
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Annual Report on the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England by the Conservator
—>  Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry, and the Allied Sciences, Physics, Mineralogy, and Geology; including the applications of Chemistry to Pharmacy, Medicine, Agriculture, the Arts and Manufactures
—>  Annual Special Issue, June 26, 1937
—>  Annual Special Issue, June 26, 1954
—>  Annuli Astronomici
—>  Annuli Astronomici instrumenti cum certissimi tum commodissimi usus
—>  Annulorum trium diversi generis instrumentorum Astronomicorum componendi ratio atq; usus, cum quibus dam aliis lectu jucun dissimis, quorum catalo gu mox versa pagella indicabit
—>  Annulus Platonis: (Aurea Catena Homeri) oder physikalisch-chymische Erklarung der Natur nach ihrer Entstehung, Erhaltung und Zerstorung
—>  Annus VII. Ephemeridum Motum Coelestium ad Annum Aerae Christianae 1687. Cum Ortu & Occasu diurno Planetarum ut et eorum Occultationibus etc. Ex Tabulis Rudolphinis, ad Meridianum Uranoburgicum, in Freto Cimbrico Supputatus, Cum Appendice Observationum No
—>  Ansamblul urban medieval Botosani
—>  Ansichten und Ergebnisse uber Magnetismus, Elektricitat und Chemismus. Ein Bericht an das grossere naturwissenschaftliche Publicum
—>  Ansichten und Muthmassungen dass die Lufthulle welche den Erdball umgiebt ausser der kugel-hogenformigen Strahlenbrechung, die ihre zunehmende Dichtigkeit veranlasst, noch eine unbekannte eigenthumliche Lichstrahlbrechung gleich einer Hohlkugel haben muss
—>  "Antarctic Rotifera"
—>  Antecedentes da Travessia de Africa
—>  Antennae: An Introduction to their Theory
—>  Anthracite in the Lehigh Region of Pennsylvania, 1820-45
—>  Anthropoid Apes
—>  Anthropologia Nova: or, a New System of Anatomy Describing the Animal Oeconomy, and a Short Rationale of many Distempers incident to Human Bodies
—>  "Anthropological Perspectives on the History of Science and Medicine"
—>  Anthropometria, sive de mutua membrorum corporis humani proportione, & Naevorum harmonia Libellus

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