
Library Catalogue » Titles

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—>  Catalogue of the Papers and Correspondence of Cecil Reginald Burch CBE FRS (1901-1983) : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Norman George Heatley, OBE (b. 1911) Relating to the research and development of penicillin 1939-1942
—>  Catalogue of the Pathological Museum and of Exhibits of Medical Interest in the Museum of the History of Science
—>  Catalogue of the Paul Ehrenfest Archive at the Museum Boerhaave, Leiden
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that so
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr. Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that s
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr. Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that S
—>  Catalogue of the Principal Portion of the Choice and Valuable Library of the late James Watt, Esq. of Aston Hall, Warwickshire …
—>  Catalogue of the Printed Books and Pamphlets in the Library of the Royal Microscopical Society
—>  Catalogue of the Railway Museum, York
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the South Kensington Museum. Part V. Physiography
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Physiography, Part II. Meteorology, including Terrestrial Magnetism
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the South Kensington Museum. Part I: Mathematics and Mechanics
—>  Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. MDCCCLXXVI : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the Twenty-Third Annual Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus
—>  Catalogue of the valuable Astronomical, Mathematical, and General Library of the late Francis Baily, Esq. Together with the remaining Copies of his Works on Various Subjects; as also his valuable collection of Astronomical, Mathematical, and Philosophica
—>  Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects, of Christopher Beckett Denison, Esq., Deceased, late of Upper Grosvenor Street
—>  Catalogue of the Valuable Library of the late William Wallace, LL.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh; ... together with his Philosophical Instruments ...
—>  Catalogue of the Watt bicentenary exhibition : (December 1935-April 1936)
—>  Catalogue of Veterinary Instruments
—>  'Catalogue of Weighing Instruments'
—>  Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, and of those referring to microscopical subjects, in the library of ...
—>  Catalogue Officiel des Collections du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers: Troisieme Fascicule: Geometrie -- Geodesie -- Cosmographie -- Astronomie -- Science Nautique -- Chronometrie -- Instruments de Calcul -- Poids et Mesures
—>  Catalogue One Hundred
—>  "Catalogue raisonne des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Orientale III"
—>  Catalogue Raisonne des Spectroscopes Construits dans les Ateliers de J. Duboscq
—>  Catalogue raisonne d'une collection considerable de diverses Curiosites en tous Genres, contenues dans les Cabinets de feu Monsieur Bonnier de la Mosson, Bailly & Capitaine des Chasses de la Varenne des Thuilleries & ancien Colonel du Regiment Dauphin
—>  Catalogue Seven: Sun Pictures
—>  Catalogue Six: Sun Pictures: Dr Thomas Keith and John Forbes White
—>  "Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits du fonds Stas de l'Universite libre de Bruxelles"
—>  Catalogue Systematique de la Collection de Petrifications, formee par feu M. Jean Conrad [corrected from Leonard] Ammann, Lecteur en medecine a Schaffouse
—>  Catalogue systematique des appareils d'optique ... [etc.]
—>  Catalogue Systematique des Appareils d'Optique Construits dans les Ateliers de J. Duboscq
—>  Catalogue: Prints and Drawings
—>  [Catalogue:] Section D
—>  [catalogue] : 2 entries
—>  Catalogues
—>  Catalogues of the Instituto e Museo di Storia delle Scienze, Florence
—>  Catalogues of the Miscellaneous Manuscripts and of the Manuscript Letters in the Possession of the Royal Society
—>  [catalogues] : 43 entries
—>  Catalogus
—>  Catalogus Bibliothek
—>  Catalogus horti botanici Oxoniensis : alphabetice digestus, duas, praeterpropter, plantarum chiliadas complectens, priore duplo auctior, idemque elimatior; nec non etymologiis, qua Graecis, qua Latinis, hinc inde petitis, enucleatior: in quo nomina Latina
—>  Catalogus Novus stellarum duplicium et multiplicium
