
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Lord Kelvin - Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow 1846-1899
—>  Lord Kelvin's Early Home
—>  Lord Lister
—>  Lord Lister: The Discoverer of Antiseptic Surgery
—>  "Lord of the Cider Apples"
—>  "Lord Rosse and the Giant Reflector"
—>  "L'Orient et les catalogues d'etoiles au Moyen Age"
—>  "L'orientamento col sole"
—>  L'orientation astronomique dans l'ancienne egypte, et la precession de l'axe du monde
—>  "L'origine babylonienne de l'alchimie: a propos de la decouverte de recettes chimiques sur tablettes cuneiformes"
—>  L'Origine dell'Orologio tascabile (The Origin of the Watch}
—>  "L'origine, le developpement et le retentissement actuel de l'oeuvre de Paul Ehrlich"
—>  L'Orologio a Sole di Beroso Scoperto in Pompei addi XXIII di Settembre MDCCCLIV Ed Illustrato Dal Commendatore Bernardo Quaranta, etc.
—>  "L'Orologio Astronomico del Canonico don Angelo Cipolla"
—>  L'Orologio Planetario Fanzago di Clusone
—>  "L'Orologio Pubblico di Bologna del 1451 e la sua Sfera"
—>  Los Caballeros del Punto Fijo: Ciencia, politica y aventura en la expedicion geodesica hispanofrancesa al virreinato del Peru en el siglo XVIII
—>  "Los cuadrantes astronomicos del medievo"
—>  "Los llamados numerales arabes en Occidente"
—>  Los Numeros del Tiempo. Antologia del Reloj y las Horas en la Poesia Castellana con cuatro Horarios y un Reloj Poetico, reunida par ...
—>  "Los primeros boticarios reales"
—>  "Los relojes de la exposicion "Carlos V y su Ambiente""
—>  Los Relojes y Automatas de Juanelo Turriano
—>  L'Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo: La Storia e gli Strumenti
—>  Losses of Life caused by War
—>  Lost British Birds
—>  L'Ottica di Claudio Tolomeo da Eugenio. Ridotta in Latino sovra la Traduzione Araba di un Testo Greco Imperfetto Ora per la Prima Volta conforme a un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana per Deliberazione della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.
—>  L'Ottica di Galileo
—>  "Louis Agassiz, Teacher" : 2 entries
—>  "Louis Napoleon George Filon, 1875-1937, (with a bibliography of his writings)"
—>  Louis Pasteur & Rabies
—>  "Louis XIV and the Huguenots"
—>  Louise-Adelaide D'Orleans Abbesse de Chelles et son epoque (1700-1750)
—>  "Lovell Augustus Reeve (1814-1865) Publisher and Patron of the Stereograph"
—>  Low Temperature Physics
—>  "Low Temperatures in Oxford"
—>  Lower Cretaceous Arenaceous Foraminifera of Australia
—>  "Lt-Cdr Derek Howse"
—>  "Lu Gwei-Djen"
—>  Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer e o conhecimento nautico das costas de Portugal no sec. XVI
—>  Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer van Enckhuysen: De Maritieme Cartografie in de Nederlanden in de Zestiende en het Begin van de Zeventiende Eeuw
—>  "Lucrece Newtonien"@off-print from Memoires de l'Academie royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Berlin pour 1782, publies en 1784."
