
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Commercium philosophico-technicum; : or, the philosophical commerce of arts: designed as an attempt to improve arts, trades, and manufactures. Vol. I
—>  Commisioned Officers in the Medical Services of the British Army 1660-1960
—>  Common Objects of the Microscope : 5 entries
—>  Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharmacopoeia, comparing the strenth of its various preparations with those of the United States, and other foreign Pharmacopoeias. To which are added Non-Official preparations, and practical hints on prescri
—>  "Comparative Photographic spectra of stars to the 31/2 magnitude"
—>  "Comparing Coinage"
—>  "Comparisons of Methods of Determining Calendar Dates by Finger Reckoning"
—>  Comparisons of the Standards of Length ... made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton
—>  Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, Made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton
—>  Compendio del modo di delineare gl'orivoli Solari
—>  Compendio delle Regole de Triangoli con le loro dimostrationi
—>  Compendio Delle Sezioni Coniche D'Apollonio
—>  Compendium Horologico-Sciotericum et Geometricum Oder Kurtzer Begriff von Abtheilung allerhand Sonnen Uhren, etc. ...
—>  Compendium Sciotericorum Dass ist: Ein Kurtze und ein faltige Beschreibung, Wie man nicht allein die vier Haupt: unnd alle geschregte Sonnen Uhren, mit behendem Vortheil, ...
—>  Compendium Sciotericorum, Das ist: Ein kurtze und einfaltige doch grundliche Beschreibung, Wie man nicht allein die vier Haupt-Sondern auch alle schrage Sonnen-Uhren mit behendem Bortheil und ohngerucktem Circul verzeichnen und auffreisen soll, etc.
—>  Compendium Sciotericorum, Das ist: Ein kurtze und einfaltige, doch grundliche Beschreibung, Wie man nicht allein die vier Haupt-sondern auch alle schrage Sonnen-Uhren, etc. ...
—>  Compendum brevissimum describend-orum Horologiorum Horizontalium ac Declinantium
—>  Compilatio Leupoldi ducatus Austriae filii de Astrorum scientia Decem continentis tractatus
—>  Complete index to the articles on, and references to the Diatomaceae in the Transactions and Journals of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1853-1915 : 2 entries
—>  Complete List of English Horological Patents up to 1853
—>  Complete Works III: Minor Works
—>  Complete Works IV: The Manuscripts of Nicholas Copernicus' Minor Works Facsimiles
—>  Complexities, Advances, and Misconceptions in the Development of the Science of Vision
—>  Compositio Horologiorum, in Plano, Muro, Truncis, Anulo, Concavo, Cylindro & Variis Quadrantibus, cum Signorum Zodiaci ... Diversarum Horarum Inscriptionibus
—>  Composition Mathematique
—>  Compound-Vibration Curves: Their Relation to Harmony & Musical Physics
—>  Comptes rendus de la premiere session du Comite Internation d'Histoire des Sciences et du premier congres International d'Histoire des Sciences (Paris, 20-24 mai 1929)
—>  Comptes Rendus du Premier Congres International de Microscopie Electronique
—>  Computus med sarskild hansyn till Runstaven och den Borgerliga Kalendern
—>  "Concepts of Disease among the Primitive People of India"
—>  Conceptual Developments and Modes of Explanation in later Greek Scientific Thought
—>  "Concerning the Latitude and Longitude of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; with Remarks on a Memorial of the late M. Cassini de Thury"
—>  "Concerning the Persian Version of Lilavati"
—>  "Concerning the Walters Collection of Netsuke"
—>  Concise Instructions in the Art of Retouching
—>  "Concise Rules for Computing the Effects of Refraction and Parallax in varying the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun or a Star; also an easy Rule of Approximation for computing the Distance of the Moon from a Star, the Longitudes and Latitudes of
—>  "Concretes and Bodies"
—>  "Condensation of Ethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate with Bases and b-Ketonic Esters"
—>  "Condensation of Ethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate with bases and B(eta)-Ketonic Esters"
—>  "Condensation of Ethylic Salts of Acids of the Acetylene Series with Ketonic Compounds"
—>  "Condensation of Phenols with Esters of the Acetylene Series. Part I. Action of Phenols on Ethyl Phenylpropiolate"
—>  Condensed Catalogue of Optical and Philosophical Instruments Manufactured by R. Field and Son, New Street, Birmingham
—>  "Conductivity produced in Hydrogen and Carbonic Acid Gas by the Motion of Negatively Charged Ions"
—>  "Cone-beam balance : precision weighing comes of age"
—>  "Conference on accuracy in X-ray analysis, London 1964"
—>  Conferences held in connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus. 1876. Physics and Mechanics
—>  Conferences held in connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus. 1876. Chemistry, Biology, Physical Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, and Meteorology
—>  "Conferences on Scientific Instruments at Leiden"
—>  Conformatio Horologiorum sciotericorum in superficiebus planis utcumque sitis, jacentibus, reclinatis, inclinatis, & quocunque, spectantibus, compendiaria & facilis, Cum quadrantis Horologici & Geometrici conformatione & usibus, ac Tabulis Sinuum
—>  Congres sur l'Histoire de la Decouverte des Regions Arctiques d'Apres les Recits des Voyageurs et les Travaux des Cartographes de la Haute Antiquite au XVIIIe S

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