
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  "Note on the fur trade in Medieval western Europe"
—>  "Note on the Invention of Photometry"
—>  "Note on the Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury"
—>  "Note on the Original Publication of Hutton's "Theory of the Earth", and on the Subsequent Forms in which it was issued"
—>  "Note on the Unpublished Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, between the years 1774 and 1838; with some results for the year 1774"
—>  Note Relative a une Edition des Tables Astronomiques d'Oloug-Beg, commencee en 1839
—>  "Note su alcuni strumenti igrometrici del sec. XVII posseduti dal Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze"
—>  Note sul gabinetto di scienze naturali
—>  "Note sul poema astronomico ed astrologico di Manilio"
—>  "Note Supplementaire au Catalogue des Etoiles Filantes et des Autres Meteores Observes en Chine"
—>  Note sur des Objets Antiques decouverts a Gondrecourt (Meuse) et a Grand (Vosges)
—>  "Note sur la Comete de Donati"
—>  "Note sur la direction de l'aiguille aimantee en Chine, et sur les Aurores Boreales observees dans ce meme Pays"
—>  "Note sur la Masse des Cometes"
—>  "Note sur le catalogue d'etoiles du Calife Al-Mamoun"
—>  Note sur les Changements de Plan de Projection et sur les Mouvements de Rotation
—>  Note sur les Petites Planetes situees entre Mars et Jupiter
—>  Note sur les travaux astronomiques de H. Faye
—>  Note sur les travaux de M. Babinet
—>  "Note sur les Variations d'Algol"
—>  "Note sur l'Inventaire Mondial des instruments scientifiques d'interet historique (Published by the Commission des Instruments Scientifiques)"
—>  Note sur un microscope simple perfectionne
—>  Note sur un Point de Meteorologie
—>  "Note to a Paper on the Error of a received Principle of Analysis"
—>  "Note uber die Richtung der Schwingungen des Lichtathers in geradlinig polarisirtem Lichte"
—>  "Note"
—>  Note. Sur l'aire d'un triangle spheroidique dont les cotes sont des lignes de plus courte distance generalement a double courbure
—>  Notes ... The Dove and Raven symbolisms for the west dialling of the ancient orientals
—>  "Notes and Discussions"
—>  Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
—>  "Notes by R. M. Twist / After his visit to the College de France and his rereading of Strabon on Shadows and directions for making a 10ft globe and projecting it onto a plane surface Celestial Mappa Mundi ... "
—>  "Notes Concerning the Sprengel Pump" : 2 entries
—>  "Notes from Paris: Exhibition of "Instruments and Tools of Navigators, Astronomers and Physicians" and Shows of Modern Paintings"
—>  Notes of a Lecture on some Methods of Recording some of the Phenomena of Recalescence, and also Electrical and Magnetic Phenomena, Junior Scientific Club
—>  Notes of Evidence given before the Privy Council on the hearing of Sir Joseph Whitworth's Petition for a Prolongation of his Patent for Fluid-Compressed Steel
—>  "Notes on "Gunter's Quadrant""
—>  Notes on a new form of combination of Conductors for use in Wireless Telegraphy
—>  "Notes on a planispheric astrolabe"
—>  "Notes on a Planispheric Astrolabe, given to the Society by the Rev. I. G. Lloyd, F.S.A."
—>  Notes on a School Museum
—>  Notes on a Sundial at Patrington
—>  "Notes on a Timber Grown in Western Australia, which is Proof against the White Ant and Sea Worm"
—>  "Notes on a Water Clock in the Athenian Agora"
—>  Notes on Alcohol in Brandy, Whisky and Rum including the strengths of wine and beer compared with spirits
—>  "Notes on Al-Kitab Suwar Al-Kawakib Al-Thamaniya Al-Arbain of Abu-l-Husain 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn 'Umar Al-Sufi Al-Razi"
—>  "Notes on American Parasitic Copepoda (no. 1)"
—>  "Notes on an unpublished work of Thomas Hobbes"
—>  'Notes on Birds in the Lilford Aviaries'
—>  "Notes on Bridges and Roads"
—>  "Notes on Chinese Alchemy (Supplementary to Johnson's "A Study of Chinese Alchemy")"
—>  "Notes on Cleveland Ironstone and Geological Observations on Slag Tips"
—>  "Notes on Early Navigating Instruments"
—>  "Notes on Galactic Rotation"
—>  "Notes on Gauss and his American Descendants"
—>  "Notes on Meteorology"
—>  Notes on Microscopical Methods: For the Use of Laboratory Students in the Anatomical Department of the Cornell University
—>  Notes on Military Surgery
—>  "Notes on Powhatan's Mantle, Preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford"
—>  "Notes on Some Early References to Tropical Diseases"
—>  "Notes on some members of the Hanckwitz family in England."
—>  "Notes on Some Points in the Construction of Turret Clocks"
—>  Notes on the Birds in the Lilford Aviaries
—>  "Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire"
—>  "Notes on the Churches of Blything Hundred"
—>  "Notes on the Development of Astronomy in the Far East"
—>  "Notes on the Early History of Microscopy"
—>  Notes on the Electrical Discharge from Inductors of the Tesla type. and the discharge applied to produce X ray effects
—>  "Notes on the Flora of the Bermudas"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory I. Henry Ussher at Dunsink, 1783 to 1790"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory II. The Visitation Book of Dunsink Observatory, 1791 to 1924"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory III. The Arnold Clocks"
—>  Notes on the History of Military Medicine
—>  Notes on the History of no's 6, 7, 8 & 9 Carlton House Terrace, with a List of Known Occupants 1829-1967
—>  Notes on the History of Science and Technology in London
—>  "Notes on the Ornithology of Northamptonshire 1879-86"
—>  Notes sur les passages des catoptriques d'Archimede conserves par theon d'Alexandrie
—>  "Notes sur l'Histoire de la Boussole"
—>  "Notes sur l'histoire des mathematiques. VII. Barrow, le maitre de Newton"
—>  Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems in Four Letters : 2 entries
—>  "Notes, Morphological and Systematic, on the Madreporian Genus Turbinaria"
—>  Notes, Vol 1, no. 1, July 1937
—>  Nothing but a lot of hot air
—>  Notice Biographique sur J.-B. Huzard
—>  "Notice Biographique sur J.-B. Huzard"
—>  "Notice concerning an Autograph Manuscript of Sir Isaac Newton, Containing some Notes upon the Third Book of the Principia, and Found among the Papers of Dr David Gregory, formerly Saviliam Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford"
—>  Notice des travaux
—>  Notice des travaux de M. J.-E. Planchon
—>  Notice des travaux du docteur de Haldat, de Nancy
—>  Notice des travaux scientifiques de M. A. Bravais
—>  Notice des Travaux Scientifiques de M. Pouillet
—>  Notice d'Instrumens de Physique. d'Optique, et de Mathematique
—>  Notice d'Instruments d'Optique, de Physique, et de Mathematiques
—>  Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. de Monsigny
—>  "Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Mehul"
—>  Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Paisiello
—>  Notice Historique sur le Tonnerre et les Eclairs
—>  Notice Necrologique sur Esprit Requien
—>  Notice Necrologique sur M. Joseph Teulere, Ingenieur en Chef des ponts et chaussees, membre de l'Academie de Bordeaux et de plusieurs autres societes savantes
—>  Notice Necrologique sur M. Joseph Teulere, Ingenieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussees, Membre de L'Academie de Bordeaux et de Plusieurs Autres Societes Savantes
—>  "Notice of a Remarkable Intaglio Representing the Clepsydra Used at Races in the Circus Maximus"

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