Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
46935 2531 1641/2 (A.H. 1051) Planispheric Lahore Muḥammad Muqīm Arabic Full Details
38862 2553 1653/4 (A.H. 1064) Planispheric,  Indo-Persian Lahore Ḍiyā’ ad-Dīn Muḥammad Persian Full Details
43454 1000000 ca. 1575 Planispheric London Humphry Cole Latin Full Details
51786 313 1659 Planispheric London Henry Sutton Latin Full Details
21423 1000000 1929 Planispheric London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
58805 1000000 1925 Planispheric London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
42223 575 1559 Planispheric London Thomas Gemini Latin Full Details
54843 316 1802 Planispheric London Stephen Godwin English Full Details
27786 1000000 1925 Planispheric,  Modern plastic London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
53558 229 1565 Planispheric Louvain Regnerus Arsenius Latin Full Details
0 253 1535 Planispheric Mainz Peter Jordan Latin Full Details
51459 1023 1733/4 (A.H. 1146) Planispheric Morocco Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Baṭṭuṭī Arabic Full Details
45220 145 1687/8 (A.H. 1099) Planispheric Morocco ‘Abdullah ibn Sāsī Arabic Full Details
53966 528 1600 Geographic Narbonne François Morillard Latin Full Details
47714 155 late 19th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
34314 1011 early 18th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
53556 143 14th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
37527 149 16th century (?) Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
41122 139 13th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
40407 1024 late 18th century Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
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