
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Victor Herbert Veley (1856-1933)"
—>  "Victor Meyer"
—>  Victorian and Edwardian Professional Photographers in Herefordshire
—>  Victorian and Edwardian Professional Photographers in Gloucester
—>  Victorian and Edwardian Professional Photographers in Glasgow
—>  Victorian and Edwardian Professional Photographers in Dorset
—>  "Victorian Ladies on their Rambles"
—>  Victorian Photographers at Work
—>  Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation'
—>  "Victorian Slide Viewers"
—>  Victorian values : the life and times of Dr. Edwin Lankester
—>  Victoris Trincavellii Veneti Philosophi ac Medici Clarissimi, et in celeberrima Patavina Academia olim primarii Professoris Omnia Opera
—>  Victory Over Pain
—>  Vie d'Elie Metchnikoff
—>  "Vielfache Brechung eines Lichtstrahles in Kalkspath-Krystallen"
—>  "Vielseitige Sonnenuhr"
—>  Vierte Abhandlunge von den gemeinen Auslosungen der Pflanzen und Thiere, darinn man serner untersuchet, was fur eine Veranderung dem Sauren dieser vermischeten Korper in und nach der Distillirung widerfahret
—>  View of the Organization and of the Original Members of the Society of the Bulletin Universel for the Diffusion of Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences
—>  View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages
—>  Views of the Microscopic World: Designed for General Reading, and as a Handbook for Classes in Natural Science
—>  "Viggo Brun (1885-1978)"
—>  "Viggo Brun: In Memoriam (1885-1978)"
—>  Vijf Eeuwen Delftse Apothekers: Een bronnenstudie over de geschiedenis van de farmacie in een Hollandse stad
—>  Vijftig Eeuwen Olie: De Geschiedenis van de Aardolie
—>  Vijftig jaren beoefening van de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen in Nederland, 1913-1963
—>  "Vikingerne Havde Tusmorke-Kompas"
—>  Vindiciae Academiarum containing, Some briefe Animadversions upon Mr Websters Book, stiled, The Examination of Academies. Together with an Appendix concerning what M. Hobbs, and M. Dell have published on this Argument
—>  "Vingt-Cinq Cadrans Solaire sur le Meme Polyedre"
—>  Vintage Telephones of the World
—>  Vipera pythia. Id est, de Viperae Natura, Veneno, Medicina, Demonstrationes, & Experimenta nova
—>  Viridarium Mathematicorum: In quo omnia fere, quae in rebus ... adjecta sunt etiam instrumenta nonnulla ab eo nuper excogitata, quibus brevissima, etc.
—>  'Virtual Observing: The use of graphic material in the early Royal Society'
—>  "Virtuoso and Curioso"
—>  Visa: pour la cite: le journal de la cite des Sciences et de l'industrie
—>  "Viscount Dillon 1844-1932"
—>  Vision and the Eye, an Historical Exhibition
—>  Vistas in Astronomy : 3 entries
—>  "'Vistas in Astronomy' - Vergangenes und Kommendes"
—>  "Visual Aids for Orbit Demonstrations"
—>  Visual Aids: Notes on some Modern Apparatus
—>  "Visual Knowledge in Medicine and Popular Film"
—>  Visual Study Aids
—>  Vitae Quorundam Eruditissimorum et Illustrium Virorum. Quorum Nomina existant in pagina sequenti
—>  "Vital Microscopy of Oral Tissues"
—>  Vitalisms from Haller to the Cell Theory.
—>  Vitamins in Medical Practice: A Survey of Present Day Knowledge
—>  Vite Magazine
—>  "Vitruve et ses commentateurs du XVIe siecle" : 2 entries
—>  "Vivre a l'heure du soleil"
—>  Voices over the Horizon: Tales from Cable and Wireless
—>  Volksglaube im Bereich des Islam | Band II | Amulette, Zauberformeln und Beschworungen
—>  Vollstandige Nachricht von Uhren, erste continuation uber zwenter theil
—>  Vollstandige Nachricht vonden Uhren, Nebenst einer Beschreibung einis besonderen Instrumentes allerhand Arten der SonnenUhren, etc.
—>  Vollstandiger und ausfuhrlicher Unterricht gute Sonnenuhren aufebene horizontale und verticale. Flaschen sonderlich auf Mauern und Feuster zu machen als ein Beytrag zur Gnomonik etc.
