
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

3 matching record(s)

E (Stack)Needham, F.

An Account of some New Microscopical Discoveries. Founded on an Examination of the Calamary, and its wonderful Milt-Vessels, (each of which tho' they exceed not an Horse-Hair in Diameter, contains a minute Apparatus analogous to that of a Pump, with a fine spiral Spring, Sucker, Barrel, etc.) tending to prove by an accurate Description of their Motion, Action, etc. that the hitherto supposed Animalcules in the Semen of Animals are nothing more than Machines similar, tho' inconceivably less, to those discovered in this Sea-production. Also, Observations on the Farina faecundans of Plants; with a new Discovery and Description of the Action of those minute Bodies, analogous to that of the Calamary's Milt-Vessels. And an Examination of the Pistil, Uterus and Stamina of several Flowers, with an Attempt to shew how the Seed is impregnated. Likewise, Observations on the supposed Embryo Sole-Fish fixed to the Bodies of Shrimps; with a new Discovery of a remarkable Animalcule found single on the Tail-part of each Embryo. A Description of the Eels or Worms in blighted Wheat; and other curious Particulars relating to the Natural History of Plants, Animals, etc.

London: F. Needham, 1745.



E (Stack)Needham, J. T.

An Account of some New Microscopical Discoveries. Founded on an Examination of the Calamary, and its wonderful Milt-Vessels, (each of which tho' they exceed not an Horse-Hair in Diameter, contains a minute Apparatus analogous to that of a Pump, with a fine spiral Spring, Sucker, Barrel, etc.) tending to prove by an accurate Description of their Motion, Action, etc. that the hitherto supposed Animalcules in the Semen of Animals are nothing more than Machines similar, tho' inconceivably less, to those discovered in this Sea-production. Also, Observations on the Farina faecundans of Plants; with a new Discovery and Description of the Action of those minute Bodies, analogous to that of the Calamary's Milt-Vessels. And an Examination of the Pistil, Uterus and Stamina of several Flowers, with an Attempt to shew how the Seed is impregnated. Likewise, Observations on the supposed Embryo Sole-Fish fixed to the Bodies of Shrimps; with a new Discovery of a remarkable Animalcule found single on the Tail-part of each Embryo. A Description of the Eels or Worms in blighted Wheat; and other curious Particulars relating to the Natural History of Plants, Animals, etc.

London: F. Needham, 1745. Royal Microscopical Society Collection.



E (Stack)Needham, J. T.

An Account of some New Microscopical Discoveries. Founded on an Examination of the Calamary, and its wonderful Milt-Vessels, (each of which tho' they exceed not an Horse-Hair in Diameter, contains a minute Apparatus analogous to that of a Pump, with a fine spiral Spring, Sucker, Barrel, etc.) tending to prove by an accurate Description of their Motion, Action, etc. that the hitherto supposed Animalcules in the Semen of Animals are nothing more than Machines similar, tho' inconceivably less, to those discovered in this Sea-production. Also, Observations on the Farina faecundans of Plants; with a new Discovery and Description of the Action of those minute Bodies, analogous to that of the Calamary's Milt-Vessels. And an Examination of the Pistil, Uterus and Stamina of several Flowers, with an Attempt to shew how the Seed is impregnated. Likewise, Observations on the supposed Embryo Sole-Fish fixed to the Bodies of Shrimps; with a new Discovery of a remarkable Animalcule found single on the Tail-part of each Embryo. A Description of the Eels or Worms in blighted Wheat; and other curious Particulars relating to the Natural History of Plants, Animals, etc.

London: F. Needham, 1745. Gunther Loan Collection.

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