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B T-H Plaque, Britain, 20th Century

Inventory Number: 59770

Number of documents: 1

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Manufacturer Details - British Thomson-Houston (B T-H)


In 1896, the British electrical engineering company of British Thomson-Houston (B T-H) was formed in London, and opened many factories in the midlands. In 1911, the company expanded into producing light and radio valves, using GE and Mazda patented filaments. During WWI, the company began producing marine apparatus, including lighting, radio and signalling gear, for naval service. In 1928, the company merged with Metropolitan-Vickers, alongside with a smaller submerge with Ediswan and Ferguson Pailin (who B T-H had been in the process of buying) to form Associated Electrical Industries (AEI). In 1967, the company was absorbed into the General Electric Company (GEC).

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