—>  Vollstandiger Unterricht von der gemeinem und hohern Dreh-Kunst, worinnen nicht nur was von beyden zu wissen nothig / deutlich beschrieben / sondern auch alle dahin gehorige Werke, Kunst-Machinen, und Instrumenta, samt 40. Kunst-Stucken in XXXI. Kupsser-T
—>  Volume of plates of the Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory
—>  Vom Perpetuum Mobile zum Energieprinzip
—>  "Vom Schlangen-symbol"
—>  Vom Sternglauben zur Sternkunde: Wanderweg durch die Warburg-Ausstellung des Hamburger Planetariums
—>  "Von Abakus bis Zuse - ein Abriss der Geschichte der Rechenmaschine"
—>  Von allerhand Beschopffen Gottes, Engeln, Himeln, ... Mit angehen ektem Bauren Compass, vor die jenigen gestelt, sosich auff den Compass nicht verstehn, oder denseben mit allezeit bey sich haben, die Stund des tags in der Hand durch den Strohalm zuerlerne
—>  "Von alten Uhren im Hessischen Landesmuseum und von der Uhrmacherkunst in Kassel"
—>  "Von alter Suddeutscher Uhrmacherei"
—>  Von dem Nutz der Ding die in Ackeren gebuwt werden. ...
—>  Von den bisherigen Versuchen uber langere Voraussicht der Witterung. Eine geschichtliche Skisse mit Bemerkungen, vorgelesen in der offentlichen Versammlung der konigl. baier. Akademie der Wissenschaften zur Feyer des Maximilianstages im Jahre 1815
—>  Von den unterschiedenen Vitriolen, und insonderheit von der mit Vitriol gemachten Dinte
—>  Von der Forschung gezeichnet : Instrumente und Apparaturen in Heidelberger Laboratorien skizziert von Friedrich Veith (1817-1907)
—>  "Von der Montgolfiere zum Riesenluftschiff"
—>  "Von Descartes zu Leibniz"
—>  Von Kunstlicher Abmessung aller grosse ... Ein gar Kunstlich Sonnuhr, Horarium bilimbatii genant, Alle stunden des Sonnenschein nach, grundtlich zuerschen, etc.
—>  "Von Liebig - a radical chemist"
—>  Von Sonnenuhren, Das Erste Neuw, Zuvor miemals geschene Fundament, jetze Erstmahls ahu tag gegeben
—>  Von Sonnenuhren, Der Sechste Theil In was gestalt mit fonderbarer Ring fertligkeit, und allein durch hilff einer von Holz gedrehten Cuba concava, oder ...
—>  "Von Stahl und Stein zum Streichholz: Aus der Geschichte des Feuerzeugs"
—>  Von Uhren und Automaten: Das Messen der Zeit
—>  Von Wurmern des sussen und salzigen Wassers, mit Kupfern
—>  "Vorausberechnung der Totalen Sonnen-Finsterniss am 18. Juli 1860"
—>  Vorgriechische Mathematik: Vorgeschichte und Agypten
—>  Vorhof den SonenUhrKunst Darinnen Die funff Regulair-SonnenUhren, als die gegen Morgen, Abend, etc.
—>  "Vorrichtungen zur Teilung von Kreisen und Geraden usw. nach Biruni"
—>  "Vorrichtungen zur Teilung von Kreisen und Geraden usw. nach Biruni"
—>  Vorschlag eines neuen Fernrohr-Micrometers, mit hellen Linien und Puncten im dunkeln Gesichtsfelde
—>  "Vorschriften zur Herstellung von scharfen Wassern bei Gabir und Razi" : 2 entries
—>  Vorstellung der Gestirne auf XXXIV Kupfertafeln nach der Pariser Ausgabe des Flamsteadschen Himmelsatlas
—>  Vorstellung der Gestirneauf vier und dreyssig Kupfertafeln nebst einer Anweisung zum Gebrauch und einem Verzeichnisse von 5877 Sternen, Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen: Representation des Astres sur trente-quatre planches en taille-douce avec une Instruction : 2 entries
—>  Vortrage 1925-1926
—>  Vortrage und Abhandlungen des II. Internationalen Symposiums des Coronelli-Weltbundes der Globusfreunde vom 8. bis 10. Oktober 1965 in Dresden
—>  Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption 1795
—>  Vox Stellarum; being an Almanack for the Year of Human Redemption 1701, it being the first after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein is contained All things fitting for such a Work, ... to which is added the Ancient Prophecy of of Sybilla Tiburtina. ...
