
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Ein Beitrag uber die Tatigkeit der deutschen Amateurastronome: in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik, von 1918 bis 1938"
—>  "Ein Beitrag zur Tatigheit der deutschen Amateur-Astronomen in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik"
—>  "Ein Besuch in Greenwich"
—>  "Ein Blick in die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Spatrenaissance und des Barock"
—>  "Ein Condensations-Hygrometer"
—>  "Ein einmaliger Fund: Die Barocksternwarte des Reichsstiftes Ochsenhausen"
—>  "Ein Instrument, das die Bewegung von Sonne und Mond darstellt, nach al Biruni"
—>  "Ein Instrument, eine Karte und eine Schrift des Nurnberger Kartographen und Kompassmachers Erhard Etglaub"
—>  Ein Kunstreich und behendt Instrument zu wissen am tag bey der Sonnen und in der nacht durch die Stern mancherley nutzberkeit und aufgab in allem orten und Endtt der Welt
—>  "Ein Mandl-kalender aus Elfenbein im Schloss Ambras"
—>  "Ein Mandl-Kalender fur 1654. Varmutlich aus Wien"
—>  Ein Mikromanometer mit bequemer Ablesung
—>  "Ein sechskantiger deutscher Kalendarstab in Oxford"
—>  Ein sehr nutzlicher New erfundener Gebrauch eines Niderlandischen Instruments zum Abmessen unnd Grundtlegen mit sehr geschwindern Vortheil zu Practiceren. ...
—>  "Ein unbekannter Copernicus-Brief"
—>  "Ein Versuch der Kreisrektifikation aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhenderts"
—>  Ein Wolgegrindtes Kunnstreichs Sumari Buchlin aller Sonen Uhr
—>  "Eine astronomische Handschrift aus dem 17. Jahrhundert"
—>  "Eine Bamberger Schau-Uhr aus Holz"
—>  "Eine besondere Form der Magnetnadellagerung bei chinesischen Kompassen und Deutungsschreiben"
—>  "Eine Erganzung zu den Abhandlungen Abbes. 2. Teil: 10. Ein Gutachten Abbes. Ausserungen Abbes zu Pleurosigma angulatum"
—>  "Eine Hinterhoffassade im Museum Translozierung - Konservierung Wiederaufbau"
—>  "Eine Instrumentenkassette von Georg Hartmann"
—>  Eine kurze Eintwicklungsgeschichte der wissenschaftlichen Waage
—>  "Eine Mathematische Festvorlesung vor 300 Jahren"
—>  "Eine merkwurdige gotische Standuhr"
—>  "Eine neue Ableitung der harmonischen Eigenschaften des Vierecks"
—>  "Eine Neue Archimedeshandschrift"
—>  "Eine neue Gartensonnenuhrr"
—>  Eine Reise durch Technik und Zeit: 125 Jahre OTT
—>  'Eine Sonderwirkung von Kapillarkraften'
—>  Eine Sonnenuhr von Johann Engelbrecht
—>  "Eine Spotantike Reiseuhr"
—>  "Eine Standuhr aus dem 17. Jahrhundert im Landesmuseum Kassel"
—>  Eine Studie Ueber Dis Entdeckung Der Analytischen Geometrie
—>  "Eine zahlentheoretische Aufgabe Bhaskaras II und die sogenannte Pellsche Gleichung"
—>  Einfalte und grundtliche Erklehrung dreyer Furnemmer Mathematischen kunststucken Zu den Sonnenuhren. Visier-und Feldmessungen gehorig: Auf besondere kriegs Instrument, Musquetengabeln und der gleichen auf getragen und zugerichtet
—>  "Einfluss des Mondes auf die Horizontale Componente der Magnetischen Erdkraft'
—>  Einfuhrung in die Reflexmikroskopie und die physikalischen Grundlagen mikroskopischer Bildentstehung
—>  "Einige Bemerkungen uber den einfluss des Kondensors"
—>  "Einige griechische Aufgaben der unbestimmten Analytik"
—>  "Einige Handschriften des Johann Regiomontan (aus Konigsberg in Franken)"
—>  Einladungsschrift zu den nach Verordnung eines Hochwurdigen Consistoriums auf den 11. 12. 13. und 16. April 1821, festgesetzten Oeffentlichen Prufungen und Feyerlichkeiten im Gymnasium zu Frankfurt am Mayn
—>  Einladungsschrift zu der Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs, so wie zu den offentlichen Prufungen des Gymnasiums zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Theorie der Hauptachsen fester Korper
—>  Einladungsschrift zu der Feierlichkeit am Geburtsfest Seiner Majestat des Konigs Wilhelm von Wurttenberg und zu den offentlichen Prufungen am k. Gymnasium zu Ulm mit Nachrichten uber den Stand der Anstalt und einer Abhandlung: "Beitrage zur Wiederherstell
—>  Einladungsschrift zur Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs und zu den offentlichen Prufungen an dem konigl. Gymnasium und der Realschule zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Einige Bemerkungenzur der Theorie des geradlinigen Dreiecks
—>  "Einstein"
—>  Einstein: A Centenary Exhibition
—>  "Einstein's Legacy"
—>  "Einstein's Natural Daughter"
—>  "Einwirkung medico-astrologischen Volksdenkens auf Entstehung und Formung des Barmutterkrotenopfers der Manner im geistlichen Heilbrauch"
—>  El "Kitab al-'Amal bi-l-Asturlab" (Llibre de l'Us de l'Astrolabi) d'Ibn al-Samh: Estudi i Traduccio
—>  "El "Memorial de Ciencias Naturales" Lima 1827-1828. Contribucion a la bibliografia de Mariano E. de Rivero y Ustariz"
—>  El Arte de Navegar en la Espana del Renacimiento
—>  El arzobispo Don Raimundo de Toledo
—>  El Astronomo Cellense Francisco M. Zarzoso (1556)
—>  El Color Liquido: Instrumentos y Utiles de la Colorimetria en el Siglo XIX
—>  El comentario de Ibn al-Mutanna a las Tablas astronomicas de al-Jwarizmi: estudio y edicion critica del texto latino en la version de Hugo Sanctallensis
—>  "El desarrollo historico de la historia de la ciencia y la funcion actual de los Institutos de historia de la ciencia"
