
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  "Alte Tiroler Bergbauinstrumente"
—>  Alte Uhren : 2 entries
—>  Alte Uhren [catalogues]
—>  "Alte Uhren" : 2 entries
—>  Alter Bauernkalendar fur der Gemeinjahr 1962
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1955
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1961
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1962
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1964
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1965
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1966
—>  Alter Bauernkalender fur das Gemeinjahr 1967
—>  Alternating Current Measurements at Audio and Radio Frequencies
—>  "Al-Tibb al-Islami"
—>  "Altitude Sundials for Seasonal and Equal Hours"
—>  Al-'ulum wa'l-'umran fi'l-a'sur al-wusta khususan fuma yata-'allaqu bi'l-ta'lif al-'rabiyga* [Arabic]
—>  "Alva Mason, the Franklin Institute, and the Origins of Philosophical and Chemical Instrument Manufacture in the United States"
—>  Alvan Clark and Sons, Artists in Optics
—>  Am Anfang war der Balken: Zur Kulturgeschichte der Steinbrucke
—>  "Am Anfang war die konstruktive Idee: Eine philosophische Hypothese bewirkt den Start in die elektrotechnische Welt"
—>  "Amasa Holcomb - Autobiographical Sketch"
—>  Amateur Photography: A Practical Handbook for the Amateur
—>  Amateur Photomicrography with Simple Apparatus
—>  Ambix
—>  "American Contributions to Mathematical Symbolism"
—>  "American microscope makers and Introduction to the collection"
—>  "American Section London Tour, May 15th-21st, 1991: Part One" [part]
—>  America's Foremost Automobile Collection at the Henry Ford Museum
—>  Amida's Mirror
—>  "Amida's Mirror"
—>  "Ammonities: Ammon's horns into cephalopods"
—>  Amoenitates Academicae sev dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae Botanicae antohac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis
—>  Ampere's Electrodynamic Molecular Model
—>  Amphitheatrum Zootomicum. Tabulis Aeneis Quamplurimis exhibens Historiam Animalium Anatomicam, e Miscellaneis S.R.I. Academiae Naturae Curiosorum, Diariis Societatum Regiarum, Parisiensis, Anglicae & Prussicae, Actis Hafniensibus & Lipsiensibus, Zootomiis
—>  AMSSEE Seminar on Moving Pictures
—>  Amsterdam Pharmacopoeia
—>  Amtlicher fuhrer durch die Sammlungen
—>  Amulets
—>  Amulett und Talisman: Erscheinungsform und Geschichte
—>  Amulettes, talismans & Pantacles dans les traditions Orientales et Occidentales
—>  'An 18th-Century Alchemical Society'
—>  "An 8th-century Meridian Line: I Hsing's Chain of Gnomons and the Prehistory of the Metric System"
—>  An ABC of Radar
—>  An Abridgement of the Official Papers relating to Operations Performed by Order of the Directors of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, Greenwich, on several of the Pensioners belonging thereto, for the Purpose of ascertaining the general efficacy of the New M
—>  An Abridgment of the Two first Lessons of the First Week
—>  An Abstract or Brief Declaration of the present state of his Majesties Revenew ...
—>  "An Account for Repairs to the Westminster Palace Clock"
—>  "An Account of a Book, intitl'd, De Luminis Affectionibus Specimen Physico-Mathematicum, dedicated to Cardinal Polignac, and printed at Trevise and Venice, 1727, by Signior Rizzetti"
—>  "An Account of a Reflecting Telescope, made by Mr. J. Hadley. V.P. No 376. p. 303"
—>  An Account of a Surprizing Meteor, seen in the Air March 19. 1718/19. at Night. Containing, I. A Description of this Meteor, from the Original Letters of those who saw it in different Places. II. Some Historical Accounts of the like Meteors before. III. A : 2 entries
—>  An Account of a Surprizing Meteor, Seen in the Air, March the 6th, 1715/16. at Night. Containing, I. A Description of this Meteor, from the Author's own Observations. II. Some Historical Accounts of the like Meteors before; with Extracts from such Letters
—>  An Account of a Tract, entitled, The laws of the Moon's Motion according to Gravity. By John Machin, Astr. Prof. Gresh. and R. S. Secr. Annex'd to the English Translation of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia
—>  An Account of Architects and Architecture, in an Historical, and Etymological Explanation of certain Tearms particularly affected by Architects
—>  "An Account of Donati's Comet of 1858"
—>  An Account of Experiments made at the Pantheon, On the Nature and Use of Conductors: To which are added, Some New Experiments with the Leyden Phial. Read at the Meetings of the Royal Society
—>  "An Account of Experiments on the Reflecting Telescope"
—>  An Account of Experiments to determine the Specific Gravities of Fluids, thereby to obtain The Strength of Spiritous Liquors. Together with Some Remarks on a Paper entitled, 'The Best Method of Proportioning the Excise upon Spiritous Liquors' lately print
—>  An Account of Inventions and Improvements in Surgical Instruments, made by John Weiss, 62, Strand; with a selection of cases wherein they have been successfully employed, and testimonials of their utility from eminent surgeons
—>  An Account of Lord Bacon's Novum Organon Scientiarum. or, New Method of Studying the Sciences
—>  "An Account of Meteorological Observations in Four Balloon Ascents, made under the direction of the Kew Observatory Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science"
—>  "An Account of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's Microscopes, by Mr. Folkes, V.P. No 380. p. 446"
—>  An account of Sir Charles Bell's discoveries in the nervous system
—>  An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries : in four books
—>  An Account of Some Experiments on Mercury, Silver and Gold, made at Guilford in May, 1782. In the laboratory of Ja,es Price, M.D., F.R.S. To which is prefixed an abridgment of Boyle's account of a Degradation of Gold
—>  An Account of some Experiments on Mercury, Silver and Gold, made at Guildford in May, 1782. In the Laboratory of James Price, M. D., F.R.S. To which is prefixed an Abridgment of Boyle's Account of a Degradation of Gold
—>  An Account of some New Microscopical Discoveries. Founded on an Examination of the Calamary, and its wonderful Milt-Vessels, (each of which tho' they exceed not an Horse-Hair in Diameter, contains a minute Apparatus analogous to that of a Pump, with a fin : 3 entries
—>  "An Account of some Observations lately made at Nurenburg by Mr. P. Wurtzelbaur, shewing that the latitude of that Place has continued without sensible alteration for 200 Years last past; as likewise the Obliquity of the Ecliptick; by comparing them with
—>  An Account of some Remarkable Discoveries in the Production of Artificial Cold; with Experiments on the Congelation of Quicksilver in England: likewise, Observations on the Best Methods of Producing Artificial Cold; and their Application to Useful Purpose
—>  "An Account of the arrival and erection of Fraunhofer's large Refracting Telescope at the Observatory of the Imperial University of Dorpat. Communicated in a Letter from Professor Struve to Francis Baily, Esq."