—>  "Voyage to the Penumbra; In Search of the Elusive in Photographic History: Towards a Portrait of Dr William Lewis"
—>  Voyages from Asia to America, For Completing the Discoveries of the North West Coast of America. To which is prefixed A Summary of the Voyages Made by the Russians on the Frozen Sea, In Search of a North East Passage, Serving as an Explanation of a Map of
—>  Vranometria, Omnivm Asterismorvm Continens Schemata, Nova Methodo Delineata, Aereis Laminis Expressa
—>  Vroege Beoefenaars van de Geologie van Nederland
—>  "Vulgar and Mechanick" | The Scientific Instrument Trade in Ireland 1650-1921
—>  "Vulliamy of London"
—>  Vystava co dala technika svetu (od minulosti k pritomnosti)
—>  "Vyvoj nastroju pro drceni kamenu mocoveho mechyre"
—>  Vznik a Rozklad Mechanisticke Koncepce Ve Fyziologii
—>  "Vznik a vyvoj matematickych stroju od nejstarsich dob do druhe svetove valky"
—>  "W. D.'s Dial"
—>  W. Hume-Rothery
—>  W. P. Collins' Scientific Catalogues: Microscopy and Micro-Natural History (Zoological and Botanical)
—>  "W. Struve sur la Dilatation de la Glace, d'apres les experiences faites en 1845 et 1846 a l'Observatoire Central de Poulkova"
—>  "W. W. Campbell's Spectroscopic Study of the Martian Atmosphere"
—>  Wadham College
—>  Wadham College Oxford: Its Foundation, Architecture and History with an Account of the Family of Wadham and Their Seats in Somerset and Devon
—>  Wagen u. Gewichte
—>  "Wagen-Messinstrumente aus alter Zeit"
—>  Wahrscheinliche Entdeckung einer Polarisation der chemischen Affinitat, in der Versuchen des Hrn. Prof. Schonbein uber das Verhalten des Eisens zum Sauerstoff nachgewiesen und den Naturforschern zu weiterer Prufung vorgelegt
—>  Walford's Guide to Reference Material: Volume 1: Science and Technology
—>  "Wallis und Harriot"
—>  Walpoliana
—>  "Walter Moyle's Birds of Cornwall, 1716"
—>  "Walter Stonehouse (1597-1655)"
—>  "Walter Stonehouse. (1597-1655.)"
—>  Wandlungen des Arzneibegriffs: Die Meerzwiebel als Heilmittel von der Antike bis heute
—>  "Wann haben die Griechen das Irrationale entdeckt?"
—>  War and medicine
—>  "War of the Worlds"
—>  War Wounds of the Lung: Notes on their surgical treatment at the Front
—>  "Warden Wilkins and his world in the moon"
—>  Warne's new and extended table book
—>  Was ist bis jetzo uber den sogenannten Steinregen entschieden?
—>  "Was Newton an Alchemist?"
—>  "Was this, then, Antediluvian Man?" : 2 entries
—>  "Was wir ohne Glas nicht wussten"
—>  "Wat kan een 'van Leeuwenhoek' mikroscoop presteeren"
—>  Watch and Clock Catalogue, 1973-74
—>  Watchers over the Waves
—>  Watches : 2 entries
—>  Watches & Clocks in the Sir David Salomons Collection including scientific instruments, boxes and automata
—>  Watches vol. I: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Henlein to Tompion
—>  Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia 1400 to 1850 : 2 entries
—>  Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World : 4 entries
—>  Water Current Meters In The Smithsonian Collections of The National Museum of History and Technology
—>  Water Still
—>  Water Wireless Telegraphy
—>  Waterworks in the Athenian Agora : 2 entries
—>  Watson Centenary 1837-1937
—>  Watsons Microscope Record
—>  Watson's Microscope Record : 2 entries
—>  Watts: E. R. Watts & Son Limited
—>  Wave Filters
—>  Wave Mechanics - being one aspect of the New Quantum Theory
—>  Wave Mechanics: Being One Aspect of the New Quantum Theory
—>  We, The Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific
—>  Weather Lore: A Collection of Proverbs, Sayings, and Rules concerning the Weather
—>  Weathervanes
—>  "Wedgwood medallion of Petrus Camper"
—>  Weighing Coins: English folding gold balances of the 18th. and 19th. Centuries
—>  Weighing Machines: A Treatise in Three Volumes
—>  Weighing Through the Ages: a History of Scales from 2000 B.C. to the Present Time
—>  Weight-driven Chamber Clocks of the Middle Ages and Renaissance: With some observations concerning certain Larger Clocks of Mediaeval Times
—>  Weights and Measures and their Marks: A Guide to Collecting
—>  "Weights and Measures in Pre-Columbian America"
—>  Weights and Measures in Scotland: A European Perspective
—>  Weights and Measures: A Guide to Collecting
—>  Weights and Measures: their ancient origins and their development in Great Britain up to AD 1855
—>  "Weird Science"
—>  "Weismannism Once More"
—>  Weiss's Patent Horse Phleme
—>  Weiss's Screw Lithotrite
—>  "Weitere Bemerkungen zu dem Vortrage des Herrn Prof. Petzval vom 15. Janner 1852"
—>  "Welche Kreismonde sind Elementar Quadrierbar? Die 2400 jahrige Geschichte eines Problems bis zur Endgultigen Losung in den Jahren 1933/1947"
—>  Welcome to Oxford
—>  Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine: A brief description
—>  Welt im Umbruch: Augsburg zwischen Renaissance und Barock
—>  Welt Oder Erd- und Wasser-kugel Sampt denen Land-Charten Auss Das deutlichste vorgestellt In des heiligen Reichs-Stadt Nordthausen
—>  "Wenceslaus Hollar and the British Antiquaries"
—>  Wenzel Jamnitzer und die Nurnberger Goldschmiedekunst 1500-1700: Goldschmiedearbeiten - Entwurfe, Modelle, Medaillen, Ornamentstiche, Schmuck, Portrats
—>  "Wer ist gross und was ist bedeutend in der Geschichte der Wissenschaft?"
