Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
47674 163 ca. 1400 Planispheric Paris Jean Fusoris Latin Full Details
43415 274 ca. 1580 Planispheric Heilbronn Johann Anton Linden Latin Full Details
48380 275 ca. 1590 Planispheric Heilbronn (?) Johann Anton Linden (?) Latin Full Details
44745 276 1609 Planispheric Germany Johann Krabbe Latin Full Details
35592 335 ca. 1686 Clock Nuremberg Johann Leonhardt Bommel Latin Full Details
40443 257 1538 Planispheric Nuremberg Johann Wagner Latin Full Details
48821 314 ca. 1690 Planispheric Oxford John Prujean Latin Full Details
47632 1026 late 9th century Planispheric Syria Khafīf, apprentice of ‘Alī ibn ‘Īsā Arabic Full Details
46680 1019 1708/9 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Arabic Full Details
35313 1212 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Arabic Full Details
42649 45 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
50987 1018 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
33739 1017 ca. 1710 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Persian Full Details
39063 108 1481/2 Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Ṣaffār Arabic Full Details
51182 2505 1505/06 (A.H. 911) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Ṣaffār Arabic Full Details
35565 1020 1675/6 (A.H. 1086) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Amīn Arabic Full Details
52399 1012 1587/8 (A.H. 996) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Amīn ibn Amīrzā Khān Arabic Full Details
33474 2502 1666/7 Planispheric Tatta Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Tatawī Arabic Full Details
46836 21 ca. 1710 Planispheric Iṣfahān Muḥammad Ṭāhir Arabic Full Details
51459 1023 1733/4 (A.H. 1146) Planispheric Morocco Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Baṭṭuṭī Arabic Full Details
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