—>  "El exilio de medicos espanoles durante el siglo XIX"
—>  "El III Salon Internacional del Reloj"
—>  El Judio Salmantino Abraham Zacut: Notas para la historia de la Astronomia en la Espana medieval
—>  El Legado Cientifico Andalusi
—>  El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de las Estrellas Partes 6 a 8
—>  El libro de los fundamentos de las tablas astronomicas de R. Abrahem IBN 'Ezra
—>  El Libro Del Lic. Benito Daza de Valdes uso de los Antojos y comentarios a proposito del mismo por el Dr Manuel Marquez
—>  El Microcosmos Lul lia
—>  El Museo de la Farmacia Hispana
—>  El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia
—>  El piloto mayor de la casa de la contratacion de Sevilla. Pilotos mayores, catedraticos de cosmografia y cosmografos
—>  El Real Gabinete de Maquinas del Buen Retiro: Origen, fundacion y vicisitudes: Una empresa tecnica de Agustin de Betancourt
—>  El Reloj en la vida Espanola
—>  "El relojero Juan Antonio Fernandez Lombardero (1705-1796)"
—>  El Tay al-azyay de Muhyi al-Din al-Maghribi
—>  "Elba, a Hundred Years After"
—>  Electric Bodies: Episodes in the History of Medical Electricity
—>  Electric Cables in Victorian Times: A brief introduction to the evolution of electric cables during the Victorian era
—>  "Electric Clocks"
—>  Electric Discharge Lamps: A Technical Account of "Osira" Lamps and "Osram" Fluorescent Tubes and their Operating Equipment, Manufactured by the General Electric Co. Ltd.
—>  "Electric Horology"
—>  Electric Illumination: An Account of the Principles, Applications and Development of Electric Lighting
—>  "Electric lamps & kindred devices: fluorescent lamps"
—>  "Electric lamps & kindred devices: historical introduction and the production of tungsten wire"
—>  Electric Light Fitting
—>  Electric Lighting and its Practical Application: with results from existing examples
—>  Electric Meteorology
—>  "Electric Oscillations in Straight Wires and Solenoids"
—>  Electrical and magnetic instruments [The Whipple Museum of the History of Science catalogue 8] : 3 entries
—>  "Electrical Experiments on Organical Bodies. Illustrated with a Copper-plate"
—>  Electrical Fundamentals
—>  Electrical Installations of Electric Light, Power, Traction and Industrial Electrical Machinery
—>  Electrical Instrument Making for Amateurs - A practical handbook
—>  "Electrical Instruments in 19th Century France, Between Makers and Users"
—>  Electrical Instruments of the Nineteenth Century in the University Museum
—>  Electrical Instruments: Abridged Specifications
—>  Electrical Measuring Instruments and Supply Meters
—>  "Electrical Researches" : 2 entries
—>  Electrical Timekeeping
—>  Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Measuring Instruments for use in Laboratories
—>  Electrically Heated Apparatus Fitted with B.T.L. Capsule Type Temperature Regulator: Instruction Sheet
—>  Electrically Heated Apparatus Fitted with B.T.L. Capsule Type Temperature Regulator: Instructions for Use
—>  Electricity
—>  "Electricity a Principal Cause in Meteorological Phenomena"
—>  'Electricity and Electrical Instruments in Eighteenth-century England: The Making and Unmaking of a Leading Electrician, Sir William Watson Sr. (1715-1787)'
—>  Electricity and experimental physics in eighteenth-century Europe
—>  Electricity and Magnetism : 3 entries
—>  Electricity and Medicine: History of Their Interaction
—>  Electricity and the Electric Telegraph: together with the Chemistry of the Stars; an argument touching the stars and their inhabitants : 2 entries
—>  Electricity and the Structure of Matter
—>  Electricity from Glass: The History of the Frictional Electrical Machine 1600-1850
—>  "Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Holland: A Newtonian Legacy"
—>  Electricity in the 17th and 18th Centuries: A Study of Early Modern Physics
—>  ''Electricity render'd useful': medical electricity in England in the later eighteenth century'
—>  "Electricity"
—>  Electricity. For the Use of Beginners
—>  Electricity: its Phenomena, Laws, and Results
—>  Electric-Light Fitting
—>  Electrifying Time
—>  Electroacoustics: The Analysis of Transduction, and Its Historical Background
—>  "Electromagnetic Engines: Pre-technology and Development Immediately following Faraday's Discovery of Electromagnetic Rotation"
—>  Electromagnetic Waves : 2 entries
—>  Electro-Metallurgy Practically Treated
—>  Electron Diffraction : 2 entries
—>  Electron Microscopy
—>  Electron Microscopy 1964
—>  Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals
—>  Electron Optics and the Electron Microscope
—>  Electron Optics: Theoretical and Practical
—>  Electronic Computers
—>  Electronic Inventions and Discoveries: Electronics from its Earliest Beginnings to the Present Day
—>  Electronics
—>  Electron-Microscopy
—>  Electrons, electric waves and wireless telephony
—>  Electrothermal Heating Mantle Series MY
—>  Electrothermal red-rod
—>  Electrotyping
—>  "Elektricheskie mashini v Rossii XVIII veka"
—>  Elektrizitat im Barock
—>  Elektrodinamika v Matrichnoi Mekhanike: Raznoglasiya v Interpretatsii Teorii
—>  Elektrolyt Kondensatoren u. ihr Verhalten im Betrieb
—>  Elektronenmikroskopie
—>  Elementa Chemiae
—>  Elementa Chemiae ...
