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'Marconi' Direction Finder Type 11F, by Marconi Company, London, c. 1920

Inventory Number: 54065

54065-1t 54065-2t

Date: c. 1920

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "'MARCONI' / DIRECTION FINDER / TYPE 11.F. / P.S. No. 1977 A / INST. No 351150 / MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO. LTD." printed on metal plaque on front exterior surface. See Documents for other inscriptions.

Size: 470 x 440 x 300 mm (maximum extremities)

Materials: Teak, ebonite, glass, nickel, plastic?, assorted metals.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 61, Science Museum Loan 1936-272, 786 (white tag).


'Marconi' Direction Finder Type 11F, with assorted vertical and sloped ebonite panels, in a dovetailed teak case. With seven DEV/Q valves, note magnifier switch, and filaments control upon upper vertical surface. With yellow glazed-top radiogoniometer (scale 0-360) and tuning condenser dial (scale 0-10), parallel condenser switch, DF sense switch, upon central sloping ebonite and white plastic? panel. With earthing relay and calibrating choke ebonite sections upon lower vertical section. With four plugs, two nickel-plated terminals (marked "DF1", "DF2"), and a bank of five nickel-plated terminals (marked "EARTH", "PORT", "STBD.", "AFT", "FORE" respectively) on left hand side exterior surface of case. With a bank of five nickel-plated terminals (marked "SWITCH", "4V+", "6V+", "COMM", "HT+" respectively) upon right hand side exterior surface of case.

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