—>  'We're Certainly not Afraid of Zeiss': Barr & Stroud Binoculars and the Royal Navy
—>  Werkzeuge und Wissen: Naturwissenschaft und Technik in der Weltgeschichte
—>  "Werner, Apian, Blagrave and the Meteoroscope"
—>  West Winds: The Building of a Dream : 2 entries
—>  Western Astrolabes: Historic Scientific Instruments of the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum Volume I
—>  'Westminster' Sun-ray Arc Lamp
—>  Westmorland Clocks and Clockmakers
—>  "Weston 100": A Century of Telephone Service in Weston-super-Mare
—>  West's Microscope for the Million; or, Newly-Constructed Microscope, particularly adapted for Aquatic and Botanical Research. Packed in a neat Mahogany Case, 4.1/2 by 5.1/2 inches, with Apparatus and Dissecting Instruments, complete, Price 26s. to 30s. Wi
—>  Wetenschap en Techniek in de Oudheid
—>  What Accelerated Technological Progress in the Western Middle Ages?
—>  "What Chemistry Owes to X-Rays"
—>  "What is an English mounting"
—>  What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell
—>  "What is Scientific about a Scientific Instrument?"
—>  "What is the Good of History of Science?"
—>  "What is the History of Science?"
—>  What Little I Remember
—>  "What Makes a Good Historian?"
—>  What Science Stands For
—>  "What should I collect?" [and] "Three hundred curious years"
—>  What was Original in Arabic Science
—>  "Whatever Happened to C. F. C. 'Scroggs' Beeson?"
—>  "Wheatstone's Double Vision"
—>  "Wheel Barometer of Hooke"
—>  Wheelwright of the Heavens: The Life & Work of James Ferguson FRS
—>  "When the Stars Interrupted the Running of a Meridian line Northward up the Delmarva Peninsula"
—>  "When was the World's Oldest Photograph Taken?"
—>  "Where the Ghosts Are: The New York Academy of Medicine"
—>  "Which Historical New Stars were Supernovae?"
—>  "Who Invented the Compass?"
—>  "Who Invented the Explosives?"
—>  "Who printed Zacuto's Tables?"
—>  "Who was John Grundy?"
—>  Wholesale Price List of Pure Chemicals & Reagents, For Analytical Purposes and Chemical Research. Special Price Lists for Chemical and Scientific Apparatus, Balances and Weights, etc., etc.
—>  Who's Who 2002: An Annual Biographical Dictionary
—>  Who's Who in the Moon
—>  "Why Physical Space has Three Dimensions"
—>  "Wie lauft Wasser aus einem Gefass?"
—>  "Wiedergefundenes Versuchmaterial zu Sir John Herschels photographischen Experimenten aus den Jahren 1839-1844"
—>  "Wiener Astronomen und Mathematiker des 15. und beginninden 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre Instrumente"
—>  Wightman's arithmetical tables
—>  Wild Bird Protection in Norfolk
—>  "Wilhelm IV von Hessen-Cassel in der Geschichte der Chronometrie"
—>  "Wilhelm IV, Tycho Brahe, and Eberhard Baldewein -- the Missing Instruments of the Kassel Observatory"
—>  "Will the Real Charles Darwin Please Stand Up" : 2 entries
—>  "Willebrord Snell: He Transformed Ancient Guesses into Definite Law"
—>  "Willem Einthoven - The Electrophysiology of the Heart"
—>  William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
—>  "William Backhouse of Swallowfield"
—>  "William Benjamin Carpenter, 1813-1885"
—>  "William Bourne: A chapter in Tudor geography"
—>  "William Buckland, F.R.S. (1784-1856) and an Oxford Geological Lecture, 1823"
—>  "William Bulloch's Pioneer Women of Microbiology"
—>  "William Byrd, Stonecutter and Mason"
—>  "William Churton (fl. 1749-1767) North Carolina Cartographer Part I"
—>  "William Churton (fl. 1749-1767): North Carolina Cartographer"
—>  "William Cleghorn's "De Igne" (1779)"
—>  William Congreve and his Clock: A Reprint of the Patent Granted to Congreve in 1808, with an Introductory Note and a Portrait
—>  "William Constable and Burton Constable - I" [to] "... - IV"
—>  'William Constable's Philosophical Cabinet'
—>  William Crabtree, 1610-1644: Manchester's First Mathematician
—>  "William Cullen and the Teaching of Chemistry"
—>  "William Curtis, founder of "The Botanical Magazine""
—>  "William Derham and 'The Artificial Clockmaker' "
—>  "William Fitzer: the publisher of Harvey's De motu cordis, 1628"
—>  William Ford Stanley: His Life and Work
—>  William Gilberd: a biography and assessment
—>  William Gilbert, and Terrestrial Magnetism in the Time of Queen Elizabeth : 2 entries
—>  William Gunn Price and the Price Current Meters
—>  William H. Fox Talbot: Inventor of the Negative-Positive Process
—>  William Harvey 1628-1928
—>  William Harvey and the Circulation of the Blood : 2 entries