—>  Catalogus plantarum Angliae, et insularum adjacentium: : tum indigenas, tum in agris passim cultas complectens. In quo praeter synonyma necessaria, facultates quoque summatim traduntur, una cum observationibus & experimentis novis medicis & physicis
—>  Catalogus Stellarum Australium sive Supplementum Catalogi Tychonici : 2 entries
—>  Catalogus Van Vergrootglas tot oog der Wetenschap 21/2 eeuw microscopie
—>  Catalogus: Genius ex Machina: Wetenschappelijke Instrumenten uit de 18de en 19de Eeuw
—>  Catechism of Health, or 'The Sound Mind in a Sound Body - How Maintained'
—>  "Catholics and Public Life: The Need is for More Top Rank Catholic Scientists"
—>  Catoptricae et Dioptricae Sphaericae Elementa
—>  Catoptrum Microcosmicum, suis aere incisis visionibus splendens cum historia, & Pinace, de novo prodit
—>  Cato's Farm Management
—>  Causalites et Accidents de la Decouverte Scientifique: Illustration de quelques etapes caracteristiques de l'evolution des sciences
—>  "Causality and the Theory of Elementary Particles"
—>  "Cavalcade of the Thermometer - From the Thermoscope of Galileo to the Chicago Giant"
—>  "Cavalcade of the Thermometer From the Thermoscope of Galileo to the Chicago Giant"
—>  Cave Drawings
—>  Cavendish: The Experimental Life
—>  Cecil Beaton 1904-1980
—>  "Cecil Clutton"
—>  Cecil Frank Clifford, 1903-1995, FBHI BSc MIEE, BHI Silver Medalist, inventor of the magnetic escapement
—>  "Cecil Howard Cribb"
—>  "Celebrating a Man of Gravity"
—>  Celestial Ejectamenta : 2 entries
—>  "Celestial Influence - the Major Premiss of Astrology"
—>  "Celestial Mapping"
—>  Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes : 4 entries
—>  Cellular Pathology as based upon Physiological and Pathological Histology. Twenty lectures delivered in the Pathological Institute of Berlin during the months of February, March, and April, 1858.
—>  "Celluloid and Photography: Part One - Celluloid as a Substitute for Glass"
—>  Cenni stouchi dell' Orologeria e dei vari mezzi impiegati alla misurazione del tempo
—>  Cenni sull'attivita del museo per la didattica della sperimentazione fisica
—>  Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit
—>  Cent ans d'astronomie au Pic-du-Midi
—>  Centaurus
—>  "Centenary Celebration of Robert Brown's Discovery of the Nucleus of the Vegetable Cell, Held on 19 November 1931"
—>  Centiloquium Circini porportionum. Ein newer Proportional Cerckel, von vier, funff, sechs oder mehr Spitzen, mit hundert schonen, ausserlesenen, nutzlichen Fragen ...
—>  Cento Anni di Radio: le Radici dell'Invenzione
—>  Centonovanturo Epigrammi Latini ... IX. In horologium solare
—>  "Central England Temperatures; Monthly Means of the Radcliffe Meteorological Station, Oxford"
—>  Centre and Periphery Revisited: the Structures of European Science, 1750-1914
—>  "'Centuria Astronomica' Vil'njusskogo Astronoma Al'berta D'iblinskogo i ee Russkij Perevod"
—>  Centuria di varii problemi per dimostrare l' uso, e la facillita de' Logaritmi nella Gnomonica, Astronomia, Geograffia, Altimetria, Pianimetria, Stereometria, & Aritmetica prattica: toccandosi anche qualche cosa nella Meccanica, nell'Arte Militare, e nell
—>  Centuriae IX. Memorabilium, utilium, ac iucundorum in Aphorismos Arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulcre digestae ... Monluciano, medico auctore
—>  Century of the Typewriter
—>  Cercetari de conservare si restaurare a patrimoniului muzeal I
—>  Cerebri Anatome: cui accessit Nevorum Descriptio et Usus : 3 entries
—>  Certaine Errors in Navigation, Detected and Corrected by Edw: Wright. With many additions that were not in the former edition as appeareth in the next pages.
—>  Ces curieux navires: Trois automates de la Renaissance
—>  Cesare Magati (1579-1647)
—>  Chaldean Astrology. How to Cast and Read the Horoscope and Calculate Star Courses
—>  "Chalice Dials"
—>  Chambers's seven-figure mathematical tables : consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000, trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables
—>  Chambers's Technical Dictionary
—>  "Chance, Freewill and Necessity in the Scientific Conception of the Universe"
—>  Chance-Parsons Optical Glass
—>  Change and History
—>  "Changes in Heat Production after removal of motor and premotor areas in monkeys"
—>  "Changes in the Endothelium of the Aorta and the Behaviour of Macrophages in Experimental Atheroma of Rabbits"

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