as naus manuelinas
—>  O problema da origem da carta portulano
—>  O problema da seguranca das rotas e a concorrencia Luso-Holandesa antes de 1620
—>  O problema do conhecimento na Sphaera de D. Joao de Castro
—>  "O proiskhozhdenii glagolicheskoi azbuki"
—>  "O Quarteirao da Febre Amarela"
—>  "O Rare Frank Buckland!"
—>  O Stanta de Confectionat Penite din Pene de Pasare
—>  O sul de Mocambique no Roteiro de Sofala do piloto Ahmad ibn-Madjid
—>  O tracado das naus e galeoes portugueses de 1550-80 a 1640
—>  O Tratado de Tordesilhas e as dificuldades tecnicas da sua aplicacao rigorosa
—>  "O. G. Rejlander: Art Studies"
—>  "Ob odnoi rukopisi Kosmografii Publishnoi biblioteki v Leningrade"
—>  "Oberosterreich und seine Heiligen: April"
—>  Obituaries
—>  "Obituaries"
—>  Obituary : 59 entries
—>  "Obituary - Lewis Boss"
—>  "Obituary | Mr. Thomas Henry Court"
—>  "Obituary | Professor George de Hevesy Nobel prize for chemistry"
—>  "Obituary | Sir E. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary Henry Ernest Stapleton (1878-1962)"
—>  "Obituary Notice - Henry Brougham Guppy, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary Notice of A. C. L. G. Gunther, 1830-1914. (with portrait)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Herbert Hall Turner" : 2 entries
—>  "Obituary Notice of M. H. Nevil Story-Maskelyne (1823-1911) (with Portrait and Bibliography)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Silvanus Phillips Thompson"
—>  "Obituary notice of Sir Arthur Schuster - a Mathematical Physicist"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Sir Arthur Schuster, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice of the Right Hon. Viscount Cherwell, P.C., C.H., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice: Dr William Francis"
—>  "Obituary Notice: John Ambrose Fleming"
—>  "Obituary Notice: Sir Richard Tetley Glazebrook, September 18, 1854-December 15, 1935"
—>  Obituary Notices of Fellows of The Royal Society
—>  "Obituary. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, ... Died Aug. 22, 1940"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, D.Sc., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary. Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer. A Great Botanical Administrator"
—>  "Obituary. The Late Dr Charles Creighton"
—>  "Obituary: Dame Kathleen Lonsdale: First woman president of British Association"
—>  "Obituary: Derek John de Solla Price 1922-1983"
—>  "Obituary: Edward Milles Nelson. (1851-1938)"
—>  "Obituary: Frank Sherwood Taylor"
—>  "Obituary: Professor J. D. Bernal: An outstanding physicist"
—>  "Obituary: Sir Lawrence Bragg: One of the leading physicists of his time"
—>  Objects for the Microscope
—>  Obras Completas : 2 entries
—>  Obras completas de Luciano Pereira da Silva
—>  "Observables upon a Monstrous Head"
—>  Observatio Solaris Eclipsis Habita Patavii V. Nonas Maias MDCCXV. Accessere Epistola duae de quodam Phaenomeno in eadem Eclipsi observato
—>  "Observation of High Order Layer Lines on Rotating-Crystal Photographs"
—>  "Observation of Lunar Eclipse with Zeiss Coude Refractor"
—>  Observationes circa Viventia, quae in Rebus non Viventibus Reperiuntur. Cum Micrographia curiosa, Sive Rerum minutissimarum Observationibus, quae ope Microscopij recognitae ad vivum exprimuntur. Hic accesserunt aliquot Animalium Testaceorum Icones non ant
—>  Observationes durch dessen verfertige Microscopia. Deren unterschiedlichen Insecten nebst andern unsichtbaren Kleinigkeiten der Natur. Welche er nach dem Leben accurat abzeichnen und auf Berlangen Hoher Liebhaber in Kupffer stechen lassen
—>  Observationes Medicae : 2 entries
—>  Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae, Ex Belgico In latinum translatae ab Abrahamo Blasio, Ger. Fil. Medicinae Studioso
—>  Observationes tribus libris expressae
—>  Observations addressed, at the last Anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the Delivery of the Medals
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light and on the Theory of Comets
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light, and on the Theory of Comets
—>  "Observations and Tryalls about the Resemblances and Differences between a Burning Coal and Shining Wood."
—>  Observations de la grande nebuleuse d'Orion, faites a Cazan et a Poulkova
—>  Observations des Hauteurs faites avec le Barometre, au mois d'Aoust 1751. Sur une Partie des Alpes en presence, et sous les Auspices de Milord Comte de Rochford. Envoye extraordinaire de Sa Majeste Britannique a la Cour de Turin
—>  Observations des passages de la Lune et des Etoiles de meme culmination
—>  Observations d'Histoire Naturelle faites avec le Microscope. Sur un grand nombre d'Insectes, & sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liquers preparees, & dans celles qui ne sont pas, etc. avec la Description & les Usages des differens Microscopes,
—>  Observations du pendule invariable, de l'inc linaison et de la declinaison de l'aiguille aimantee, faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. La Coquille, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825
—>  Observations et Experiences faites sur les Animalcules des Infusions
—>  "Observations et idees economiques de Reaumur"
—>  Observations et Recherches sur l'Intensite Magnetique et sur ses Variations pendant la Periode de 25 Ans, de 1829 a 1854
—>  Observations faites a Versailles avec le Papier dit Ozonometrique de M. Schoenbein's pendant le Mois d' Aout 1855
—>  Observations in Meteorology, Particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England from 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations in Meteorology, particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England, From 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, and communicated to the Royal Society
—>  Observations made at the Magnetic Observatories of Toronto in Canada, Trevandrum in the East Indies, and St Helena, during a Remarkable Magnetic Disturbance on the 25th and 26 September 1841
—>  Observations made in Savoy, in order to ascertain the Height of Mountains by means of the Barometer; being an Examination of Mr De Luc's Rules, delivered in his Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere
—>  Observations Meteorologiques faites a Avignon depuis 1802 jusqu'en 1812 inclusivement; Suivies de la hauteur de quelques points remarquables au-dessus du niveau de la mer
—>  Observations meteorologiques faites A l'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Observations Meteorologiques, faites a Sitka, sur la Cote N. O. de l'Amerique (Latitude 57o3' Longitude 222o15' a l'Est de Paris)
—>  Observations of Comets from BC 611 to AD 1640. Extracted from the Chinese annals
—>  Observations of Donati's Comet, 1858; Made at Markree Observatory, Ireland
—>  "Observations of Donati's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, between October 11th, 1858 and March 4th, 1859"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1835 and 1836"
—>  "Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars made with the Six-foot and Three-foot Reflectors at Birr Castle, from the year 1848 up to the year 1878"
—>  "Observations of some of the Nebulae"
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars made in the years 1821, 1822 and 1823 [&] Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the Aurora Borealis from September 1834 to September 1839
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with the Twenty-foot Equatorial"
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with a Twenty-foot Equatoreal"
—>  "Observations of the New Star in Gemini Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford"
—>  Observations of the Tides. Communicated to the Royal Society by the Admiralty and printed by Order of the President and Council

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