
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Cecil Beaton 1904-1980
—>  "Cecil Clutton"
—>  Cecil Frank Clifford, 1903-1995, FBHI BSc MIEE, BHI Silver Medalist, inventor of the magnetic escapement
—>  "Cecil Howard Cribb"
—>  "Celebrating a Man of Gravity"
—>  Celestial Ejectamenta : 2 entries
—>  "Celestial Influence - the Major Premiss of Astrology"
—>  "Celestial Mapping"
—>  Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes : 4 entries
—>  Cellular Pathology as based upon Physiological and Pathological Histology. Twenty lectures delivered in the Pathological Institute of Berlin during the months of February, March, and April, 1858.
—>  "Celluloid and Photography: Part One - Celluloid as a Substitute for Glass"
—>  Cenni stouchi dell' Orologeria e dei vari mezzi impiegati alla misurazione del tempo
—>  Cenni sull'attivita del museo per la didattica della sperimentazione fisica
—>  Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit
—>  Cent ans d'astronomie au Pic-du-Midi
—>  Centaurus
—>  "Centenary Celebration of Robert Brown's Discovery of the Nucleus of the Vegetable Cell, Held on 19 November 1931"
—>  Centiloquium Circini porportionum. Ein newer Proportional Cerckel, von vier, funff, sechs oder mehr Spitzen, mit hundert schonen, ausserlesenen, nutzlichen Fragen ...
—>  Cento Anni di Radio: le Radici dell'Invenzione
—>  Centonovanturo Epigrammi Latini ... IX. In horologium solare

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