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Marconi Note Magifier Type 227B, by Marconi Company, England, c. 1920

Inventory Number: 76594

40124-41345-76594-2t 40124-41345-76594-1t 76594-1t 76594-2t

Date: c. 1920

Maker Details: Signed by the Marconi International Marine Communication Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "MARCONI I. M. COM. CO LTD / NOTE MAGNIFIER / TYPE 227B INST NO 2290" on ebonite panel.

Size: 335 x 160 x 85 mm (height excluding knobs and terminals)

Materials: Teak, chromium, bakelite?, ebonite.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 119.


Marconi Note Magnifier Type 227B, with single valve plug, off/on switch, bakelite? filament dial, and seven terminals on vertical ebonite panel with chromium-plated fittings in teak case. Terminals are marked "T" (pair), "TELEPHONES" (pair), "+L.T.", "COM-", and "H.T.+". Single valve missing. Previously catalogued with Marconi Receiver Type 226B (Inv. Num. 40124), Marconi Long Wave Panel Type 229B (Inv. Num. 41345) and two associated Radio Valves (Inv. Num.s 88794 & 85569).

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