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'Marconi' Direction Finder Type DFM2, by Marconi Company, London, c. 1927

Inventory Number: 29821

29821-2t 29821-4t 29821-3t 29821-1t

Date: c. 1927

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "'MARCONI' / DIRECTION FINDER / TYPE D.F.M.2 P.S. No. 2592 A / INST.No.362863 MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO LTD LONDON" printed on metal plaque upon exterior surface of front metal panel.

Size: 870 x 375 x 210 mm (case)

Materials: Teak, brass, ebonite, glass, bakelite, celluloid, steel.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 63, Science Museum Loan 1936-273.


'Marconi' Direction Finder Type DFM2, in grey-enamelled brass and teak case with hinged lid upon upper surface (revealing interior). Interior includes brass tuning condenser, assorted glass valves, coils and other circuitry. With assorted, primarily bakelite controls upon front vertical metal surface. Controls include filaments dial (scale 1-8), mode dial (standby, direction finder, sense), on/off dial, s.c tuning condenser dial (scale 0-10), glass-faced radiogoniometer (scale 0-360), tuning condenser dial (scale 450-1200 metres), coupling dial (scale 0-90), second tuning condenser dial (scale 600-1200 metres), third tuning condenser dial (scale 450-1200 metres), tuning adjustment dial (scale -5,0,5), note magnifier on/off switch. Controls are marked with celluloid nameplaques. With two S625 screened grid valves.

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