—>  "William Harvey's Debate with Caspar Hofmann on the Circulation of the Blood: New Documentary Evidence"
—>  William Haycock Clock & Regulator Works Southcliffe Ashbourne
—>  "William Henry Fox Talbot"
—>  William Henry Fox Talbot: Pioneer of Photography and Man of Science
—>  "William Herbert Steavenson"
—>  "William Herschel and the Measurement of Space"
—>  William Herschel: Musician & Composer
—>  "William Herschel's Early Investigations of Nebulae: A Reassessment"
—>  "William Herschel's Large Twenty-Foot Telescope"
—>  "William Higgins, chemist (1763-1825)" : 3 entries
—>  "William Huddesford (1732-1772) : his role in reanimating the Ashmolean Museum, his collections, researches and support network"
—>  William Hunter 1718-1783: A Memoir by Samuel Foart Simmons and John Hunter
—>  William Hunter, 1718-1783: Book Collector
—>  William Lassell
—>  "William Lassell (1799-1880): Practitioner, Patron and "Grand Amateur" of Victorian Astronomy"
—>  "William Leybourn 1626-1716"
—>  "William Mayo (1684-1744) Surveyor of the Virginia Piedmont - Part 1"
—>  "William Mayo (1684-1744) Surveyor of the Virginia Piedmont - Part II"
—>  "William Nicol and Henry Clifton Sorby: Two centenaries"
—>  "William Nicol FRSE c1771-1851: Lecturer, Scientist and Collector"
—>  "William Oughtred, Richard Delamain and the Horizontal Instrument in Seventeenth Century England"
—>  William Oughtred: A Great Seventeenth-Century Teacher of Mathematics
—>  "William Oughtred's 'Arithmeticae in numeris' or 'Clavis mathematicae', 1647; an unrecorded (unique?) edition in Aberdeen University Library"
—>  "William Oughtred's 'Circles of Proportion' and 'Trigonometries'"
—>  William Paley 1743-1805
—>  "William Parsons (1701-1757) Founder of Easton, Pennsylvania Part 1"
—>  "William Parsons (1701-1757) Founder of Easton, Pennsylvania Part 2"
—>  "William Prout (1785-1850) and His Hypothesis: The Religious Dimension in Grand Unified Theories"
—>  William Roy 1726-1790: Pioneer of the Ordnance Survey
—>  "William Roy's maps, mathematical instruments and library: the Christie's sale of 1790"
—>  William Scoresby: Arctic Scientist
—>  William Shipley : founder of the Royal Society of Arts ; a biography with documents
—>  "William Smith (1769-1839), a chronology of significant dates in his life"
—>  "William Smith (1769-1839): a bibliography of his published writings, maps and geological sections, printed and lithographed"
—>  "William Smith: The Sale of His Geological Collection to the British Museum"
—>  William Smith's Home near Bath: the real Tucking Mill
—>  "William Smith's Manuscript Maps"
—>  "William Strutt's Cotton Mills, 1793-1812"
—>  "William Stukeley and the Early History of the Orrery"
—>  "William Weston, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, and the Philadelphia Plan for Internal Improvements"
—>  William Whewell, D.D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. - An Account of his writings with selections from his Literary and Scientific correspondence
—>  "William Whiston: The Longitude Man"
—>  "William Withering in Perspective"
—>  William Withey Gull : a biographical sketch
—>  "Williamson's Pistol Camera"
—>  Willis's Oxford Casebook (1650-52)
—>  Wills and their Whereabouts
—>  'Willughby's Fishes: A Publishing Venture of the Early Royal Society'
—>  Winchester Cathedral Library
—>  Winchester College and Science
—>  Winckelige-Wyzer, van di Sonnevolgen ... Dat is, Hemelische Circulen en Uuren-linien etc.
—>  Windmuhlen der Stand der Forschung uber das Vorkommen und den Ursprung
—>  Window on the Ear: Barbara Hepworth and the Fenestration Series of Drawings
—>  Window on the Unknown: A History of the Microscope
—>  "Wine-gauging at Damme: the evidence of a late medieval manuscript"
—>  Wingate's Rule of Proportion in Arithmetick and Geometry; or, Gunter's Line
—>  Winkelmessinstrumente: Vom 16. bis zum fruhen 19. Jahrhundert
—>  "Winters at Oxford Since 1815"
—>  Wireless : from Marconi's black-box to the audion
—>  Wireless at Sea: The First Fifty Years
—>  Wireless over the Waves
—>  Wireless over Thirty Years
—>  Wireless Receivers: The Principles of their Design
—>  Wireless Telegraphy
—>  Wireless Telephony Explained : 2 entries
—>  Wireless Valve Transmitters: The Design and Operation of Small Power Apparatus
—>  Wireless Valves Simply Explained
—>  "Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft"
—>  Wiskonstige Beschryving der reguliere Lichamen aantoonende hoc men die vit Massive Stoffe kan maaken, hun Inhoud berekenen, en op dezelven Zonnewyzers ...
