Astrolabe Catalogue


Star Modern Star Mediation Declination Inventory ICN
COR LEONIS 1 Regulus 22.0° of Leo 14° 43415 274
COR ♏ Antares 2.0° of Sagittarius -24° 43415 274
COR ♌ Regulus 22.0° of Leo 14° 43454 1000000
Cor scorpii Antares 3.0° of Sagittarius -23° 43454 1000000
CORONA SEPT Alphecca 21.0° of Scorpio 25° 45975 211
COR LEONIS Regulus 22.0° of Leo 13° 53966 528
Cor ♌ 1 Regulus 22.0° of Leo 13° 48380 275
[Corona] 2 Alphecca 18.0° of Scorpio 29° 48380 275
COR LEONI Regulus 21.0° of Leo 14° 49847 2045 View
CAPVT CORVI Gienah 25.0° of Virgo -19° 49847 2045 View
COR SCORPII Antares 0.0° of Sagittarius -25° 49847 2045 View
COR Regulus 21.0° of Leo 13° 49033 300
COR LEONIS Regulus 18.0° of Leo 11° 47367 216 View
Cor leonis Regulus 28.0° of Leo 49359 1000000
Coruus Gienah 16.0° of Virgo -16° 49359 1000000
ARIE CORN PREC None 25.0° of Pisces 18° 52209 180
COR LEONIS Regulus 23.0° of Leo 14° 52209 180
CORVI ROSTRVM Gienah 27.0° of Virgo -22° 52209 180
COR SCORPII Antares 3.0° of Sagittarius -24° 52209 180
COR LEO ♂ ♃ 1 Regulus 21.0° of Leo 12° 39887 269
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