—>  Lucretius on the Nature of Things
—>  Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man who Trusted Atoms
—>  Ludwig Georg Courvoisier (1843-1918) and his Position in the History of Gall Bladder Surgery
—>  Lufkin Measuring Instruments: Excerpts from Trade Catalogues, 1888 to 1940
—>  "Lufkin's History: Fledgling Lumber Industry Inspired Lufkin Instruments"
—>  Luigi Galvani
—>  "Luigi Galvani e la chimica del Settecento"
—>  Luigi Galvani International Workshop: Proceedings
—>  "Luigi Galvani"
—>  Luke the Physician: The author of the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles
—>  Lumen novum phosphoris accensum, sive, Exercitatio physico- chymica de causa lucis in phosphoris tam naturalibus quam artificialibus
—>  Lumiere Light
—>  Lumiere & Mouvement: Les Origines du Cinema
—>  Lumineszenz-Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht: Ein Hilfsbuch beim Arbeiten mit den Analysen-Lampen
—>  "Lunar and Hawaiian physical features compared"
—>  Lunar and Horary Tables: for New and Concise Methods of Performing the Calculations Necessary for Ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations or Chronometers; with Directions for Acquiring a Knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars, and Finding the Lat
—>  Lunar and Solar Velocities and the Length of Lunation Intervals in Babylonian Astronomy
—>  "Lunar Distances and the Nautical Almanac"
—>  Lunar Maps of the XVIIth Century
—>  "Lunar Notation on Upper Paleolithic Remains"
—>  Lunaria et zodiologia latina / edidit et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg
—>  Lunds Domkyrkas Medeltida Ur: Kortfattad Beskrivning Och Vagledning for det Medeltida Urets Avlasande
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes : Theorie - Conditions d'Emploi Description - Reglage Histoire
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes: Theorie - Conditions d'emploi - Description - Reglage
—>  "Lupitus Barchinonensis"
—>  L'usage de l'un et l'autre Astrolabe particulier et universel
—>  L'Usage de Quarre Geometrique amplement descrit et demonstre, etc.
—>  L'Usage des Astrolabes, Tant Universels que Particuliers, ...
—>  L'usage des Globes celestes et terrestres, etc.
—>  L'usage du compas de proportion, etc.
—>  L'Usage du Compas de Proportion, Explique & demontre d'une maniere courte & facile, & augmente d'un Traite de la division des Champs
—>  L'Usage du Quadran, ou de l'Horloge Physique Universal
—>  L'usaige de l'Astrolabe avec un traicte de la Sphere : 2 entries
—>  L'uso dello strumento Geometrico detto la Tavoletta Pretoriana proposto, ed ampliato. Opera postuma ... in cui s'insegna il modo di misurare con questo Strumento Linee, Angoli, e Piani: e di piu la maniera di renderlo idoneo, e di usarlo nelle misure dell
—>  Luther and the German Reformation
—>  "Luther Burbank - a Victim of Hero Worship"
—>  M. Manili astronomicon a Iosepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum. Eiusdem Iosephi Scaligeri Notae, quibus auctoris prisca astrologia explicatur, castigationum caussae redduntur, portentosae transpositiones in eo auctore
—>  M. Manilii Astronomicon
—>  "M. Maurice Cantor Et La Geometrie Superieure De L'Antiquite"
—>  M. V. Lomonosov i uchebnaya deyatel'nost' peterburgskoi akademii nauk
—>  M. Vitrvvii Pollionis De Architectura, Libri Decem,
—>  "M.M Henry's photographs of E1 E2 Lyrae, etc.
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Atomic Energy Number
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Newton Tercentenary Number
—>  Ma'alim at-tajarab ... dar san'ati kimiya
—>  Macchine Scuola Industria: Dal mestiere alla professionalita operaia
—>  "Macchine Scuola Industria: il Museo laboratorio dell' Istituto Aldini Valeriani di Bologna"
—>  'Macchine-Scuola-Industria: il "museo-laboratorio" dell' Istituto Aldini-Valeriani di Bologna'
—>  Macedonio Melloni: Carteggio (1819-1854)
—>  Machaut's World: Science and Art in the Fourteenth Century
—>  Machine Loxodromique, Qui Trace Sur Un Papier, En Telle Proportion Que L'On Veut, Le Chemin Que Fait Un Navire, Par Le Moyen De Laquelle Les Pilotes Auront Facilement La Connoissance Des Longitudes
—>  "Machine tools & mechanisation in British industry"
—>  Machines en Portees
—>  "Mach's Philosophical use of the History of Science"
—>  Maclear & Herschel: Letters & Diaries at the Cape of Good Hope, 1834-1838
—>  Macleay Museum News
—>  Macmillan Biographical Encyclopedia of Photographic Artists & Innovators
—>  Macrophotographie et Microphotographie

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