—>  Elementa chemiae, : quae anniversario labore docuit, in publicis, privatisque scholis, Hermannus Boerhaave
—>  Elementa chemiae, : quibus subjuncta est confectura lapidis philosophici imaginibus repraesentata
—>  Elementa Matheseos Universae : 2 entries
—>  Elementa Medicinae Physico-Mathematica. Libris Duobus, quorum Prior Theoriam, posterior Praxim exhibet, in Gratiam Medicinae studiosorum delineata.
—>  Elementale Cosmographicum, quo totius & Astronomiae & Geographiae rudimenta, certissimis breuissimisque docentur apodixibus. Recens castigatum & emendatum, figurisque & annotationibus opportuniss. illustratum. Adiunximus huic libro Cosmographiae introduct
—>  Elementare Anleitung zu kristallographisch-optischen Untersuchungen, vornehnlich mit Hilfe des Polarisations-mikroskops
—>  Elementary Algebra for Schools: Containing a Full Treatment of Graphs
—>  Elementary Anatomy and Physiology, for Schools and Private Instruction; with Lessons on Diet, Intoxicating Drinks, Tobacco, and Disease
—>  Elementary Applied Mechanics
—>  Elementary Arabic A Grammar
—>  Elementary Chemistry
—>  Elementary Histological Technique for Animal and Plant Tissues
—>  Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism
—>  Elementary Lessons in Logic, deductive and inductive, with copious questions and examples and a vocabulary of logical terms
—>  Elementary Microscopy: A Handbook for Beginners
—>  Elementary Microtechnique
—>  Elementary Photo-Micrography : 3 entries
—>  Elementary Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Nature
—>  Elementary Set of Photographic Apparatus
—>  Elementary telephotography
—>  Elementary text-book of zoology
—>  Elementary Theorems relating to Determinants
—>  Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy : 2 entries
—>  Elementary Treatise on Physics Experimental and Applied for the Use of Colleges and Schools
—>  Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied. For the use of Colleges and Schools
—>  Elementary Wave Mechanics with Applications to Quantum Chemistry
—>  Elemente de Allgemeinen Physiologie Kurz und leichtfasslich dargestellt
—>  "Elemente der Bahn des von Bruhns am 21. Mai 1858 in Berlin entdeckten Kometen"
—>  Elemente der theorerischen Astronomie fur Studierende bearbeitet
—>  "Elemente und Oppositions-Ephemeride (1861) der Calliope"
—>  Elementi decimi Euclidis declaratio. Necnon de Solidis Regularibus tractatus
—>  Elementi di Astronomia, etc.
—>  Elements de bibliographie d l'histoire des sciences et des techniques
—>  "Elements du Trace d'un Astrolabe"
—>  Elements of Agricultural Chemistry in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture
—>  Elements of Applied Microscopy. A Text-Book for Beginners
—>  Elements of chemistry : including the applications of the science in the arts
—>  Elements of chemistry : theoretical and practical : 3 entries
—>  Elements of chemistry, : in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Illustrated by thirteen copperplates
—>  Elements of Chemistry: Theoretical and Practical
—>  Elements of crystallography, after the method of Hauy; : with, or without, series of geometrical models, both solid and dissected; exhibiting the forms of crystals, their geometrical structure, dissections, and general laws. According to which the immense
—>  Elements of descriptive geometry
—>  Elements of Electricity and Electro-Chemistry
—>  Elements of Electro-Metallurgy
—>  Elements of Experimental and Natural Philosophy: Being a Familiar and Easy Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences; Embracing Animal Mechanics, Pneumatics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Acoustics, Optics, Caloric, Electricity, Voltaism, and Magneti
—>  Elements of Geometry. Containing the Principal Propositions in the first six, and the eleventh and twelth books of Euclid
—>  Elements of Juridical or Forensic Medicine; for the use of Medical Men, Coroners, and Barristers
—>  Elements of natural history, and of chemistry: : being the second edition of the elementary lectures on those sciences, first published in 1782, and now greatly enlarged and improved
—>  Elements of Optics
—>  Elements of Philosophy, the First Section, concerning Body. Written in Latine by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. And now translated into English. To which are added Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathematicks of the Institution of Sr. Henry Savile, in the
—>  Elements of Physics
