
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology
—>  Chemistry in Oxford
—>  Chemistry in the Service of Medicine
—>  "Chemistry in the Service of Medicine: 1660-1800"
—>  "Chemistry museums of Europe"
—>  "Chemistry through the Eighteenth Century"
—>  Chemistry to the Time of Dalton
—>  Chemistry, inorganic and organic : with experiments
—>  Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology
—>  Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analytical : as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures
—>  "Chemotherapy in Tropical Medicine"
—>  "Chemotherapy of Malaria"
—>  Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis: Experimental Foundation and Preliminary Clinical Results
—>  "Chepstow Clock and Watch Makers"
—>  Chess Analysed: or instructions by which a perfect knowledge of this noble game may be acquired
—>  Chester Clocks and Clockmakers
—>  Chimie. Sur la Formation des Cyanures et de l'Acide Cyanhydrique. Preparation de cet Acide sans Cyanure
—>  China Ancient Traditional Technology Exhibition
—>  "China and the Origin of Examinations in Medicine"
—>  China Science and Technology Museum
—>  China's Ancient Large Astronomical Instruments Exhibition
—>  China's Medicine
—>  "Chinese Alchemy"
—>  Chinese Ancestor Worship in Malaya
—>  Chinese Astrology: Early Chinese Occultism
—>  "Chinese Astronomical Clockwork"
—>  "Chinese Astronomical Jades"
—>  Chinese Astronomy and the Jesuit Mission: An encounter of cultures
—>  Chinese Contributions to Medical Science
—>  Chinese Eyesight and Spectacles
—>  "Chinese Language Becomes a Bit Faster"
—>  "Chinese Mathematics"
—>  Chinese Mathematics: A Concise History
—>  "Chinese Mechanical Clocks"
—>  Chinese Medicine
—>  "Chinese Origin of Indian Terms for Climate and Arabic Word for Magnet"
—>  "Chinese Priorities in Cast Iron Metallurgy"
—>  "Chinese Roots of Modern Astronomy"
—>  "'Chinese Scientific Philosophy' and Some Chinese Attitudes towards Knowledge about the Realm of Heaven-and-Earth"
—>  "Chinese sexagenary calendar-cycles"
—>  "Chinese Spectacles"
—>  "Chinese words in the Holy Koran: 5. Qirtas, meaning paper, and its synonym, kagaz"
—>  Chiron Katalog Nr. 10
—>  Chirurgia
—>  Chirurgie de maitre Henri de Mondeville chirurgien de Philippe le Bel, Roi de France composee de 1306. a 1320
—>  Chirurgie de Pierre Franco de Turriers en Provence Composee en 1561
—>  Chirurgiens et Blesses a travers l'histoire. Des Origines a la Croix-Rouge
—>  Choc News
—>  "Christiaan Huygens & the development of the air pump"
—>  Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) : 2 entries
—>  "Christiaan Huygens (1629-95): Astronomer and Mechanician"
—>  Christiaan Huygens 1629 - 14 April - 1929. Zijn Geboortedag, 300 jaar geleden, herdacht
—>  "Christiaan Huygens and his Instrument Makers"
—>  "Christiaan Huygens"
—>  Christie's Los Angeles: Scientific and Engineering Works of Art, Instruments and Models
—>  Christoffel Plantijn en de Exacte Wetenschappen in zijn Tijd
—>  Christoph Schissler der Altere und der Jungere
—>  Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration: An Encyclopedia
—>  Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery
—>  Christopher Pinchbeck and his family
—>  Christopher Plantin
—>  Christopher Polhem 1661-1751 "The Swedish Daedalus" "Der Schwedische Dadalus"
—>  Christopher Polhem, The Father Of Swedish Technology
—>  Christopher Saxton and Tudor Map-Making
—>  "Christopher Saxton's Surveying: An Enigma"
—>  "Christopher Wren at Work: Early Studies and Drawings of St. Paul's Cathedral"
—>  Christ's Hospital Science Journal and N.H.S. Report
—>  Chronological Catalogue of the Hadfield Collection of Metallurgical Books dating chiefly from 1505 and up to 1880 AD
—>  Chronological List of Newspapers and Periodicals
—>  Chronological Tables of Europe from the Nativity of Our Saviour to the Year 1726
—>  Chronologie
—>  "Chronologie des eclipses de Soleil et de Lune qui ont ete visibles sur Terre, depuis le Pole boreal, jusque vers l'Equateur, durant les dix siecles qui ont precede l'Ere chretienne"
—>  Chronologie Uebersicht der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Mechanik und industriellen Technik von den altesten Zeiten bis auf unsere Tage
—>  "Chronologischer Katalog der Nordlichter bis zum Jahre 1856 sammt einer Bibliographie uber diese Erscheinung"
—>  "Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Arbeiten Julius Ruskas"
—>  "Chronology and the Age of the World"
—>  Chronology of Computing
—>  Chronology of Eclipses and Comets AD 1-1000
—>  Chronometer Makers of the World: With Extensive List of Makers and Craftsmen
—>  "Chronometres observes au hautes altitudes et dans le gaz hydrogene"
—>  Church, State and Astronomy in Ireland: 200 Years of Armagh Observatory
—>  Chymia
—>  Chymica acta : an autobiographical memoir ... with essays presented to him by his friends
—>  Chymical, natural, and physical magic : intended for the instruction and entertainment of juveniles during the holiday vacation
—>  "Chymilche Marchen. Naturphilosophilche Sinnbilder aus einer alchemistischen Prunkhanschrift der deutschen Renaissance"
—>  Chymische und physiche Versuche und Beobachtungen vom Eisen und Magnete
—>  "Chymisten in der Renaissance (16. Jahrhundert)"
—>  CIBA Symposia
—>  CIBA Zeitschrift : 2 entries
—>  Ciel et Terre rend hommage a Henri Michel
—>  "Ciel et Terre rend hommage a Henri Michel"
—>  Ciencia y Tecnica en la Sociedad Espanola de los Siglos XVI y XVII
—>  Ciencia y Tecnica entre Viejo y Nuevo Mundo Siglos XV-XVIII
—>  Cimeli Galileiani
—>  Cinco seculos de cartografia das Ilhas de Cabo Verde
—>  Cine-Biology
—>  "Cinemalia"
—>  Cinematographe Lumiere: ... Des Lanternes Magiques au Cinematographe Lumiere
—>  Cinq siecles de l'art Francais des instruments scientifiques: XVe-XIXe siecle
—>  Cinq siecles de l'art francais des instruments scientifiques: XVe - XIXe siecle

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