Astrolabe Catalogue

Lunar Mansions

Type: Lunar Mansions
Style: Lunar mansions, بطن الحوت style
Geometry: Circular, concentric
Unit of measurement: Lunar mansion
(Numbering) starts at: 16° Aries
(Numbering) ends at: 15° Aries
Numbered: Every 4 and end of the mansion
Repeats: 28 times
Divided every: 4 (Lunar mansion)
then every: 1 (Lunar mansion)
Notes: These lunar mansions use the names commonly found in the Picatrix tradition, e.g., the first mansion is نطح (al-Naṭḥ). The entire scale begins at 16° of Aries, rather than the more common 0° of Aries found on the Mashriqi instruments. Note that the tenth mansion has 14 days, the remainder have 13

Scale located on: Tympan, Womb or Back .

Location(s) detail:

7: Circular scale third in from the outer scale - refers to the full circle. (7)
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