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Replica Righi Oscillator, Late 20th Century

Inventory Number: 70590

Number of documents: 2

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Historical Background


Multiple Oscillators were invented by Heinrich Hertz, and later improved by Augusto Righi. The improved versions were often referred to as 'Righi Oscillators'. Righi was a Professor at the University of Bologna, an expert on Hertzian waves, and a family friend of the Marconi family. Righi first made Marconi aware of Hertzian waves, and Marconi used a Righi Oscillator in his earliest experiments.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Technical Details


When a high voltage is applied to the oscillator, a discharge takes place across the two outer spark-gaps, but then transfers to the central spark-gap which causes very short Hertzian waves to be radiated.

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