—>  Wiskonstige Reekening in Hemelklootse Voorstellen. ... Mitsgaders de Uitrekening en Aftekening der Zonnewysers
—>  Wiskunde Tussen Renaissance en Barok: Aspecten van Wiskunde-Beoefening te Antwerpen 1550-1620
—>  Wissenschaft im Mittelalter: Ausstellung von Handschriften und Inkunabeln der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Prunksaal 22. mai bis 18. oktober 1975
—>  Wissenschaftliche Instrumente im Germanischen Museum
—>  "Wissenschaftliche Instrumente im Germanischen Museum"
—>  Wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Sonnenuhren
—>  "Wissenschaftliche Instrumente"
—>  Witchcraft Magic & Alchemy
—>  "With Camera and Pen"
—>  With Seaplane and Sledge in the Arctic
—>  WITHDRAWN - Classification Decimale Universelle
—>  WITHDRAWN - The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
—>  [Withdrawn]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
—>  [Withdrawn]Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
—>  "Wm. Clement Londini Fecit"
—>  Wohler's 'Synthetic' Urea and the Rejection of Vitalism: A Chemical Legend
—>  "Wolcott and Johnson; their camera and their photography"
—>  "Wolcott's Camera in England and the Bromine-Iodine Process"
—>  "Women and Science in India"
—>  "Women in the Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instrument Trade"
—>  "Women of Our Century VI: Janet Vaughan: A Very Human Scientist"
—>  "Women of Science: Nettie Maria Stevens"
—>  Women, Science and The Royal Society
—>  Wonderful Prophecies, of that Famous Astronomer & Philosopher, Sir William Herschell, (Astronomer to their late Majesties George III. and IV.)
—>  "'Wonders in One Closet Shut': The Educational Potential of History of Science Museums"
—>  'Wood to Iron in Early 19th Century Ship Construction'
—>  Wooden spokeshaves
—>  "Wood-framed Church Clocks"
—>  Wood's (late Abraham) Price List of Binocular Opera Glasses, Field and Marine Glasses, as manufactured for the principal steamships, the military, etc., etc.
—>  "Woodworking tools 1600-1900"
—>  Woolwich Mathematical Papers for Admission into The Royal Military Academy for the Years 1887-1896
—>  Wordsworth's Interpretation of Nature
—>  Working Instructions for the Agfa Colour Plate
—>  Working Instructions for the Sanger Shepherd Process of Natural Colour Photography
—>  Working Instructions for the Sanger Shepherd Universal Developer, with some Hints on Development
—>  "Works of Another Darwin"
—>  Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin: : consisting of his Life, written by himself, together with essays, humorous, moral & literary, chiefly in the manner of The Spectator
—>  Workshop Receipts for the use of Manufacturers, Mechanics and Scientific Amateurs
—>  World Maps for Finding the Direction and Distance to Mecca: Innovation and Tradition in Islamic Science.
—>  Worldly Goods
—>  Worthies of All Souls; Four Centuries of English History illustrated from the College Archives
—>  Worthies of Science
—>  "Wozu Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte?"
—>  Wren's dial remov'd, or, High-Victorian hubris at All Souls
—>  Wright of Derby
—>  Writing Antiques
—>  Writing Implements and Accessories: From the Roman Stylus to the Typewriter
—>  Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
—>  Wye man diss hochberumpt astronomischer un geometrischer Kunst Instrumet Astrolabium brauchen soll. nicht allein den Extzten sondern auch den Paumeystern, Pergk-lewten, Puchen meystern unnd andern kunstlern vast lustig unnd nutzbar
—>  X Rays and Crystal Structure
—>  X Rays: Their Origin, Dosage, and Practical Application
—>  "X. Internationaler Kongress fur Geschichte der Wissenschaften"
—>  XIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Varsovie-Cracovie, aout 24 -29 1965 - Sommaires : 2 entries
—>  XIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Varsovie, 1965 - Programme
—>  "XII. Uber lampen und uhren. XIII. Uber eine schrift von Ibn Al Haitam "Uber die Beschaffenheit der Schatten""
—>  XIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Paris, 1968: Colloques: Actes
—>  XIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Paris, 25-31 Aout 1968: Resumes des Communications: Summaries
—>  XIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Colloques: Textes des Rapports
—>  XIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Moscau, URSS, 18-24 Aout 1971: Resumes des Communications aux Sections (Supplements)
—>  "XIVth and XVth Century Public Clocks of the Papal Marches"
