
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Practica Tractatuum aliquot Mathematicorum epitome
—>  Practical astronomy : a new approach to an old science
—>  Practical Astronomy: A New Approach to an Old Science
—>  "Practical chemistry in the XIIth Century"
—>  Practical Chemistry. Adapted to the first stage of the revised syllabus of the Science and Art Department
—>  Practical Cinematography and its Applications
—>  Practical Clock Repairing
—>  Practical Directions for the management of Honey Bees, upon an Improved and Humane Plan, by which the lives of bees may be preserved and abundance of honey of a superior quality may be obtained
—>  Practical Elementary Zoology
—>  "Practical Geology in Ancient Britain. Part I - Metals"
—>  Practical Geology in Ancient Britain: Part II Non-metals
—>  "Practical Geometry and Operative Knowledge"
—>  Practical Hints on the Daguerreotype; being Simple Directions for Obtaining Portraits, Views, Copies of Engravings and Drawings, Sketches of Machinery, etc., etc. by the Daguerreotype Process; Including the Latest Developments in Fixing, Colouring, and En
—>  Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope, Intended for Beginners : 2 entries
—>  Practical Illustrations of the Achromatic Telescope. Being the substance of two papers read before the Society of Arts
—>  Practical illustrations of the necessity for ascertaining the deviations of the compass
—>  Practical Measuring made easy to the Meanest Capacity by a New Set of Tables; which shew at Sight, the Solid or Superficial Content (and consequently the Value) of any Piece or Quantity of squared or round Timber, be it standing or Felled, also of Stone,
—>  Practical measuring now made easy to the meanest capacity, by a new set of tables ready calculated, ... which, ... shew what is the solid or superficial content ... of any piece or quantity of timber, stone, board, glass, &c. used in building, ... Calcula
—>  Practical Methods in Microscopy
—>  Practical Microscopical Metallography : 3 entries
—>  Practical microscopy : 8 entries
—>  Practical Microscopy: An Introduction to Microscopical Methods : 2 entries
—>  Practical Navigation or an Introduction to the whole Art, containing many useful Geometrical Definitions and Problems; ... The Use of Instruments: The Azimuth-Compass and Ring-Dial. The Fore-Staff, Quadrant, and Nocturnal; The Plain - Scale, Gunter's - Sc
—>  Practical Navigation: Or, An Introduction to the Whole Art. Containing: The Doctrine of Plain and Spherical Triangles. Plain, Mercator, Great-Circle Sailing; and Astronomical Problems. The Use of Divers Instruments, etc.
—>  Practical Notes on Telephotography
—>  Practical Nursing including Hygiene and Dietetics
—>  Practical Observations on Telescopes, Opera-Glasses and Spectacles : 3 entries
—>  Practical Observations on the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris; arguments proving that it was not originally designed for the sole improvement of Nautical Astronomy. Reasons for Extending the Information which it Annually Presents; together wit
—>  Practical Optics for the Laboratory and Workshop
—>  Practical Pharmacognosy : 2 entries
—>  Practical Pharmacy: the arrangements, apparatus, and manipulations, of the pharmaceutical shop and laboratory
—>  Practical Photo-Micrography : 5 entries
—>  Practical Physiological Chemistry
—>  Practical Pocket-Book of Photography: A Short Guide to the Practice of all the Usual Photographic Processes for Professionals and Amateurs
—>  Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope, Including the Different Methods of Preparing and Examining Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Structures
—>  Practical Work in General Physics
—>  Practical Work in Heat
—>  Practical Work in Physics
—>  Practisches Handbuch der Mikroskopie. Darstellung der Einrichtung, sowie practische Anleitung zur Aufftellung, Behandlung und zum Gebrauche des Mikroskopes, - zum Prapariren und Untersuchung von Stoffen aus dem Thier, Pflanzen und Mineralreiche und der da
—>  Practisk Anweisuing til at indfore de almin delige Fisne ... Soelskever; Hvorledes en Soelviser kan forfaediges i en Ring, paa en Kugh og paa et Kors
—>  Praelectiones Patavinae, de Cognoscendis, et Curandis humani corporis affectibus: in quibus preter alis, quae partim ad Praxim in re Medica exercendam, partim ad uberiorem eruditionem compatandam plurimum conferunt, gravissimae quoque Theoriae difficultat
—>  Praelectiones Tresdecim in Principium Elementorum Euclidis
—>  Prague
—>  "Prague's Astronomical Horologe"
—>  Praktische Sonnenuhren-Kunst fur Jedermann, oder Anleitung zur Verfertigung von Sonnenuhren an Gebauden … : 2 entries
—>  "Prasisions-Zeitmessung in der Vor-Huygensschen Periode"
—>  Pratica di agrimensura, stereometria, e gnomonica ...
—>  Pratica facile, e breve di molte sorti di horologii solari in questa seconda stampa corretta ...
—>  Pratiche Mathematiche
—>  Pratique de la gnomonique, ou methodes sures pour construire des Cadrans Solaires
—>  Pratique du saccharimetre soleil et du saccharimetre a penombres modifies par J. Duboscq : evaluation de la richesse d'un sucre ou d'une dissolution sucree quelconque
—>  Pratique du saccharimetre-soleil modifie par J. Duboscq : evaluation de la richesse d'un sucre ou d'une dissolution sucree quelconque
—>  Prattica gnomonica, o vero Tauole, con le quali ciascuno ageuolmente puo far da se gli Horologi da Sole orizontali, verticali, e riflessi di qualsiuoglia grandezza
—>  Praxeos Medicae. Tomi tres. Quorum summam sequens docebit pagina. Quibus accessit Quae stionum Medicarum Paradoxarum et Endoxarum Centuria Posthuma. Studio & opera Thomae Plateri.