—>  Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, General and Medical, explained independently of Technical Mathematics
—>  Elements of Surgery
—>  Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
—>  Elenchus Zoophytorum. Sistens, Generum Adumbrationes Generaliores et Specierum Cognitarum Succinctas Descriptiones. Cum Selectis Auctorum Synonymis
—>  Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower 1889
—>  "Eleven Key Steps in the History of Computing"
—>  Eleven-digit regular sexagesimals and their reciprocals
—>  Eleventh Annual Report of St. Peter's Hall, Oxford 1938-39
—>  'Elias Allen and the Role of Instruments in Shaping the Mathematical Culture of Seventeenth-Century England'
—>  Elias Ashmole (1617-1692): His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work
—>  Elias Ashmole 1617-1692 The Founder of the Ashmolean Museum and his World
—>  'Elias Ashmole and His Museum'
—>  "Elias Ashmole and the 1685 Lichfield Election: an unpublished episode"
—>  "Elias Ashmole" : 2 entries
—>  Elias Ashmole, 1617-1692: the Founder of the Ashmolean Museum and his World: a Tercentenary Exhibition, 27 April to 31 July 1983
—>  Elias Ashmole, F.R.S. (1617-1692) : 2 entries
—>  "Elias Ashmole, F.R.S. (1617-1692)"
—>  "Elias Ashmole, F.R.S., Founder of the First Public Museum of Natural History" : 2 entries
—>  Elias Ashmole: Founder of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford: Archaeologist, Astrologer, Historian, Rosicrucian, and Freemason
—>  "Elias Ashmole's Museum" : 2 entries
—>  Elioterio
—>  "Elixir Poisoning in Mediaeval China"
—>  Elizabethan Copper: The History of the Company of Mines Royal, 1568-1605
—>  "Elizabethan Globes at Oxford"
—>  Elizabethan Instrument Makers: The Origins of the London Trade in Precision Instrument Making.
—>  Elizabethan Monopolies: The History of the Company of Mineral and Battery Works 1568-1604
—>  El-Koran; or, The Koran
—>  Elliptical or Azimuthal Horologiography. Comprehending severall wayes of describing Dials upon all kindes of Superficies either plain or curved: And unto upright Stiles in whatsoever position they shall be placed
—>  Eloge de M. Halle, par M. Fr. Dubois (d'Amiens)
—>  Eloge de M. Joseph Noel, Docteur en Medecine
—>  Eloge de M. le Duc de Praslin, pair de France, Ministre d'Etat, lu dans la Seance publique de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, le 26 Avril 1786
—>  Eloge de M. Trousset
—>  "Eloge de Richerand"
—>  "Eloge Heinrich Hermelink, 11 December 1920 - 31 August 1978"
—>  Eloge historique de Jean-Antoine Chaptal
—>  Eloge Historique de M. Charles
—>  Eloge Historique de Pierre-Francois Percy
—>  Elogio del Galileo
—>  Elogium Rudolphi Augustini Vogel, Soc. Reg. Scient. Sodalis Ordinarii, in Consessu Societatis, D. XVI April. MDCCLXXIV
—>  Elternschaft und Gattenschaft
—>  Elucidatio fabricae ususque Astrolabii : 3 entries
—>  Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii [English translation]
—>  "Elucidatio fabricae ususque: Rambling Among the Beginnings of the Scientific Instrument Bookshelf"
—>  Elucidation of the Transparent Astrarium: an Attempt to facilitate and promote in the youthful mind, a knowledge of the Fixed Stars, showing their relative places and situations in the heavens: and the times of their Rising, Southing, and Setting; Whereby
—>  Emanuel Swedenborg : scientist and mystic
—>  Emanuelis Konig Philos. & Medic. Doct. Basil. S.R.I. Acad. Nat. Curios. Avicennae Regnum vegetabile, physice, medice, anatomice, chymice, theoretice, practice enucleatum, vegetabilium nimirum naturam, ortum, propagandi modum, differentias, partes varias,
—>  Emanuelis Konig, Phil. and Med. Doct. & Prof. P. in Univers. Basil. Acad. Leopold. Nat. Curios. Avicennae Regnum minerale, generale et speciale, : quorum illud naturalem et artificialem mineralium productionem cum parallelismo alchymico verorum philosopho
—>  Embryos in Wax: Models from the Ziegler Studio.
—>  E-Mil Laboratory Glassware
—>  "Empedokles and his Klepsydra again"
—>  Empire and the Sun: Victorian Solar Eclipse Expeditions
—>  Empires of Physics: A Guide to the Exhibition
—>  "Empirical generalizations on the growth of mathematical notations"
—>  Employment for the Microscope in two Parts. I. An Examination of Salts and Saline Substances, their amazing Configurations and Crystals, as formed under the Eye of the Observer: With, Plain Directions how to prepare such Substances, and preserve them in c
—>  Employment for the Microscope. In two parts.
