Astrolabe Catalogue


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InvNo ICN Date Style Place Maker Language
54545 1025 20th century Planispheric Persia (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
47632 1026 late 9th century Planispheric Syria Khafīf, apprentice of ‘Alī ibn ‘Īsā Arabic Full Details
46886 1085 ca. 1660 Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Mahdī Arabic Full Details
41110 1085 ca. 1650 Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Mahdī Arabic Full Details
40833 1087 early 18th century Planispheric Iṣfahān ‘Abd al-A’imma Persian Full Details
47376 1089 ca. 1570 Planispheric Lahore Allāh-Dād Arabic Full Details
46681 1196 1719/20 (A.H. 1132) Planispheric Iṣfahān ‘Abd al-A’imma Persian Full Details
35313 1212 ca. 1700 Planispheric Iṣfahān Khalīl Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ‘Alī Arabic Full Details
45509 1219 1682 (A.H. 1093) Planispheric Persia Qāsim ‘Alī Qā’inī Arabic Full Details
39955 1222 1713/4 Planispheric Turkey ‘Abdī Arabic Full Details
45307 2041 ca. 1300 Planispheric Spain (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
36338 2042 late 14th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
47615 2043 14th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
52869 2044 ca. 1400 Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
49847 2045 late 15th century Planispheric France (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
52528 2046 early 16th century Planispheric Europe Unknown Latin Full Details
42680 2047 ca. 1670 Planispheric Paris Pierre Sevin French Full Details
33474 2502 1666/7 Planispheric Tatta Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Tatawī Arabic Full Details
51182 2505 1505/06 (A.H. 911) Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Ṣaffār Arabic Full Details
50180 2507 18th century Planispheric Persia (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
52473 2527 1081/2 Planispheric Guadalajara Muḥammad ibn Sa‘īd as-Ṣabbān Arabic Full Details
48470 2529 early 10th century Rete Syria (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
34611 2530 ca. 1600 Planispheric India (?) Unknown Arabic Full Details
46935 2531 1641/2 (A.H. 1051) Planispheric Lahore Muḥammad Muqīm Arabic Full Details
45581 2532 ca. 1660 Planispheric Persia Muḥammad Mahdī Arabic Full Details
37940 2536 early 18th century Planispheric Persia ’Abd al-’Alī Arabic Full Details
53307 2537 17th century (?) Planispheric Turkey Unknown Arabic Full Details
41460 2539 ca. 1800 Planispheric North Africa Unknown Arabic Full Details
52478 2540 18th century Planispheric India Unknown Sanskrit Full Details
38862 2553 1653/4 (A.H. 1064) Planispheric,  Indo-Persian Lahore Ḍiyā’ ad-Dīn Muḥammad Persian Full Details
50853 3579 1327/28 (A.H. 724) Planispheric Taza ‘Alī ibn Ibrāhīm al-Jazzār Arabic Full Details
50257 1000000 1558 Planispheric Bologna Giovanni Domenico Feciolo Latin Full Details
43454 1000000 ca. 1575 Planispheric London Humphry Cole Latin Full Details
52332 1000000 18th century (?) Planispheric,  Blank in template Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
49687 1000000 1480/1 (A. H. 885) Spherical Syria (?) Mūsa Arabic Full Details
30402 1000000 late 18th or early 19th century Planispheric India Unknown Sanskrit Full Details
47792 1000000 ca. 1800 Planispheric Turkey Shaykh Sakkūt Arabic Full Details
49359 1000000 ca. 1370 Planispheric England (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
88453 1000000 18th century Plate Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
41524 1000000 18th century Plate Persia Unknown Arabic Full Details
33411 1000000 17th century Planispheric India Unknown Arabic Full Details
41951 1000000 16th century (?) Planispheric Europe Unknown Numbers Full Details
21423 1000000 1929 Planispheric London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
58805 1000000 1925 Planispheric London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
75059 1000000 1925 Planispheric Oxford Charles Frewen Jenkin English Full Details
50769 1000000 14th century Planispheric Sicily (?) Unknown Latin Full Details
45365 1000000 late 16th century Planispheric Flanders Unknown Latin Full Details
51934 1000000 1943 Linear Brussels Henri Michel French Full Details
27786 1000000 1925 Planispheric,  Modern plastic London W. Watson & Sons English Full Details
40670 1000000 1979 Planispheric England Harold N. Saunders English Full Details
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