—>  Praxeos seu de Cognoscendis, Praedicendis, praecauendis, curandisaq affectibus homini incommodantibus, Tomus Tertius et ultimus. De Vitiis, libris duobus agens: quorum primus Corporis; secundus Excretorum vitia continet. Singula ipsorum Symptomata, in gen
—>  Praxis Astronomiae Utriusque ut et Geographiae Exercita Per Usum Globi Coelestis & Terrestristum & Planetolabii
—>  Praxis Geometriae Vermessungivesen - gestern und heute
—>  Praxis Geometriae: Vermessungswesen - gestern und heute
—>  Praxis Gnomonica: Das ist, Kurtzaber doch deutlich und ausfurliche Anweissung die Sonnen-Uhren allerhand Begebenhaiten, So wohl die Regularia, etc. Der Cylinder, SonnenRing, etc.
—>  Praxis Horologiorum Expeditissima Per Quam Varia Horologiorum genera, praesertim verticalia per nouas Tabulas Facill me describuntur
—>  "Prazsky Orloj"
—>  Precious Watches from the 16th to the 19th Century, with a Historical Survey of Italian Watchmaking
—>  Precis de chimie industrielle : a l'usage des ecoles preparatoires aux professions industrielles et des fabricants
—>  Precis de Microscopie: Technique - Experimentation - Diagnostic
—>  Precision and measurement in the Industrial Revolution : papers from a meeting held at the Science Museum, South Kensington, London, November 23, 1982
—>  Precision Astrolabe: Portuguese Navigators and Transoceanic Aviation
—>  "Precision Time-Keeping with special reference to the New Inertia Escapement now being introduced in the "Synchronome" Astronomical Regulator"
—>  "Precision, Tolerance, and Consensus: Local Cultures in German and British Resistance Standards"
—>  Precursors of the cinema
—>  "Preface to Volume IX"
—>  "Preface"
—>  "Preface"
—>  Prehistoire et Histoire des Ordinateurs: Des origines du calcul aux premiers calculateurs electroniques
—>  Preis-Liste der Firma Ernst & Carl Schaal | Ebingen, Wurttemberg | Feinmechanische Anstalt fur alle arten Prascisionswaagen und Gewichte fur Chemie, Pharmacie, Edelmetall-industrie, Gewerbe und Handel
—>  Preisliste Nr. 50, Band II und III: Physikalische Apparate
—>  Preisliste von Gebruder Bandekow
—>  Preis-Verzeichniss der Mikroskope und Neben-Apparate ...
—>  Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis
—>  "Preliminary remarks on Levi Ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy"
—>  "Preliminary Report of the Expedition to Aswan to Observe the Total Solar Eclipse of August 30, 1905"
—>  "Preliminary Report on the Trematodes of Canadian Marine Fishes"
—>  Prelude to Chemistry: An outline of Alchemy - its Literature and Relationships
—>  Premier Memoire sur la Theorie des Nombres. Demonstration d'un Principe de Legendre relatif au Theoreme de Fermat : 2 entries
—>  Premieres horloges mecaniques a poids: Horloges gothiques
—>  "Premiers essais de trigonometrie rectiligne chez les Grecs"
—>  Premiers principes de Geometrie moderne a l'usage des eleves de mathematiques speciales et des candidats a la Licence et a l'Agregation
—>  Premiums offered by the Society Instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce
—>  Premiums offered by the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce
—>  Preparation & Mounting of Microscopic Objects
—>  "Preparation of Trans-Uranium Elements"
—>  Preparation Technology for Electron Microscopy
—>  "Pre-Scientific Industrial Chemistry"
—>  "Presence and Absence"
—>  Presentation Pieces In the Museum of History and Technology
—>  "Presentation"
—>  "Present-day Conceptions of Malaria Therapy"
—>  "Preservation of Insect and Plant Specimens in Transparent Plastics"
—>  Preserving Scientific Source Materials: A Guide for Owners
—>  "Presidential Address"
—>  "Presidential Address: "The Stereoscope""
—>  "Presidential Address: Reflections on the Writing of the History of Science"
—>  "Presidential Address: Scientific Toys"
—>  President's Address delivered at the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting at Dundee, 1912
—>  Pressure Measurement in Vaccuum Systems
—>  "Pre-Telescopic Observations and their Uses in Modern Astronomy: The Christmas Lecture, 1978"
—>  Price List 1985
—>  Price List No. 100. Volume II. Physical Apparatus
—>  Price List of Boxwood and Ivory Rules, Levels, Try Squares, Sliding T Bevels, Gauges, etc., Manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Company, New Britain, Conn., Warehouse no. 52 Beekman St., New York
—>  Price List of Boxwood and Ivory Rules, Manufactured by A. Stanley & Co., New Britain, Conn.
—>  Price List of Jules Richard Verascope Glyphoscope and Homeos Stereoscopic Cameras, Taxiphotes and Accessories
—>  Price List of Microscopes ...