—>  XIX Congreso
—>  XIX sajandi alguse fuusikariistu Tartu Ulikooli ajaloo muuseumis/ ... Physics Instruments from the Beginning of the 19th Century in Museum of History of Tartu State University
—>  XIXth International Congress of History of Science 22-29 August 1993, Zaragoza: Book of Abstracts: Scientific Sections
—>  XIXth International Congress of History of Science 22-29 August 1993, Zaragoza: Book of Abstracts: Symposia
—>  XIXth International Congress of History of Science 22-29 August 1993, Zaragoza: Symposia Survey Papers: Plenary Lectures
—>  X-Ray Apparatus and Their Management. And Illustrated Price List
—>  X-Ray Crystallography
—>  "X-Ray Examination of Hail"
—>  X-Ray Microscopy
—>  X-Ray Microscopy and Microradiography
—>  X-Ray Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
—>  X-Ray Optics: The Diffraction of X-Rays by Finite and Imperfect Crystals
—>  X-Rays
—>  "X-Rays and the Carbon Atom"
—>  "X-Rays in the History of Science"
—>  XVIII International Scientific Instrument Symposium Proceedings
—>  XVIII. Preis-Liste uber psychologische und physiologische Apparate
—>  XVIIIth International Congress of the History of Science ... General Theme: Science and Political Order
—>  XXV. A New Form of Hertz Wave Resonator
—>  xxx
—>  Yantraprakara of Sawai Jai Singh
—>  "Yantraraja: The Astrolabe in Sanskrit"
—>  Ye 430th Meeting of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes holden at ye Savoy Hotel London on Tuesday ye 28th day of February, 1928
—>  Ye Sundial Booke
—>  Yearbook 1964
—>  Yearbook of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 65
—>  Yesterday's Impossibilities
—>  Yesterday's Shopping: The Army and Navy Stores Catalogue 1907
—>  Yesterday's Tomorrows: The Powerhouse Museum and its Precursors, 1880-2005
—>  "Yohanan Alemanno and Occult Science"
—>  You Won't Feel a Thing: Needles in Medical History
—>  "Young Caroline Herschel"
—>  Yuldwzlar osmonining atlasi
—>  "Yunus the Candle-Clock Maker and Babylonian Functions"
—>  Z Dziejow Mysli Lekarskiej w Wielkopolsce
—>  "Zabytkowe kompasy magnetyczne na instrumentarium astronomicznym Marcina Bylicy z Olkusza z lat 1480-1487 (z 9 ryc.) (Old Magnetic Compasses on Astronomical Instruments of Martin Bylica of Olkusz, 1480-1487). (Eng. Sum.)"
—>  Zahlen und Grossen 10
—>  Zahlen und Grossen 10: Grundkurs
—>  Zahlwort und Ziffer
—>  Zahnrader
—>  Zainteresowania Matematyczno-Astronomiczne Braci Polskich
—>  "Zamecatel'nyj Vil'njusskij Astronom XVIII Veka Martin Pocobut-Odljanickij"
—>  "Zapadnoevropeiskie Solnechnye i Zvezdnye Chasy v Sobranii Ermitazha (seredina XVI - nachalo XVII vv.)"
—>  Zaubergnomonik oder Unterhaltungen fur Liebhaber der Sonnenuhtkunst …
—>  "Zazhigatel'nye stekla I zerkala Chirngauza v Rossii" = "Tschirnhaus's burning glasses and mirrors in Russia"
—>  "Zeekaarten van onze kust"
—>  Zeewezen en Wetenschap: De Wetenschap en de Ontwikkeling van de Navigatietechniek in Nederland tussen 1585 en 1815
—>  Zeicheninstrumente: Katalog
—>  Zeiss Historica: The Journal of the Zeiss Historica Society
—>  Zeiss Ikon General Catalogue of Cameras and Amateur Photographic Apparatus, Accessories and Sensitive Matetial 1937
—>  Zeiss Nachrichten
—>  Zeiss Werkzeitschrift
—>  Zeitbestimmung (Uhr-Kontrole) ohne Instrumente durch Benutzung der Ergebnisse einer Landesvermesung Allgemein verstandlich dargestell
—>  Zeitmensung und Sterndeutung in geschichtlicher Darstellung
—>  Zeitrechnung in Nuristan und am Pamir: Mit einem Geleitwort des Verfassers zur Neuauflage
—>  Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde
—>  Zeitschrift fur Mikroskopie
—>  "Zenith Instruments at Greenwich"
—>  "Zenith Sectors, and discoveries made with them, linked with more recent events in Pennsylvania"
—>  Zenith: The Journal of the Oxford University Scientific Society
—>  "'Zerkal' nye teleskopy Williama Hershelya v Rossii"
—>  "Zero: the Symbol, the Concept, the Number"
—>  Ziemia I jej Dzieje Przewodnik po II-ej Wystawie Muzeum Ziemi
—>  Ziggurats et Tour de Babel
—>  Zinc and Spelter: Notes on the Early History of Zinc from Babylon to the 18th Century, compiled for the curious
—>  "Zinner's Ghosts and a Curious Date: 1576"
—>  Zodiakos: Tierkreisbilder im Altertum: Kosmische Bezuge und Jenseitsvorstellungen im antiken Alltagsleben
—>  Zon & Tijd: Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis en de Theorie van Zonnewijzers
—>  Zonnewijzers aan en bij gebouwen in Nederland
—>  Zonnewijzers aan en bij Gebouwen in Nederland en enige Astronomische (Toren) Uurwerken
