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Magneto-Electric Machine, Late 19th Century

Inventory Number: 61523

Number of documents: 2

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Inscription


"DIRECTIONS - Connect two metallic cords or wires with the Sockets in the ends of the Box, and apply the handles [sic] connected with the other / ends of the metallic cords or wires to any part of the person through which it is desirable to pass the current of Electricity. Then turn the Crank, / regulating the strength of the current by the speed, and by the Knob at the end of the Box; it being desirable to increase the strength only to that / degree most agreeable to the patient. It is less unpleasant to the the [sic] patient if wet sponges are placed in the ends of the handles, and these applied / to the skin, as they prevent the prcikling sensation. The sponges should never be put inside the Box while wet, as they rust the machinery. In / applying it for the Toothache, Tic-Doloreux or Neuralgia, the operator takes one Handle and places his finger or sponge over the part affected, while / the patient holds the other Handle. In applying it to the foot, place one of the Handles in the water with the foot, and hold the other in the hand, / or apply it to any other part of the person. The Bearings and Spring must be oiled occasionally." below headline on paper pasted to interior of lid.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Historical Background - Magneto-Electric Machine


Michael Faraday (1791-1867) discovered the principles of the electric motor and dynamo in 1831. He was followed fairly quickly by the adoption of electricity for medical purposes. These machines were made in large numbers and were thought to be effective in a wide variety of physical and nervous disorders. This machine was promoted as a means of improving of personal health, using electric shock treatment. It was believed to be beneficial to pass electric current through your body, and by holding two handles (missing) which connected up to a magneto you could inflict this upon yourself in the comfort of your own home. Machines were also available for removal of hair (electrolysis), dentistry, and treatment of the eye muscles, amongst others. This is an example of 'quack medicine'.

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