—>  Price List of Spectroscopes Spectrometers and Spectrum Apparatus
—>  Price List of Sun-dials
—>  Price List of Sun-Dials, &c.
—>  Price List of Telescopes by Dollond & Co., Ltd., Manufacturing Opticians to all departments of His Majesty's Government, …
—>  Price List of the Instruments Described, made by the author, And Sold at 4 & 5, Great Turnstile, Holborn, London, W.C.
—>  Price List of U.S. Standard Boxwood and Ivory Rules, Levels, Try Squares, Gauges, Iron and Wood Bench Planes, Mallets, Hand Screws, Spoke Shaves, Screw Drivers, Etc. Manufactured by the Stanley Rule and Level Co., New Britain, Conn.
—>  Price List: Chemistry Biology Technology Physics A/V Aids including Chemicals and Biological Materials
—>  Price Lists of Sundials
—>  "Priceless Pelican"
—>  "Prices of Smith & Beck's Achromatic Microscopes, exclusive of object glasses and apparatus" [and] "Catalogue of Achromatic Microscopes, etc. manufactured by Smith and Beck, ... 6, Coleman Street, London, March 1853"
—>  "Prices of some of the Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by Nairne and Blunt, no. 20, in Cornhill, opposite the Royal Exchange, London"
—>  Priestley's Last Defense of Phlogiston
—>  "Priestley's Life in Northumberland and Discussion of the Priestley Relics on Exhibition in the Museum"
—>  Prima di Leonardo: Cultura delle macchine a Siena nel Rinascimento
—>  Primer Congresso Argentino de Historia de la Ciencia
—>  Primitive & Prehistoric Trephining
—>  "Primitive African Medicine. The Use of Empiricism and Magic"
—>  "Primitive Methods of Measuring Time - with special reference to Egypt" : 2 entries
—>  Primitive Time-Reckoning: A Study in the Origins and First Development of the Art of Counting Time among the Primitive and early culture Peoples
—>  Primo Decennio di Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte nella Specola di Bologna ridotte esposte ed applicate
—>  "Primo Libro di Archimede de Insidentibus Aquae Dechiarata in Volgare"
—>  "Primo Ragionamento ..."
—>  Primo Volume Dell'uso et fabbrica dell'astrolabio, Et del Planisferio
—>  Primstaven
—>  Primum Mobile
—>  Primum Mobile, Astronomice, Sciographice, Geometrice, & Hydrographice, nova Methodo explicatum in: I. Sphaera, II. Planisphaerio sive Astrolabio, III. Triangulis Sphaericis, IV. Tab. Astronomicis, Loxodromicis, V. Lineamentis Geometricis
—>  "Prince Madoc and the Discovery of America in 1477"
—>  Prince of Librarians: The Life and Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum
—>  "Prince Rupert as a Scientist"
—>  Principia Philosophiae : 2 entries
—>  Principia Philosophiae. Ultima Editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata
—>  Principles and Methods of University Reform
—>  Principles and Use of Surveying Instruments
—>  Principles of Geology; or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants considered as illustrative of Geology
—>  Principles of Mathematical Geography: Comprehending a Theoretical and Practical Explanation of the Construction of Maps with Rules for the Formation of the Various Kinds of Map Projections
—>  Principles of Microscopy: Being a Handbook to the Microscope
—>  Printed Books and Manuscripts: Science and Medicine including the Hooke Folio: Tuesday 28 March 2006
—>  "Printed Ephemera of Some 19th-Century Instrument Makers"
—>  "Printed Ephemera: A Chronology and Bibliography"
—>  Printed Light: The Scientific Art of William Henry Fox Talbot and David Octavius Hill with Robert Adamson
—>  Printed maps of London circa 1553-1850
—>  "Pripravne Prace a Materialy Divisova Korespondences S L. Eulerem a Petrohradskou Akademii Ved"
—>  Priroda
—>  Prismata: Naturwissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift fur Willy Hartner
—>  Pristroje Erasma Habermela ve Sbirkach ntm
—>  "Private Museums and "The Virtue of Curiosity""
—>  "Private Research and Public Duty: George Biddell Airy and the Search for Neptune"
—>  Prix-Courant des Microscopes Achromatiques de E. Hartnack et A. Prazmowski | Succrs de G. Oberhaeuser | 1874 | 1, Rue Bonaparte, 1 | Paris
—>  Prix-Courant des Microscopes Achromatiques du Dr. E. Hartnack et Cie., Succrs. to G. Oberhaeuser, Octobre 1872
—>  "Probable Sources of the Numbers on which Jabirian Alchemy was based"
—>  "Probable Sources of the Numbers on which Jabirian Alchemy was based"
—>  "Probable Strategy of the War in Italy"
—>  Probae Falconiae, vatis Clarissimae A Divo Hieronymo comprobatae Centones, de fidei nostrae mysterijs e Maronis carminibus excerptum Opusculum
—>  Problema Gnomonicum: De Horologio Universali Diurno ac Noctiorno, Novis Demonstrationibus Illustratum, etc.
—>  Problemata Physica: De Gravitate, de AEstibus Marinis, de Vacuo, de Calore & Luce, de Duro & Molli, de Pluvia, Vento aliisque Caeli varietatibus, de Motuum Speciebus
—>  Problematum Astronomicorum et geometricorum sectiones septem, in quibus evidentissimus, etc.