—>  Employment for the Microscope. In two parts. I. An Examination of Salts and Saline Substances, their amazing Configurations and Crystals, as formed under the Eye of the Observer: ... II. An Account of various Animalcules never before described, and of man
—>  "Enchantress of Numbers: Alvena Hall's Babbage Textiles"
—>  Enchiridion physicae restitutae. : In quo verus naturae concentus exponitur, plurimique antiquae philosophiae errores, per canones & certas demonstrationes dilucide aperiuntur. Tractatus alter inscriptus Arcanum Hermeticae philosophiae opus: in quo occult
—>  Encke's Dissertation Contained in no. CCX and CCXI of the Astronomische Nachrichten
—>  Enclosed Arc-Lamps: Principles Operation Troubles and Remedies
—>  "Encore un jade astronomique inconnu : Le T'ou-kuei"
—>  Encyclopaedia Britannica : or, A dictionary of arts and sciences...
—>  Encyclopaedia Londinensis, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature : 2 entries
—>  Encyclopaedias: Their History Throughout the Ages: A Bibliographical Guide with Extensive Historical Notes to the Encyclopaedias Issued throughout the World from 350 B.C. to the Present Day
—>  Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic, and Photomechanical Processes
—>  Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raissone des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers
—>  Endeavour : 2 entries
—>  Endeavour: Captain Cook's Journal 1768-71
—>  "Endothelial Cells and "Cement" Lines"
—>  Energetique et Tradition Chinoise
—>  "Energy for All Time"
—>  Energy, Force, and Matter: The Conceptual Development of Nineteenth-Century Physics
—>  Engelsch Woordenboek
—>  Engine Turning 1680-1980: The Tools and Technique
—>  "Engineering and Invention in the Eighteenth Century"
—>  "Engineering and Medicine: A Developing Partnership"
—>  Engineering at Edinburgh University: A Short History 1673-1983
—>  Engineering at Oxford University : 1908 - 1983
—>  Engineering in the Ancient World
—>  Engineering Inspection: An Introduction to Inspection Work Including Special Reference to Aero Requirements
—>  Engineering Science
—>  Engineering Supplement to the Siemens Magazine
—>  Engineers dreams
—>  Engineers' Tools and Equipment
—>  England and the Azores, 1581-1582 : three letters
—>  "England's 'First Refugees'"
—>  "England's Leonardo: Robert Hooke (1635-1703) and the Art of Experiment in Restoration England"
—>  English 30 Hour Clocks: Origin & Development, 1600-1800
—>  "English Astronomers' Letters to their Russian Colleagues in the Scientific Library of the Tartu State University"
—>  "English Aurorae of A. D. 1660/61"
—>  English Barometers 1680-1860. A History of English Domestic Barometers and their Makers
—>  English Barometers 1680-1860: A History of Domestic Barometers and their Makers and Retailers
—>  English books in Moscow : Leningrad libraries: Newton, Boyle, and others
—>  "English calculating rods of the seventeenth century"
—>  English Church Clocks 1280-1850: History and Classification
—>  English Country Grandfather Clocks: The Brass-Dial Longcase
—>  English Delftware Drug Jars: the Collection of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
—>  English Domestic Clocks
—>  "English domestic locks"
—>  English experience : books printed in England before 1640 : a descriptive catalogue of five hundred and sixty five facsimile editions now available for immediate delivery
—>  "English Glass Bottles"
—>  English House Clocks: 1600-1850 An Historical Survey and Guide for Collectors and Dealers
—>  "English Instrument Makers: Airguns and Electric Guns"
—>  English Land Measuring to 1800: Instruments and Practice
—>  English Lantern Clocks : 2 entries
—>  English Lighthouse Tours 1801 1813 1818
—>  English looking-glasses
—>  "English Map Collecting 1790-1840: A Pilot Survey of the Evidence in Sotheby Sale Catalogues" : 2 entries
—>  English Map-Making 1500-1650: Historical Essays
—>  English Mechanic and World of Science
—>  "English Medical Reformers of the Puritan Revolution: A Background to the "Society of Chymical Physitians"
—>  English Medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times
—>  "English Money Scales and their makers 1632 to 1916"
—>  "English ormolu mounts : a neglected 18th century art"
—>  "English Printed Almanacks and Prognostications: A bibliographical history to the year 1600 corrigenda and Addenda"
—>  English Sanitary Institutions, reviewed in their course of development, and in some of their political and social relations
—>  English Scholars 1660-1730
—>  English Scientific Virtuosi in the 16th and 17th Centuries: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, 5 February 1977
—>  English Silver Treasures from The Kremlin: A Loan Exhibition
—>  English Watches
—>  English Weights: An Illustrated Survey
—>  English-Arabic Dictionary for the use of Schools
—>  "Enkele Aspecten uit de Ontwikkeling van het Verloskundig Instrumentarium"
—>  "Enkele biografische gegevens over Gillis I Coignet alias Gillis met de Vlek"
—>  "Enkele opmerkingen betreffende de historische ontwikkeling van het oplossend vermogen van het microscoop"
—>  "Enkelvoudige Microscopen"
—>  Enkhuizen in Kaart: Vier Eeuwen Stadsplattegronden
—>  Enlargements: Their Production and Finish. A Complete Handbook of Instructions for the making of Bromide Enlargements
—>  Enlightening the British: Knowledge, Discovery and the Museum in the Eighteenth Century
—>  Enquiry into Plants and minor works on odours and weather signs
—>  Ensaio Historico sobre a origem e progressos das Mathematicas em Portugal
—>  Enseignement et diffusion des sciences en France au XVIIIe siecle
—>  Enthullungen uber den Simonides-Dindorf'schen Uranios
—>  "Entre l'Electrophysiologie et l'Electricite Industrielle: Le Galvanometre a Cadre Mobile"
—>  Entreliens Physique d'Ariste et d'Eudoxe
—>  "Entrepreneur Extraordinaire"
—>  "Entretien avec Nicolas Landau"
—>  Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes. Digression sur les Anciens et les Modernes
—>  Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie : 2 entries
—>  Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Coppernicanischen Lehre
—>  Entwicklungsgeschichte der Modernen Physik
—>  Enumeration dans l'ordre de leur importance des inventions, travaux scientifiques, ouvrages et memoirs, du Dr. Leroy-D'Etiolles
—>  Eos or the Wider Aspects of Cosmogony
—>  Ephemera Issued by the Early Lecturers in Experimental Science
—>  Ephemeri vita: : or the natural history and anatomy of the ephemeron, a fly that lives but five hours
—>  Ephemeri Vita: or the Natual History and Anatomy of the Ephemeron, a fly that lives but five hours
—>  Ephemerides for the Alphonsine Tables, 1300-1599
—>  Ephemerides pou/r la Recherche de la Comete periodique de d'Arrest, a son prochain retour en 1863 et 1864
—>  Ephemeris Absoluta: or, a Compleat Diary of the Caelestial Motions Exactly Calculated from Astronomia Carolina, for the Year of our Redemption 1701. Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. ... Calculated for the Meridian of London; ...
