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Ship's Bridge Telephone, Early 20th Century

Inventory Number: 72842

72842-1t 72842-2t 57185-72842-2t 72842-3t 57185-72842-1t

Date: Early 20th Century

Maker Details: Unknown

Inscription: "ZE C MC L" printed on edge of side, under lid.

Size: 140 x 120 x 85 mm (case including speaker)

Materials: Mahogany?, nickel, bakelite?, copper, plastic, assorted metals.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 121, Science Museum Loan 1962-173 PT 2, 833/2 (white tag).


Ship's Bridge Telephone, with nickel-plated bell, hook and speaker in wall-mounting lidded mahogany? case. Including exterior nickel-plated receiver with polished black bakelite? mouthpiece connected to apparatus with cord. With red button on side case, possibly for emergency or calling. Lid opens to reveal interior, including printed circuit diagram stuck to interior surface of lid. Interior includes mulitple nickel-plated terminals and components, plastic-covered resistor, two "7.5" copper-wrapped coils and assorted wires. "ZE C MC L" printed on part of case possibly stands for 'Zinc Electrode Carbon Microphone Line'. Previously catalogued and associated with matching Ship's Bridge Telephone (Inv. Num. 57185).

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