—>  Probleme der Astronomischen Historiographie Internationales Symposium zur Geschichte der Astronomie
—>  Problemes de Geometrie et d'Hydraulique
—>  Problemi di gnomnica pratica Nota VII sui quadranti solari fissi a riflessione
—>  Problemi di Gnomonica Pratica Nota VI
—>  "Problems and Difficulties in Editing Kepler's Collected Works"
—>  "Problems and Results of Comparative Studies of the Celestial Constellations"
—>  Problems in Experimental Embryology: being the thirty-sixth Robert Boyle Lecture
—>  Problems in some of the Higher Branches of Algebra
—>  Problems in the Different Branches of Philosophy Adapted to the Course of Reading Pursued in the University of Cambridge
—>  Problems of Medicine at Sea
—>  'Problems of Researching in Official Papers for the History of Science and Technology'
—>  Problems of Ship Management and Operation 1870-1900
—>  Proceedings
—>  Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting of the Members, of the College, Wednesday, 27th February 1861. Report of Council and Financial Statements
—>  "Proceedings at the ceremony of the unveiling of the William Hyde Wollaston Memorial Plaque, at 14, Buckingham Street, London, W.1."
—>  Proceedings connected with the Magnetical and Meteorological Conference, held at Cambridge in June 1845, during the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
—>  Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Instrument Symposium
—>  Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society
—>  Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society, Oxford, 1856
—>  Proceedings of The Chemical Society
—>  Proceedings of the Conference on Electron Microscopy : 2 entries
—>  Proceedings of the Dublin Microscopical Society
—>  Proceedings of the Excise Committee with Documents relating thereto
—>  Proceedings of the Fifteenth Indian Science Congress. Calcutta, 1928. (Third Circuit)
—>  Proceedings of the First Indian Science Congress (Calcutta, 1914)
—>  Proceedings of the First UK Meeting on the History of Recreational Mathematics
—>  Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy held in Geneva 8 August - 20 August 1955.
—>  Proceedings of the International Microscopy Symposium
—>  Proceedings of the London Conference on Optical Instruments 1950
—>  Proceedings of the Optical Convention 1912
—>  Proceedings of the Optical Convention. 1926
—>  Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain
—>  Proceedings of the Royal Society
—>  Proceedings of the third international conference on electron microscopy, London, 1954
—>  Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Congress of Orientalists
—>  Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Instrument Symposium : East and West, the common European heritage : Jagiellonian University Museum, Krakow, Poland, 10-14 September 2006
—>  Proceedings The Xth International Symposia
—>  Proceedings: Meetings of the Advisory Council held at Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi
—>  Procli de sphaera libellus, Graece & Latin
—>  Prodromo delle antichita d'ercolano alla Maesta' del Re delle due Sicilie Carlo infante di Spagna, Duca di Parma, Piacenza, etc. etc. di Monsignor ... Referendario dell'una, e dell'altra Segnatura, Accademico Etrusco, e Cittadino Romano
—>  "Production and Uses of Radioisotopes"
—>  "Production of Iron and Steel in Ancient and Mediaeval China"
—>  "Prof Ozone and his garden-shed: The Oxford scientist who became obsessed with the Earth's atmospheric layer 60 years before anyone else"
—>  "Prof. Dr Max Born Deceased"
—>  "Prof. George Sarton"
—>  "Prof. Johan Vilip's Contribution to Scientific Instrument Engineering"
—>  "Prof. K. J. P. Orton, F.R.S."
—>  "Prof. Wilson Smith | The Influenza Virus"
—>  Professional & Graphic Arts Price List 1 October 1976 : 2 entries
—>  Professional Photographers in Birmingham 1842-1914
—>  Professional Photographers in Cheltenham 1841-1914
—>  Professional Photographers in Wigan 1853-1925
—>  Professional Surveyor
—>  Professor D. A. Low's Improved Drawing Appliances
—>  "Professor Donald Cardwell"
—>  "Professor Eva Taylor: Pioneering the New Geography"
—>  "Professor Jevons and his Logical Machine"
—>  Professor John Joly 1857-1933: Pioneer of Colour Photography
—>  'Professor John Phillips at Oxford, 1853-74; Catalyst for the University Observatory'
—>  "Professor Michael Barber"
—>  "Professor Seeley's Lectures"
—>  Professor W. Hume-Rothery, OBE., F.R.S.
—>  "Profile | Professor D. C. Hodgkin"
—>  Profile: Professor D. C. Hodgkin
—>  Prognoseon Practicarum Libri Duo. Novi, reconditi ac a Pantheo Ipsius longe alieni, de ratione dignoscendi ac Curandi omnes interiores affectus praeter naturam, qui tum singulas corporis humani partes, tum corpus universum diuexare consueverunt
—>  Programme
—>  Programme of classes and Regulations for Graduation in Medicine. 1879-80
—>  Programme of Fourth Annual Exhibition [&] Programme of Fifth Annual Exhibition
—>  Programme of the Re-Opening Ceremony : 2 entries
—>  "Progres de la Precision des Mesures"
—>  Progress
—>  Progress of Science - Its Origin, Course, Promoters, and Results
—>  Progress of Science in the Century
—>  Progress Report
—>  Proiezione Gnomonica
—>  "Projectiemicroscopen, Parts one and two"
—>  Projections of Earth and Space: Globes and Spheres from Three Centuries.