—>  Ephemeris of Encke's Comet, 1838
—>  Ephemeris of Gambart's Comet (Discovered by Biela) about the Time of its Perihelion Passage in the Years 1845-46
—>  Ephemeris of Halley's Comet, 1835-6
—>  "Epicentres of Earthquakes, 1913-1932"
—>  Epistola ad Amicum de Cotesii Inventis, Curvarum Ratione, quae cum Circulo & Hyperbola Comparationem Admittunt
—>  Epistola ad Andream Colvium: super Cap. XI. Primae ad Corinth. Epist. de Caesarie Virorum et Mulierum Coma
—>  Epistola de Tribus Impostoribus ad ... Ioan. Baptistam Morinum
—>  Epistola qua de Ipsius Principio Hylarchico seu Spiritu Naturae & familiari modernis Hydrostaticis Aeris Gravitatione & Elatere, occasione controversiae circa experimenta quaedam in parte prima Collegii Curiosi ad causas naturales. revocata nobis obortae,
—>  Epistola quam ad Generosum et Illustrem Dominum Wenceslaum Budowetz, etc. De Circulo Horologi Lunaris et Solaris, etc.
—>  Epistolae ad Societatem Regiam Anglicam, et Alios Illustres Viros seu Continuatio mirandorum Arcanorum Naturae detectorum. Quadraginta Epistolis contentorum. Quae ex Belgica in Latinam Linguam translatae sunt. Cum figuris aeneis, & Indicibus locupletissim : 3 entries
—>  Epistolae Anatomicae Virorum Clarissimorum ...
—>  Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar Letters Domestic and Forren; divided into Six Section, Partly Historicall, Partly Politicall, Partly Philosophicall, upon Emergent Occasions
—>  Epistolae Physiologicae super compluribus Naturae Arcanis; Ubi variorum Animalium atque Plantarum fabrica, conformatio, proprietates atque Operationes, novis & hactenus inobservatis experimentis illustrantur & oculis exhibentur; item peculiares & hactenus : 3 entries
—>  Epistolario di Gabriele Falloppia
—>  Epistolarum Medicinalium a Doctis vel ad Doctos scriptarum, Centuria I. & II. Cum Indicibus necessariis.
—>  Epitaphium Renati Binet tumulo inscriptum
—>  Epitome Cosmografica, o Compendiosa Introduttione all' Astronomia, Geografia, & Idrografia, per l'Uso, Dilucidatione, e Fabbrica delle Sfere, Globi, Planisferi, Astrolabi, e Tavole Geografiche, e particolarmente degli stampati, e spiegati nelle Publiche L
—>  Epitome Gnomonica & vero Compendioso Trattato e modo di descrivere ogni sorte di Orologi Solari, etc.
