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Marconiphone Two-Valve Receiver Type V2A, by Marconiphone Company, England, c. 1924

Inventory Number: 58602

Number of documents: 4

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Inscription - Inv. Num. 58602


"G. Marconi [Signature Logo]" transfer upon exterior surface of case lid. "BBC [LOGO] / C.P.O REG No 0175 / MARCONIPHONE V2A / LONG RANGE MODEL" transfer upon interior surface of case lid. "MARCONIPHONE / WAVE-LENGTH / 390 - 530 / METRES" printed on celluloid circular plaque upon side of rear wavelength plate. "MARCONIPHONE / TYPE RBIB / REGENERATOR UNIT / FOR 300 - 500 / METRES" etched on side of generator unit'>regenerator unit. "FIL. VOLTS '25[?] / BVA [LOGO] / PROTECTED BY PATENTS / MULLARD / PM1 HF / XE / MAX ANODE VOLTS150" on top of one valve.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Manufacturer Details - Marconiphone Company


After World War I, the Marconi Company began producing non-industrial receivers, principally for the amateur market, at the Soho premises of The Marconi Scientific Instrument Company. In 1922, the Marconi Company formed the 'Marconiphone' department, to design, manufacture and sell domestic receiving equipment. This equipment complied with Post Office specifications and tests, and was therefore awarded the BBC authorisation stamp; initially sets were made at the Chelmsford Works. In December 1923, the 'Marconiphone' department was formed as a subsidiary of the Marconi Company. Some Marconiphone Company sets were made at the Sterling Telephone Company (STC) Works at Dagenham. However, design and research of these domestic receivers still continued at Chelmsford. In 1929, the Marconiphone was sold to the Gramophone Company, along with the right to use the trademark 'Marconiphone' and the copyright signature 'G. Marconi' on domestic receivers. Hence, many domestic receivers were produced bearing the Marconiphone trademark, but the ones manufactured after 1929 had no connection with the Marconi Company.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Historical Background - British Radio Valve Manufacturers' Association (BVA)


The British Radio Valve Manufacturers' Association (BVA) was established in July 1926 and was a registered trade union. It had been preceded by the Valve Manufacturers' Association, which had established a 'Memorandum of Sales Plan'. This agreement, which was signed by the seven major British valve manufacturers, secured a uniform practice in the sale of radio valves for broadcasting purposes in the UK. Practical examples included similar discounts and sales conditions, and were considered a form of restrictive practice. This association continued into the 1950s.

Document Type: Miscellaneous Note

Document Heading: Object Dating - Inv. Num. 58602


This item can be accurately dated to 1923-1924 as BBC logo ("TYPE APPROVED BY POSTMASTER GENERAL") was used from 1st November 1922 until September 1924. Instrument is also signed by Marconiphone Company which was founded in December 1923. Therefore, it is highly likely that instrument was made in 1924.

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