—>  "Prolegomena towards a Study of the Progress and Development of Vision and Definition under the Microscope (1673-1848)"
—>  "Proliferation of Lymphatics in Inflammation"
—>  [Promotional pamphlet]
—>  Promptuarium Medicinae
—>  Proof of an External World
—>  "Proper Motions of the Stars contained in the Greenwich Twelve-year Catalogue of 2156 Stars, deduced by Comparison with the Results of Bradley's Observations, as given in the Fundamenta Astronomiae for the Epoch 1755"
—>  Properties of matter
—>  Prophecy and Power: Astrology in Early Modern England
—>  "Proportionaalpassers"
—>  "Propos sur le Planetarium"
—>  "Proposal for the Utilization of the "Marconi" System of Wireless Telegraphy for the Control of Public and Other Clocks"
—>  Proposal, made at Imperial College meeting, for annual commemoration of birth of T. H. Huxley
—>  Proposals for Publishing by Subscription, Inscribed, by Permission, to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. By Sir Isaac Newton, Knight
—>  Proposed Outfall for the Oxford Valley
—>  Propositions Concerning Optic-Glasses, With their natural Reasons, drawn from Experiments : 3 entries
—>  Proposta de terminologia nautica internacional uniforme, em lingua portuguesa
—>  "Proprietes generales des arcs d'une section conique, dont la difference est rectifiable"
—>  "Proprietes geometriques relatives au mouvement infiniment petit d'un corps solide libre dans l'espace"
—>  Proprietes Optiques des Muscles
—>  "Prospectus for a Corpus of Medieval Scientific Literature in Latin" : 2 entries
—>  Proteo Militare, diviso in tre Libri; nel primo si descrive la Fabrica di detto Proteo ... nel secondo e terzo si tratta dell'Uso di detto Istrumento ... S'insegna ancora l'Arte del Navigare
—>  Protomathesis: Opus varium, ac scitu non minus utile quam jucundum, nunc primum in lucem faeliciter emissum
—>  "Provando e riprovando"
—>  Provincial Museums
—>  Provisional Catalogue of the Oil Paintings and Water Colours in the Wallace Collection with Short Notices of the Painters
—>  Provisional List of Museums of Science and Technology Published with the assistance of UNESCO
—>  Prufung der Lehre vom Drucke der Luft nebst einer neuen Theorie uber die Verdunstung und Bildung der Niederschlage in der Atmosphare
—>  Prufung der verschiedenen Erklarung der Irrwische
—>  "Prunkuhren des 16. Jahrhunderts"
—>  Pruvodce po expozici astronomie slouzi zivotu
—>  "Pseudo-Beda: De arithmeticis propositionibus Eine mathematische Schrift aus der Karolingerzeit"
—>  Pseudodoxia epidemica: or, Enquiries into Very Many Received Tenents, and Commonly Presumed Truths.
—>  "Psychology and Alchemy" : 2 entries
—>  Ptolemaei planisphaerium, Jordani planisphaerium, Frederici Commandini Urbinatis in Ptolemaei planisphaerium commentarius, etc.
—>  Ptolemaus: Cosmographia: Das Weltbild der Antike
—>  Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos
—>  Ptolemy's Almagest
—>  Public & Private Science: The King George III Collection
—>  Public Health Chemistry and Bacteriology
—>  Publications in Historical Biobibliography
—>  Publications of Walter Garstang
—>  Pulkovskaya Observatoriya
—>  "Pulmonary Gas Exchange"
—>  "Pulpit Ho[ur-] Glasses"
—>  Pure Chemistry: A Brief Outline of its History and Development: Part I - Historical Review
—>  Pure Chemistry: A Brief Outline of its History and Development: Part I. Historical Review
—>  Pure Chemistry: A Brief Outline of its History and Development; Part I - Historical Review
—>  "Pure Learning and Political Economy: Science and European Expansion in the Age of Imperialism"
—>  "Pure Research and Practical Teaching: The Astronomical Career of James Bradley, 1693-1762"
—>  "Purely by Coincidence: The Rangefinders of Barr & Stroud at the Battle of Jutland, 1916"
—>  "Puritanism and the Rise of Experimental Science in England"
—>  "Purpura anglicana: a bibliographical note"
—>  "Putting the 'S' in Unesco"
—>  "Puzzle Pictures"
—>  "Pyke and MacPike Families"
—>  Pyramidographia: or, a Description of the Pyramids in Egypt
—>  Pyrex Laboratory and Scientific Glassware
—>  Pyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High Temperatures
—>  "Pythagorean Triads in Babylonian Mathematics"
—>  Pythagoreans and Eleatics: An account of the interaction between the two opposed schools during the fifth and early fourth centuries B. C.
—>  Pytheas: Europe and the Greek Explorers
—>  Q. D. B. V. Disputatio medico-chirurgica inauguralis, continens conclusiones ex universa, tum clinica, tum chirurgica, medicina depromtas, ...
—>  Q. D. B. V. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de fermentationibus microcosmicis ...