—>  Epitome of the Art of Navigation; or, a Short, Easy and Methodical Way to become a Compleat Navigator
—>  Epitre de Beruni Contenant le Repertoire des Ouvrages de Muhammad b. Zakariya ar-Razi
—>  "Equatorial Twin Telescope at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. Constructed by Sir Howard Grubb, Dublin"
—>  Equilibrium: Quarterly Magazine of the International Society of Antique Scale Collectors
—>  "Equinoctial sundials from Augsburg"
—>  Equipment for the Modern Laboratory
—>  "Erasmus Darwin"
—>  "Erasmus Darwin: Master of Interdisciplinary Science"
—>  Eratostene e l'apogeo della scienza greca
—>  Erde: Sonne; Mond & Sterne
—>  Erfahrung und Erkenntnis
—>  "Eric Gray Forbes"
—>  Eric Waterworth: An Inventive Tasmanian
—>  Erich Pontoppidans, ... Versuch einer naturlichen Historie von Norwegen, : worinnen die Luft, Grund und Boden, Gewasser, Gewachse, Metalle, Mineralien, Steinarten, Thiere, Vogel, Fische und endlich das Naturel, wie auch die Gewohnheiten und Lebensarten de
—>  "Erinnerungen der Zeitgenossen an Bernhard Schmidt"
—>  Erinnerungen, Briefe, Tagebucher = Memoirs, Letters, Diaries
—>  Erleichterte gnomonica oder Deutliche Anweisung zu den ... Sonnen-Uhren
—>  "Ermittelung der Absoluten Storungen in Ellipsen von Beliebiger Excentricitat und Neigung"
—>  "Ernst Abbe - Pioneer in Applied Optics"
—>  "Ernst Abbe (1840-1905); The Origin of a Great Optical Industry"
—>  "Ernst Abbe as Astronomer"
—>  "Ernst Abbe, Carl Zeiss, and the Transformation of Microscopical Optics"
—>  Ernst Abbe, Schopfer der Zeiss-stiftung
—>  Ernst Abbe, sein Leben, sein Wirken, seine Personlichkeit
—>  Ernst Abbe: Rede zum Gedachtnis seines 25. Todestages am 14. Januar 1930 gehalten im Auftrag des akademischen Senats der Landesuniversitat Jena in der Aula
—>  "Ernst Abbe's Invention of the Refractometers 100 Years Ago"
—>  "Ernst Gundlach: Nineteenth-Century Pioneer Optician"
—>  "Ernst Mach and Wolfgang Pauli's Ancestors in Prague"
—>  Eros: Optical Transfer Function instruments for lens and system evaluation
—>  "Erster Bericht uber die K.K. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus"
—>  Erster Jahresbericht
—>  Erwachende Wissenschaft. Bd. 2: Die Anfange der Astronomie
—>  "Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Hrn. K. Kreil in LVIII Bande dieser Annalen, S. 475 bis 488"
—>  "Esboco doz Fundamentos Historicos das Especializacoes no Terreno da Medicina Interna"
—>  Esercizi di Gnomonica
—>  Esperienze Intorno alla Generazione degl'Insetti fatte da Francesco Redi, Accademico della Crusca, ed da lui scritte in una Lettera all'Illustriss. Signor Carlo Dati
—>  Esplicacion de las Tablas de Navegacion y Astronomia Nautica de Don Jose de Mendoza y Rios
—>  Esquisse de mes Voyages au Bresil et Paraguay
—>  Essai Critique Sur Les Principes Fondamentaux De La Geometrie Elementaire, ou Commentaire Sur Les XXXII Premieres Propositions Des Elements D'Euclide
—>  Essai de Chimie Microscopique, ou, L'Art de Transporter le Laboratoire sur le Porte-Objet dans l'etude des Corps Organises
—>  Essai de Chymie Mechanique
—>  Essai de statique chimique
—>  Essai de theorie Daguerrienne et resultats pratiques
—>  Essai d'employer les Instruments Microscopiques avec Utilite et Plaisir dans La Saison du Printems par l'Auteur des Amusements Microscopiques tant des Yeux que de l'Esprit
—>  Essai d'une classification des animaux microscopiques
—>  Essai Historique sur le Magnetisme et l'Universalite de son Influence dans la Nature
—>  Essai sur la Geometrie elementaire, qui doit etre soutenu par Monsieur d'Andre de Cerfvole, Le 26. Aout 1753. a trois heures apres midi, dans la salle des Pensionaires des Jesuites
—>  Essai sur le Mouvement des Projectiles dans les Milieux Resistants
—>  Essai sur les Ouvrages Physico-Mathematiques de Leonard de Vinci, avec des Fragmens tires de ses Manuscrits, apportes de l'Italie; Lu a la premiere Classe de l'Institut National des Sciences et Arts
—>  Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle du Polype, Insecte
—>  Essai sur une legende scientifique. Le Miroir: Revelations, science-fiction et fallacies
—>  Essais sur l'Hygrometrie
—>  Essay on Involution and Evolution; containing a New, Accurate, and General Method of Ascertaining the Numerical Value of any Function of an Unknown Quantity; particularly applied to the Operation of Extracting the Roots of Equations, pure or affected, acc
—>  Essay on the cause of the Magnetism of the Needle, with the reason for its being North and South, and its variation; also other Communications, arising from the same Source, proposed for Investigation
—>  "Essay review: The Vanity of the Sciences"
—>  Essayes of Natural Experiments made in the Academie del Cimento, under the Protection of the Most Serene Prince Leopold of Tuscany
—>  Essays and Orations read and delivered at the Royal College of Physicians; to which is added An Account of the Opening of the Tomb of King Charles I.
—>  Essays and treatises
—>  Essays de Iean Rey docteur en medecine. Sur la recerche de la cause pour laquelle l'Estain & le Plomb augmentent de poids quand on les calcine
—>  Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews with addresses and other pieces
—>  Essays in Historical Chemistry
—>  Essays in industry and technology in the eighteenth century : England and France
—>  Essays in natural history and philosophy. : Containing a series of discoveries, by the assistance of microscopes
—>  Essays in Natural History and Philosophy. Containing A Series of Discoveries, By the Assistance of Microscopes
—>  Essays in Natural History and Philosophy: Containing A Series of Discoveries, By the Assistance of Microscopes
—>  Essays in Structural Chemistry
—>  Essays in the History of Mechanics
—>  Essays in the History of Medicine
—>  Essays of a Biologist
—>  Essays on British Hydracarina
—>  Essays on Evolution 1889-1907
—>  Essays on Museums and other subjects connected with Natural History : 2 entries
—>  Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology
—>  Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
—>  Essays on the History of the Microscope
—>  Essays on the Life and Work of Newton
—>  Essays on the Life and Work of Thomas Linacre c.1460-1524
—>  Essays on the Microscope; ...
