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12 Volt Fleming Valve, by Ediswan, London, c. 1905

Inventory Number: 89342

Number of documents: 2

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Manufacturer Details - Ediswan


Ediswan, the trade name of the Edison and Swan United Electric Light Company Limited, made this valve for Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd. Joseph Swan, a Briton, and Thomas Edison, the famous American inventor jointly founded the company, as a result of the major court battle they fought over who was the original inventor of the electric light bulb. The company produced all the Marconi valves up to 1919, manufactured at them at their factory in Ponders End, North London.

Some Ediswan valves were marked 'Royal Ediswan' up to 1923.

Document Type: Label

Document Heading: Associated Label - Inv. Num.s 67148 & 89342


Associated label states this is one of the two valves used for experimental demonstrations to officers of the Navy, Army and Post Office at Poldhu in 1905.

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