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Marconiphone Crystal Junior Receiver Type RB2, by Marconi Company, Chelmsford, 1922

Inventory Number: 99532

99532-1t 99532-3t 99532-2t

Date: 1922

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "MARCONIPHONE / MWTCL [LOGO]" transfer on exterior surface of case lid. See Documents for other inscriptions.

Size: 200 x 140 x 130 mm (case)

Materials: Galena, carborundum, ebonite, nickel, celluloid, steel, bakelite, plastic?

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 81.


Marconiphone Crystal Junior Type RB2 Receiver, made by Marconiphone department of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., with alternative galena and carborundum crystals. With steel headphone plugs, steel Aerial and Earth terminals, crysal mounting and nickel-plated components and bakelite knob, all upon ebonite surface. Receiver includes a detachable range block, two Marconi transfers and printed insert in the lid with operating instructions, in mock leather plastic? case. This crystal set, simpler and cheaper than the V2 receiver, was also made by Plessey.

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