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Variable Resistance Switch For Aircraft Wireless Telephone Type AD2, by Marconi Company, England, c. 1920

Inventory Number: 99434

12938-99434-1t 99434-1t 99434-2t

Date: c. 1920

Maker Details: Attributed to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: None

Size: 100 mm in diameter

Materials: Plastic?, nickel, assorted metals.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 144.


Variable Resistance Switch For Aircraft Wireless Telephone Type AD2, as used in the associated remote control unit. With circular metal coil around red plastic? central mounting. With nickel-plated terminals and control switch. Previously catalogued and associated with Instruction Manual For Aircraft Wireless Telephone Type AD2 (Inv. Num. 32919) and Aircraft Wireless Telephone Type AD2 (Inv. Num. 12938).

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