Astrolabe Catalogue

Hour conversion

Type: Hour conversion
Style: Hour-conversion scale
Geometry: Arc
Unit of measurement: Times of day
(Numbering) starts at: 0
(Numbering) ends at: 12
Numbered: every hour
Repeats: 1 times
Divided every: 20 (Times of day)
then every: 4 (Times of day)
Notes: Equal hour lines at half-hour intervals within the semi-circle of the scale

Scale located on: Tympan, Womb or Back .


Type: Scale label
Content: Horae / inae / quales
Translation: Unequal hours
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: Divided around the scale (as shown) with intervening numerals
Type: Scale label
Content: Horae ante meridiem / Horae post meridiem
Language: Latin
Script: Italic
Notes: Labelled below the horizontal line
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