—>  Essays on the Microscope; containing a practical description of the most improved microscopes: a general history of insects, ... a description of Three Hundred and Seventy-Nine Animalcula, with a concise catalogue of interesting objects
—>  Essays on the Microscope; containing a practical description of the most improved Microscopes: A General History of Insects, their Transformations, Peculiar Habits and Oeconomy: an account of the various species and singular properties of the Hydrae and V
—>  Essays on the Microscope; containing A Practical Description of the Most Improved Microscopes; A General History of Insects, their transformations, peculiar habits, and Oeconomy: An Account of the various species, and singular properties of the Hydrae and
—>  Essays Physical and Chemical, by Sir Torbern Bergman Translated from the Original Latin. With notes and Illustrations, by the Translator
—>  Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical
—>  "Essex Windmills"
—>  Ester Wax: A Histological Embedding Medium
—>  Estudios sobre Azarquiel
—>  "Estudios sobre Azarquiel el tratado de la Azafea"
—>  Estudios sobre historia de la ciencia espanola
—>  Estudios sobre la Ciencia Espanola del Siglo XVII
—>  "Ethel F. Bellamy"
—>  "Ethicogenisis"
—>  Etienne-Jules Marey
—>  "Ett svenskt mikroskop fran sjuttonhundratalet och dess tillverkare"
—>  Etude de la flexion horizontale de la lunettre du Cercle meridien Bischoffsheim de l'Observatoire de Paris
—>  'Etude des Instruments Contenus dans les Gravures de Sebastien Leclerc: "L'Academie des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts" "Le Cabinet de Physique"'
—>  Etude des Travaux de G.-A. Hirn sur les Lois du Frottement
—>  Etude du Systeme Optique forme d'une Lunette Astronomique et d'un double miroir
—>  Etudes 1987-1989
—>  Etudes sur Arnaud de Villeneuve v. 1240-1311
—>  Etudes sur l'origine des meteores cosmiques et la formation de leurs courants
—>  Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV. Accessit XVI. De Solidorum Regularium comparatione. Omnes Perspicuis Demonstrationibus, accuratisq; scholiis illustrati. Auctore Christophoro Clavio Bambergensi. Societatis Iesu.
—>  Euclidis Optica & catoptrica, nunquam antehac Graece aedita. / Eadem Latine reddita per Ioannem Penam Regium Mathematicum. His praeposita est eiusdem Ioannis Penae de vsu optices praefatio, …
—>  Euclidis Posteriores Lib. IX. Accessit XVI. De Solidorv. Regularium cuius libetintra quod libet comparatione. Omnes Perspicuis Demonstrationibus, accuratisq scholissillus: trati; nunc iterum edit ac multar. rerum accessione locupletati: Auctore Christopho
—>  Euclid's Elements Of Geometry, From The Latin Translation of Commandine : 2 entries
—>  "Eugene Chevreul historien de la chimie"
—>  Eukleidou ta Sozomena. Euclidis quae supersunt omnia.
—>  Eupodides
—>  "Eureka! ... Sunday Times History of Inventions, Part 2"
—>  Eureka! How and When the Greatest Inventions were made: An Illustrated History of Inventions from the Wheel to the Computer
—>  Europaische Sonnenuhren
—>  Europaisches Rokoko: Kunst und Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts. vierte Ausstellung unter den Auspizien des Europarates
—>  "Europe discovered Europe when Columbus discovered America"
—>  "European Astronomy in the First Millennium: the Archaeological Record"
—>  European Civic Coats of Arms
—>  European Clockmaking - Watchmaking -: German - Austrian - Swiss - French: Trademarks and Names
—>  European Clocks and Watches in the Near East
—>  European Coin-Weights for English Coins
—>  European collections of scientific instruments, 1550-1750
—>  European Historiography of Technology: Proceedings from the TISC-Conference in Roskilde
—>  European Magazine
—>  "European Science Museums - A Summer Sampler"
—>  European Spectroscopy News
—>  "Eva G. R. Taylor"
—>  Evangelista Torricelli
—>  Evenings at Microscope; or Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life
—>  Evenings at the Microscope; or Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life
—>  Evenings at the Microscope; or, Researches among the Minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life : 2 entries
—>  Ever Reaping Something New: A Science Centenary
—>  Every Man his own Cattle Doctor: Containing the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of all the Diseases Incident to Oxen, Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Rabbits
—>  Everybody's Astrology
—>  Everybody's clocks : the design and working of usual and unusual clocks described in a non-technical way for the information of the user
—>  "Everyday Life, 1911-1937"
—>  Everyday Science: A Practical Course for Schools
—>  Everything for the Laboratory
—>  Evidence as to man's place in nature
—>  "Evidence from Advertising for Mathematical Instrument Making in London, 1556-1714"
—>  "Evidence from the Logs"
—>  "Evidence from Trade Cards for the Scientific Instrument Industry"
—>  "Evidence in Mexican Glyphs and Sculpture for a Hitherto Unrecognised Astronomical Instrument"

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