—>  Q.D.B.V. de Hyemis Nuperae praeter ordinem Saevientis et Asperae Causis Coniecturae Physicae quas Praeside Ioh. Henrico Mullero Phil. Nat. et Methem. P. P. ad D. VII. Septembr. MDCCXXIX. Respondendo Tuebitur
—>  Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Academica de Barometris, quam Praeside Georgio Alberto Hambergero, Mathematum Prof. Publ. Ord. et Alumnorum Ducalium Inspectore, Patrono ac Praeceptore suo Nullo Non Venerationis et Observantiae Affectu Submisse Suspiciendo, Ad Diem X
—>  Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Academica de Frigore, sub Praesidio Georgii Alberti Hambergeri ... ac Alumnorum inspectoris In Illustri Salana, Examini Eruditorum ... AD D. VII. Septembr. MDCIIC
—>  Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Physica de Natura et Origine Nebularum quam Numine Divino Favente Praeside Georgio Mathia Bose ...
—>  Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Physica, de Observationibus Meteorologicis Generatum, et Speciatim Quibusdam Tubingensibus ... Die Julii MDCCXLVII ab hora VIII ad XI
—>  Q.D.B.V. Positiones ex Physica Curiosa Depromptas Auxiliante Deo Praeside Joanne Boeclero ... Solenniter tueri Experimentisque comprobare conabitur
—>  "Quackers"
—>  Quadrans astrolabicus, omnibus Europae regionibus inservies
—>  Quadrans astronomicus novus descriptus et examinatus in specula uranica Ingolstadiense
—>  Quadrantis astronomici et geometrici vtilitates
—>  Quadrati fabrica et ejus usus, Ut hoc solo instrumento, caeteris praetermissis, unus quisque mathematicus, contentus esse potest, etc.
—>  Quae stionum Medicarum Paradoxarum & Endoxarum, Juxta partes Medicinae dispositarum, Centurai Posthuma
—>  Quaestiones novae in libellum de sphaera Ioannis de Sacro Bosco
—>  Quain's Elements of Anatomy
—>  Quais as fontes para os mapas das Novae Insvlae de Sebastian Munster?
—>  "Quale inportanza possa conservare ancor oggi la gnominica notisie storiche e considerazioni"
—>  Qualitative Inorganic Microanalysis: A Short Elementary Course
—>  "Qualitative Measurement in Antiquity: The Derivation of Accurate Parameters From Crude but Crucial Observations"
—>  Quality Control Charts
—>  Quando il Sole Misurava le Ore: Strumenti, Manoscritti e Libri di Gnomonica
—>  Quantitative Chemical Analysis: Adapted for Use in the Laboratories of Colleges and Schools
—>  Quantitative Methods in Morphology
—>  Quantities
—>  "Quantitive Science without Measurement: the Physics of Aristotle and Archimedes"
—>  Quantum Theory Centenary: The Pre- and Early History
—>  'Quap! H. G. Wells, Frederick Soddy and the "Almighty Atom"'
—>  Quarante Siecles de Creations
—>  Quarterly Journal
—>  Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
—>  Quarterly Paper of the Assyrian Mission
—>  Quaterly Journal of Forestry: The Official Publication of the Royal English Forestry Society
—>  "Quatre instruments anciens de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique"
—>  Quattuor libri principiorum
—>  "Queen Elizabeth and her Astrologer: A Remarkable Discovery"
—>  "Queen Elizabeth's pillar sundial"
—>  "Quellen der Energie - von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert"
—>  "Quellen der Energie"
—>  Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin: Fortsetzung des Archivs fur Geschichte der Mathematik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik
—>  Quellendarstellungen zur Geschichte der Fotografie
—>  Quelques aspects des changemente dans la vie des sciences au XVIIe siecle
—>  "Quelques curiosites des chiffres et du calcul"
—>  Quelques Experiences d'Acoustique
—>  "Quelques Horloges anciennes francaises et l'Horloge astronomique de la cathedrale de Lund, en Suede"
—>  "Quelques nouveaux exemples du service rendu par les Arfoukides de l'empire Seldjuk a l'Histoire des Sciences"
—>  "Quelques Problemes de Litterature Alchimiste"
—>  Quesiti et Inventioni Diverse de Nicolo Tartaglia, di novo restampati con una gionta al sesto libro, ...
—>  Quest for Franklin
—>  Question No. 10 Tacuinum Answer No. 10 Tacuinum, taqwÎm
—>  Questiones supra libros prime philosophie Aristotelis (Metaphysica I, II, V-X)
—>  Questiones supra libros quatuor physicorum Aristotelis
—>  Questions Dynamiques. Sur le Percussion des Corps
—>  "Questions et reponses - le lever heliaque de Sirius"
—>  "Questions et reponses sur une singuliere notation des marees"
—>  Quickfit Interchangeable Laboratory Glassware
—>  Quinze Ans d'Aeronautique Francaise 1932-1947
—>  "Qusayr 'Amra, Farnesina, Luther, Hesiod. Some Supplementary Notes to A. Beer's Contribution"
—>  R B Bate of the Poultry: 1782-1847: The Life and Times of a Scientific Instrument Maker
—>  r. Gregory's Elements Of Catoptrics And Dioptrics. Translated from the Latin Original, With a large Supplement, By William Browne, M. D. To which is added, An Appendix, By J. T. Desaguliers, LL.D. F.R.S. Containing, An Account of the Reflecting Telescopes
—>  R.S. Components Ltd: August 1978/ January 1979
—>  R34: Twice Across the Atlantic
—>  RA: The Royal Academy Magazine [& other variants of title!]