—>  An Account of the Automaton, constructed by Orffyreus: in Two Letters; the one, from Professor's Gravesande to Sir Isaac Newton; the other from Baron Fischer to Dr Desaguliers. To which is annexed the Testimonial of the Prince of Hesse Cassel, in Favour o
—>  An Account of the Cause and Cure of the Tremors particularly affecting Reflecting Telescopes more than Refracting Ones
—>  "An Account of the Construction and Adjustment of the New Standards of Weights and Measures of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland"
—>  An Account of the Discoveries concerning Comets, with the Way to find their Orbits, And some Improvements in constructing and calculating their Places. For which Reason are here added New Tables, fitted to those Purposes; Particularly with regard to That
—>  An account of the eidouranion; or, transparent orrery : invented by A. Walker
—>  An Account of the Experiments made by Some Gentlemen of the Royal Society, in order to discover whether the Electrical Power would be sensible at great Distances. With An Experimental Inquiry concerning the respective Velocities of Electricity and Sound.
—>  "An account of the first instruments for measuring time, introduced into Rome. From M. D'Arnay's private life of the Romans"
—>  An Account of the Going of Hardy's Chronometer, No. 278, in the Year 1814, at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford
—>  An Account of the going of Mr Manton's Chronometer I, in a Vacuum, at the Royal Observatory
—>  An Account of the Herbaria of the Department of Botany in the University of Oxford
—>  An Account of the Invention and Use of Fire-Plates, for the Security of buildings and ships against fire
—>  An Account of the late Total Eclipse of the Sun, on July 28, 1851; as observed at Lilla Edet in Sweden
—>  "An Account of the Life and Writings of the Late William Hunter, M.D."
—>  An Account of the Methods used to describe Lines on Dr Halley's Chart of the Terraqueous Globe; shewing the Variation of the Magnetic Needle about the Year 1756, in all the known Seas; their Application and Use in correcting the Longitude at Sea; with som
—>  "An Account of the Observations on the Great Nebula in Orion, made at Birr Castle, with the 3-feet and 6-feet Telescopes, between 1848 and 1867. With a drawing of the Nebula"
—>  An Account of the Origin of Steam-Boats, in Spain, Great Britain, and America; and of their Introduction and Employment upon the River Thames, between London and Gravesend, to the present Time : 2 entries
—>  An Account of the Proceedings, in order to the Discovery of the Longitude: in a Letter to the Right Honourable ******, Member of Parliament : 2 entries
—>  An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed
—>  An Account of The Royal Society's Newton Telescope
—>  "An Account of the Self-Registering Anemometer and Rain Gauge erected at the Liverpool Observatory in the Autumn of 1851, with a summary of the Records for the Years 1852, 1853, 1854, and 1855"
—>  "An Account of the Trigonometrical Operation, whereby the Distance between the Meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris has been determined"
—>  An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty. For making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. And successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, an
—>  "An Account of Two Meteoric Fireballs, observed in the United States, August 2, and August 6, 1860. With Computation of their Paths"
—>  "An Account, how Adits & Mines are wrought at Liege without Air-shafts" [and] "A way to break easily and speedily the hardest Rocks"
—>  An Act for the Preservation of White and other Pine Trees in Her Majesties Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusets-Bay ... for the Masting of Her Majesties Navy (1710)
—>  "An additional factor in the history of the centigrade thermometer"
—>  An Address delivered at a special meeting of the Astronomical Society of London, on presenting the Gold medals to J. F. W. Herschel, J. South, and Prof. Struve, on April 14th, 1826 by the President of the Society
—>  An Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Zoological Club of the Linnean Society, held at the Society's House, in Soho-Square, November 29, 1826
—>  An Address of Welcome
—>  "An Address on John Locke as a Physician"
—>  An Address to the Gentlemen of the County of Cornwall, on The Present State of Mining In that County: with Some Observations on the Tin and Copper Trades

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