—>  Zonnewijzers voor den waren en middelbaren tijd een stel van bier plateu in plano
—>  Zoologiae Danicae Prodromus, seu Animalium Daniae et Norvegiae Indigenarum Characteres, Nomina, et Synonyma Imprimis Popularium
—>  Zoological Articles
—>  Zoological Illustration : 2 entries
—>  "Zoological Results of the Third Tanganyika Expedition, Conducted by Dr W. A. Cunnington, 1904-1905. - Report on Limnocnida tanganicae; with a Note on the Subspecies from the Victoria Nyanza" : 2 entries
—>  "Zoomorphic Astrolabes and the Introduction of Arabic Star Names into Europe"
—>  Zoonomia; or, the Laws of Organic Life : 3 entries
—>  Zoroastre ostanes et hystaspe d'apres la tradition Grecque
—>  "Zoroastrian Astrology in the Bundahisn"
—>  Zosimos Dschabir Pseudo-Geber
—>  Zu der offentlichen Prufung der Schuler der Hohern Burgerschule welche Donnerstag den 6ten und Freitag den 7ten April 1843 Vormittags von 9 Uhr ab in dem Saale der Anstalt gehalten werden wird ladet die Beschutzer und und Freunde des Schulwesens, sowie di
—>  Zu Sebastian Munsters "Astronomischen Instrumenten"
—>  "Zum Berufsbild des Chemikers im Wilhelminischen Zeitalter"
—>  Zum Gedenken an Hans Schimank (1888-1979)
—>  "Zum Problem der Sog. Geometrischen Algebra in Euklids Elementen"
—>  "Zum zweihundertsten Geburtstag George Stephenson"
—>  Zur Alchemie bei den Arabern
—>  "Zur Alchemie bei den Arabern"
—>  Zur Ankundigung der vom 6 bis zum 10 April 1835 in Lyceum zu Cassel anzustellenden offertlichen Prufungen und zu haltenden Reden. Vorangeschickt ist: eine gedrangte Abhandlung uber die Construction einiger Sonnenuhren
—>  "Zur Berechnung der quadratischen Gleichungen bei den Babyloniern"
—>  "Zur Deutung der astrologischen Bleikapsel in Freiburg"
—>  "Zur Dynamik der Tautomerie. - I. Brillantgrun"
—>  "Zur Dynamik der Tautomerie. I. Brillantgrun"
—>  "Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Apatits"
—>  "Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Ohmschen Gesetzes 1775-1826"
—>  "Zur Entstehung der Royal Society"
—>  "Zur Entwicklung der additiven Zahlentheorie von Fermat bis Jacobi"
—>  'Zur Entwicklung des Meridiankreises 1700-1850 unter Berucksichtigung des Wechselverhaltnisses zwischen Astronomie, Astro-Technik und Technik'
—>  Zur Entwicklung und Verbreitung der Algebra im 17. Jahrhundert
—>  "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der physikalischen Abteilung im Deutschen Museum"
—>  "Zur Erinnerung an Viggo Brun"
—>  Zur Erinnerung an vorangegangene Freunde : gesammelte Gedachtnissreden
—>  "Zur Falschungshypothese im Galilei-Prozesz"
—>  Zur Feier des hochst erfreulichen Geburtstages Sr Koniglichen Hoheit Wilhelm des Zweiten Kurfursten von Hessen am acht und zwangigsten Julius ladet durch eine auf Beobachtungen und Versuche gegrundete physikalische Erklarung des Heiligenscheins im Namen d
—>  "Zur Frage der Entstehung der Kabbala"
—>  "Zur Frage der isotopen Elemente"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der analytischen Chemie"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Aquationsuhren-Entwicklung"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der astrologischen Medaillen"
—>  Zur Geschichte der Astronomischen Messwerkzeuge von Purbach bis Reichenbach 1450 bis 1830
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Glashutten in Benediktbeuern"
—>  Zur Geschichte der Konstruktion von Sonnenuhren und Kompassen des 16. Bis 18. Jahrhunderts
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Krankenhausinfektionen"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Labordestillation"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Instrumente aus der Herstellung der Firma A. Ott, Kempten"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Mikroskopie an der Karls Universitat Prag"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Mondcyclen der Hellenen"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Schiffspharmazie"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Stereoskopie"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Substitutionswagung und der Substitutionswaage"
—>  "Zur Geschichte der Waage in der Wissenschaft" : 2 entries
—>  Zur Geschichte der Zeissischen Werkstatte bis zum Tode Ernst Abbes
—>  Zur Geschichte der Zeissischen Werkstatte bis zum Tode Ernst Abbes
—>  Zur Geschichte des Astrolabs
—>  "Zur Geschichte des Begriffes "innerer Druck""
—>  "Zur Geschichte des chemischen Laboratoriums"

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