—>  Raccolta di scritti editi e inediti
—>  "Racconto istorico della vita di Galileo Galilei"
—>  Radar Development to 1945 : 2 entries
—>  "Radar for marine navigation"
—>  Radar: A Report on Science at War
—>  Radax Lamps, Lufax Lamps
—>  Radiesthesia and Some Associated Phenomena
—>  Radio astronomy : 2 entries
—>  Radio Centennial Story: From Marconi to Portable Telephone
—>  Radio communication : history and development
—>  Radio designer's handbook
—>  Radio engineering : a complete guide for all concerned with radio maintenance, production and development
—>  Radio reference handbook
—>  Radio Stars: study of their nature and identification
—>  Radio Time: The Radio-Controlled Clock and Watch Newsletter
—>  Radio: da Marconi alla Musica delle Stelle = Radio: from Marconi to the Music of the Universe
—>  "Radioactive Products of Short Life"
—>  "Radiocarbon Comes of Age at Oxford"
—>  Radiocarbon Dating
—>  Radio-Elements as Indicators and Other Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
—>  "Radioisotope in der Heilskunde"
—>  "Radiology Medieval and Modern. Presidential Address"
—>  "Radio's First Home: The Royal Needles Hotel Wireless Station"
—>  Radium, and all about it
—>  Raffaele Piria: Appunti sull' Industria Chimica: Dai viaggi in Inghilterra del 1851 e del 1862
—>  "Raffronto tra l'astrario e il planetario del Dondi"
—>  "Rahn's Algebraic Symbols"
—>  "Railway Bearing Metals: Their Control and Recovery"
—>  Railway Plans & Other Railway Items
—>  Raleigh & Roanoke: The First English Colony In America, 1584-1590
—>  "Ralph Alger Bagnold 3 April 1896-28 May 1990 ..."
—>  "Ralph Treswell's Surveys of London Houses c1612"
—>  Rambling Recollections [extract]
—>  Ramon Llull y el numero primitivo de las dignidades en el "Arte General"
—>  Ramon Llull y la "De Divisione Naturae"
—>  "Ramon Llull y las tres potencias del alma"
—>  Ramon Lull and John Scotus Erigena
—>  Range and Vision: The First Hundred Years of Barr and Stroud
—>  Rapid calculations
—>  Rapport
—>  "Rapport au XVIIe Congres International, Washington 1952"
—>  "Rapport Fait a la Classe des Sciences physiques et mathematiques de l'Institut, sur un Memoire de M. d'Artigues, relatif a la fabrication du Flint-Glass, et sur de grandes lunettes astronomiques presentees par M. Cauchois"
—>  Rapport fait a l'Academie des Sciences sur les Appareils Telegraphiques de M. Siemens (de Berlin)
—>  "Rapport sur les Observations des Marees faites en 1835, en Differens Points des Cotes de Belgique"
—>  Rapport sur les Travaux de la Commission Hydrometrique en 1844, presente a Monsieur le Maire de Lyon, par Monsieur Lortet, president
—>  Rapport Sur un Memoire de M. Payen, intitule: Complement d'un Memoire sur la compositions chimique du tissu propre des vegetaux, et sur les differents etas d'agregations de ce tissu
—>  "Rapports sur le Memoire de M. Mahmoud"
—>  Rapports sur les Instrumens inventes ou construits par Charles Chevalier
—>  Rara Astronomica in Estonia
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu Astronomical Observatory"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Library of the Tartu University: Books Printed before 1600. Addenda & Corrigenda"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Preliminary Report"
—>  "Rara Astronomica in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences: A Supplement"
—>  Rara Avis in Terris: or the Compleat Miner; in Two Books. The First containing, the Liberties, Laws and Customs of the Lead-Mines, within the Wapentake of Wirksworth in Derbyshire; in fifty-nine Articles, being all that ever was made. The Second teacheth
—>  Rara Cosmographica in Estonia
—>  Rara Mathematica; or, a Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and subjects connected with them, From ancient inedited Manuscripts
—>  Rara Scientifica et Medica. A selection of valuable scientific and medical books from the 15th to the 20th century.
—>  Rare Books and Special Collections in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries
—>  Rare Books in the Medical Sciences
—>  Rariora: Being notes of some of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Historical Documents, Medals, Engravings, Pottery. etc. etc., collected (1858-1900)
—>  Rasa'il Abi Nasr Mansur b. Iraq ila al-Biruni
—>  Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine, and Alchemy
—>  "Rathborne's Surveyor (1616/1625): the first Russian Translation from English?"
