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Tilting Board, by Guglielmo Marconi, England, c. 1899

Inventory Number: 46382

Number of documents: 1

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Technical Details


This tiliting board was used by Marconi in early experiments to support a coherer unit with its relay, to adjust the angle of the latter to give the best possible gravity control.

The Science Museum inventory records that this instrument was used by Marconi in his early experiments. The text reads as follows: "In his early experiments Marconi employed a coherer of his own design as a receiver and caused this to actuate a Morse printer by means of a post office relay. In order to obtain the very fine adjustment of bias which was necessary, the tongue of the relay was fitted with a silver counter weight. The whole instrument was then placed on a tilting board as illustrated and a very delicate gravity control to the bias was thereby obtained."

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