—>  "Rational Fluid Mechanics 1687-1765"
—>  Rationality and Ritual: The Windscale Inquiry and Nuclear Decisions in Britain
—>  Rats, Lice, and History
—>  Ratujmy od zniszezenia dokumenty naukowe
—>  "Ray Lankester, 1847-1929: Zoologist and Biologist"
—>  "Ray's Journey through Lincolnshire, 1661"
—>  Razvitiye atomisticheskikh predstavlenii do nachala XIX veka
—>  Razzi Incidenti e Razzi Refressi. III.- Lettura Vinciana
—>  "Reactions of, and Absorption by, Lymphatics, with Special Reference to those of the Diaphragm"
—>  Reactions-Schema fur die qualitative Analyse zum Gebrauche im chemischen Laboratorium.zu Berlin
—>  Readers' Guide to the Oriental Institute Library | Eastern Art Library and Nissan Institute Library
—>  "Reading the Messages in the Genes"
—>  Readings in Glass History
—>  Readings in Science; being explanations of some of the most interesting Appearances and Principles in Natural Philosophy, expressed in simple language, and illustrated by familiar examples : 2 entries
—>  Reagent Labels (Contents 360)
—>  Real Colour Photography: A pamphlet giving full details of the new process of colour photography, which is now within the reach of all amateur photographers
—>  Real Orthochromatism
—>  "Reappearance of the first Leitz Polarized Light Microscope of 1885"
—>  Rearranging formulae : unwrapping books : O3 Gallery, 20 March-25 April 2010
—>  Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery
—>  "'Reason's Dim Telescope': A Poetic Tirade Against Joseph Priestley, F.R.S."
—>  Reaumur
—>  "Reaumur und die Erfindung des Tempergusses"
—>  Recalculated Elements of Delambres New Tables for Calculating the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites
—>  Recensionen
—>  Recent Advances in Conservation
—>  Recent Advances in Microscopy: Biological Applications
—>  Recent Advances in Pharmacology
—>  Recent British Books on the History of Science and Technology: An exhibition selected in association with the Royal Society on the occasion of the XI International Congress on the History of Science, Warsaw, August 1965
—>  "Recent Discoveries in Early Scottish Photography"
—>  Recent Experimental Researches in Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism
—>  "Recent progress in biology"
—>  "Recent Research Work in the Davy Faraday Laboratory"
—>  "Recent Symbolisms for Decimal Fractions"
—>  "Recent Trends in the Study of Medieval and Renaissance Science"
—>  "Recent work on corrosion and oxidation"
—>  "Recent Work on the Graveney Boat"
—>  "Recent Work upon Visceral and Allied Nerves"
—>  Reception 25 January 1973 to Celebrate the Quincentenary of the Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus
—>  Reception to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of the 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', Hooke's 'Micrographia' and Evelyn's 'Sylva', honoured by the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 16 November 1965
—>  Rechenbuch, Erstlich, von etc. V Unnd wie man die funff Horologia, ... {?}
—>  Rechengerate aus der Sammlung des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons: Bestandskatalog
—>  Rechenkunst und Rechentechnik: Von den mechanischen Anfangen zur elektronischen Gegenwart
—>  Rechenpfennige. Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftsgechichte
—>  Rechenschieber - eine Dokumentation: Geschichte Hersteller Modelle
—>  Rechentafel nebst Sammlung haufig gebrauchter Zahlenwerte
—>  Rechentafeln welche Alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend Ganz Ersparen, bei Grosseren Zahlen Aber die Rechnung Erleichtern und Sicherer Machen
—>  "Recherche des traces du systeme de l'Abacus, apres que cette methode a pris le nom d' Algorisme - Preuves qu'a toutes les eopoques, jusqu'au XVIe siecle, on a su que l'Arithmetique vulgaire avait pour origine cette methode ancienne"
—>  Recherches Chimiques et Microscopiques sur les Conferves, Bisses, Tremelles, etc.
—>  Recherches Experimentales sur la Resistance de l'Air Executees a la Tour Eiffel
—>  "Recherches Experimentales sur l'Action de l'Electricite sur les Gaz"
—>  "Recherches faites dans la grande collection des Historiens de la Chine, sur les anciennes apparitions de la Comete de Halley"
—>  Recherches into some Parts of the Theory of the Planets, in which is Solved the Problem, to determine the Circular Orbit of a Planet by Two Observations; exemplified in the New Planet
—>  Recherches Micrometriques: Sur le Development des Tissus et des Organes du Corps Humain, precedees d'un Examen Critique des Differentes Methodes Micrometriques
—>  Recherches scientifiques sur la declination magnetique en Pologne au XVII siecle
—>  Recherches sur la Cause et sur la veritable Teorie de l'Electricite
—>  Recherches sur la gnomonique, ...
—>  Recherches sur la Gnomonique, les Retrogradations des Planetes, et les Eclipses de Soleil
—>  "Recherches sur la Loi des Oscillations du Pendule a Suspension a Lames des Chronometres Fixes"
—>  "Recherches sur la Question des Inegalites du Mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter, Sujet propose pour le Prix de l'annee 1748 par l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris"
—>  Recherches sur la Structure des Organes de l'Homme et des Animaux les Plus Connus
—>  Recherches sur la Thermometrie et en particulier sur la Comparaison du Thermometre a Air avec un grand Nombre de Thermometres a Liquides
—>  Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Heron D'Alexandrie
—>  "Recherches sur l'Astronomie Indienne"
—>  Recherches sur le mouvement des petites planetes
—>  Recherches sur le Spectre Solaire. - Spectre Normal du Soleil. Atlas de six planches
—>  Recherches sur les Causes Particulieres des Phenomenes Electriques, Et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendre
—>  Recherches sur les differences qui existent entre les thermometres de mercure et ceux d'esprit-de-vin, et sur les moyens d'y remedier; avec les proprietes de ces deux fluides, relativement a la construction des thermometres
—>  "Recherches sur les horloges des anciens"

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